Pseudomonas folliculitis: symptoms and treatment

The content of the article:
  1. Symptoms
  2. Classification
  3. Causes
  4. Diagnostics
  5. Treatment
  6. Traditional methods of treatment
  7. Preventive actions

Pseudomonas folliculitis is an acute skin infection that develops after prolonged exposure to contaminated water. The disease is also known as “hot bath” folliculitis. The disease is more common in children in the form of an urticarial red lesion on the skin in the center with a pustule or papule. Qualified prevention will help avoid skin damage, and high-quality treatment will quickly block folliculitis, even progressive ones. It is important to follow the rules of hygiene, use antibacterial drugs and prevent complications. Otherwise, treatment may be delayed.

Symptoms of pseudomonas folliculitis

Photo of pseudomonas folliculitis appearing on the skin

Pseudomonas folliculitis affects children more often than adults because they spend longer in water. The disease begins to manifest itself within 8-48 hours (less often 72 hours). There is no spread of infection from person to person.

The symptoms of the disease are as follows: itchy lesions and uniform round red rashes with a papule or pustule in the center appear on the body. Rashes can be single or multiple. In areas of compressed skin, the rashes are more intense. This happens more often when wearing closed, tight-fitting swimsuits. In the acute form, a high temperature rises, signs of intoxication, general malaise and weakness appear. The skin becomes more sensitive.

With progressive “hot bath” folliculitis, the rashes fester. Then the papules are opened to release the contents. The wounds are covered with a crust, which peels off over time, and the affected areas are restored with proper treatment. If folliculitis is accompanied by a secondary infection or it becomes protracted, then the purulent-inflammatory processes intensify.

Classification of pseudomonas folliculitis

Depending on the lesion, deep and superficial folliculitis are distinguished. In the first case, painful pustules with purulent contents form on the skin. Their size can reach 10 mm in diameter. A mature rash begins to dry out 5 days after formation. With superficial folliculitis, small ulcers with a diameter of 5 mm appear. The lesions are conical in shape and pierced by hair. The inflammatory process is weak, the disease proceeds calmly. After 2-3 days, the ulcers dry out and wrinkle.

Depending on the course of the disease, “hot bath” folliculitis occurs:

  1. Simple. In most cases, people are infected with a simple form. The disease is mild with mild symptoms. The lesions clear up after 7-10 days without specific treatment. However, relapses of rashes may appear within 3 months.
  2. Complicated. Secondary infections occur, causing purulent-necrotic processes to develop. If the disease affects the deep layers of the skin, complications appear (abscess, boil, carbuncle). When inflammation affects the subcutaneous fatty tissue, phlegmon occurs, the growth of which requires surgical intervention.

Causes of pseudomonas folliculitis

The disease mainly manifests itself after being in contaminated water, for example, in a swimming pool, whirlpool bath, physiotherapy pool, hot tub, or on water attractions in violation of aseptic rules. The causative agent is Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pseudomonas bacteria), which gets on the skin and begins to progress. You can also get sick at home if the temperature of the hot water is not high enough and the chlorine content in it is below the required level. Then Pseudomonas aeruginosa does not die and infection occurs upon contact with the skin.

Of all people exposed to Pseudomonas species, the chance of contracting Pseudomonas folliculitis is 7 to 100%. If the disease is accompanied by dermatological problems on the skin, then the probability of infection is 100%. The rate of development of the disease depends on the state of immune defense and the individual characteristics of the body. The following provoking factors are identified that rapidly progress the disease:

  1. skin injuries;
  2. antibacterial therapy;
  3. treatment with immunosuppressants;
  4. diabetes;
  5. previous use of corticosteroids;
  6. application of occlusive dressings.

Diagnosis of pseudomonas folliculitis

Photo of pseudomonas folliculitis on the buttock

The dermatologist makes a diagnosis during the initial examination. General diagnostic methods are as follows:

  1. A bacterial culture is prescribed to identify the pathogen in order to identify the pseudomonas form of the disease.
  2. The hair follicle is examined.
  3. Provoking factors are identified.
  4. Other dermatological diseases are excluded.
  5. In differential diagnosis, pathologies such as syphilis, gonorrhea, furunculosis, and pityriasis rosea are excluded.

For prolonged folliculitis, visit an allergist-immunologist to find out the causes of long-term disease and relapse.

Treatment of pseudomonas folliculitis

Pseudomonas folliculitis often goes away on its own if hygiene and proper skin care are followed. The main therapy is superficial treatment of the skin: salicylic alcohol, aniline dyes, ichthyol ointment, sanguiritrin, 2% chloramphenicol. Anti-inflammatory and healing agent - calendula tincture.

The condition is alleviated by a compress with acetic acid, which is soaked into gauze and applied to the lesion for 20 minutes three times a day. Additionally, a broad-spectrum drug is used - a cream with silver sulfadiazine, which suppresses the proliferation of fungi, prevents inflammatory processes and alleviates symptoms.

In case of a strong and protracted disease process with complications, Ciprofloxacin (fluoroquinol antibiotic) is used, which divides microorganisms and microbes that are in a quiet stage. The drug is used orally, sometimes injected, but only as prescribed by a doctor.

During treatment, follow a diet. Limit the consumption of fats and carbohydrates, exclude spicy, salty and canned foods from the diet.

  1. Read about common methods of treating folliculitis

Traditional methods of treating pseudomonas folliculitis

Since hot bath folliculitis is caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, it often goes away on its own. To speed up the healing process, alternative medicine is used: decoctions, tinctures, compresses.

  1. Infusion of viburnum and rose hips. The berries are poured into 1 liter of boiling water in equal proportions, left in a thermos for 24 hours and filtered. The infusion is used to wipe the pustules and make compresses.
  2. Strong chamomile decoction used for lotions, compresses, rubdowns. For 200 ml of boiling water 1 tbsp. l. dried inflorescences, incubated for 3 hours and filtered.
  3. Dandelion roots medicinal. A decoction is prepared from the plant and taken orally. For 2 tsp. crushed rhizomes take 250 ml of boiling water. The broth is boiled for 10 minutes, filtered, cooled and taken 50 ml.
  4. Thistle suitable for compresses. The fresh above-ground part of the plant is crushed and applied to the lesions.

Read about other home treatments for folliculitis.

Preventive measures for pseudomonas folliculitis

To speed up the recovery process and prevent a relapse of the disease, you need to take preventive measures:

  1. Swim in water that has been pre-treated with chlorine
  2. Do not take hot baths for a long time.
  3. Do not use substances with a high concentration of alkali to treat leather.
  4. Do not use other people's towels, hygiene and bath accessories.
  5. Disinfect sensitive and irritated skin.
  6. Increase the body's immune defense. Use vitamin and mineral complexes and carry out physiotherapeutic treatment methods.
  7. Ultraviolet irradiation has a positive effect on the skin. UHF therapy and exposure to short ultraviolet waves have proven themselves well.
  8. Carry out antiseptic treatment of microtraumas with alcohol solutions.
  9. For other diseases (diabetes mellitus, gastrointestinal pathology, endocrine disorders, immunodeficiency state), carry out proper treatment of the underlying disease.