Pseudo-memories Pseudo-hallucinatory

Pseudo-memories, pseudo-hallucin, remember gal!

We all sometimes dive into memories of childhood, school years, first love or some significant moments in life. These memories do not always reflect the real picture of events and can be very subjective and sometimes even erroneous. However

Pseudomemories are any fictitious or distorted memories. If, for example, you decided that there was money in your pocket in a certain place, then such a memory will also be considered a pseudo-memory, like a memory of events that actually happened, but changed over time due to amnesia. A memory is a reflection of something previously perceived by a real subject or a reflection of the past stored in a person’s memory. Memories can be classified in relation to the date and place of their creation. Memories reflect impressions of specific experiences that connected with the general direction of the personality and gave them meaning. Subjective experience creates an individual understanding of the world. Experience influences judgments made in the present and determines future actions - all this is determined by the past and experiences. Events give meaning and direction to life.