
Pseudointima: The Illusion of Deep Intimacy

In the modern world, where technology penetrates all spheres of our lives, new forms of communication and interaction are emerging, including pseudo-intimacy. The term "pseudo-intimacy" is derived from a combination of the prefix "pseudo-" (false, counterfeit) and the Latin word "intimus" (innermost), and describes the illusion of deep intimacy and emotional connection that we can experience in situations where such intimacy actually occurs. does not exist.

With the development of social networks, instant messengers and other online platforms, it has become possible to maintain constant virtual communication with people from different parts of the world. We can exchange messages, photos, videos and even make video calls, creating the feeling that we are as close as if we were right next to each other. However, this is just an illusion.

Pseudointima can occur in various situations. For example, when communicating with strangers on the Internet, where we can share the most personal and intimate details of our lives without experiencing any real connection or trust. We can create an image of an ideal interlocutor, hide behind a mask of virtual anonymity and receive satisfaction from emotional communication, but have no intention or ability to transform this into a real relationship.

Pseudo-intimacy can also arise in relationships where one of the parties tries to create the illusion of a deep emotional connection, but in fact is not ready or unwilling to open up enough to give the partner the opportunity to know her true essence. In such cases, pseudo-intimacy becomes a mask behind which lies uncertainty, fear or lack of desire to go to a deeper level of communication.

It is important to understand that pseudo-intimacy is not a replacement for real, deep and mutual relationships. It can provide some comfort and satisfaction, but it cannot replace real emotional connection, which requires openness, trust, and a willingness to share yourself with another person.

To avoid falling into the trap of pseudo-intimacy, it is important to be aware and critical of virtual relationships. It must be remembered that behind the screen there is a real person, with his own thoughts, feelings and motivations. Gradually developing relationships, meeting in real life and openly discussing expectations and boundaries will help distinguish pseudo-intimacy from a real connection.

In conclusion, pseudointimacy is the result of our desire for intimacy and connection, which in some cases can be superficial and deceptive. It may bring some satisfaction, but it cannot replace real emotional connection and deep mutual understanding. By being aware and critical of virtual relationships, we can strive for real intimacy and authentic connections that will bring us true satisfaction and emotional fulfillment.

Pseudointimate always pursues a specific goal; it could be money, connections or social status.

The substitution of intimacy can be expressed not only in material wealth and connections with influential people, but also in simple things, for example, in communication, appearance and manners. Among the leading pseudo-wine personalities one can single out stingy, greedy people with the habits of geniuses. In the pursuit of fame, they may even be embarrassed by their appearance, turning from carnal bodies into something ephemeral. Often a sign of a pseudosoul is not