Pseudomilium colloidal

**Pseudocolloidal milium** is a common type of skin disease that can be caused by various factors. This condition is characterized by the formation of small, hard growths on the skin that can cause discomfort and pain. In this article, we'll look at pseudocolloid milia in more detail, including their causes, symptoms, and treatment.

What is pseudocolloid milia?

Pseudocolloid milium (PMC) is a group of skin conditions characterized by small, droplet-like nodules protruding from the skin and thick sebaceous plugs. The unpleasant condition is not severe, but can cause inconvenience.

PMC usually affects the face, but can also occur on the neck, ears, and scalp. Some patients notice it only around the mouth or eyes, where it does not cause discomfort. It can also be located on the back and stomach, possibly on the genitals, limbs