Pseudoptosis Trachomatous

Pseudoptosis is called drooping of the upper eyelid. It can occur as a result of various diseases or be caused by physiological factors. People of any age and gender, even children, are susceptible to pseudoptosis. There are 4 forms of this pathology:

- Epicanthus; - Ptosis; - Lagophthalmos; - Lenticonus.

Sometimes drooping lower eyelids are accompanied by other defects that may require surgical treatment. Only a doctor will be able to determine the need for surgical intervention and select the most appropriate option for the procedure. For this, the patient is prescribed additional examinations and consultations with other specialists. Besides

Pseudoptosytrachomatous button is an eye disease that causes drooping of the eyelid due to scarring in the tissues of the skin and muscles of the eye. It is associated with chronic inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye caused by infection with the ocular vector, chlamydia. As a result of prolonged exposure to infection, the eyelids become puffy, and the cartilage of the eyelids sharply thickens and takes on the appearance of “trachoma,” which is why this type of pseudoptosis is called Trachomatid.
