
Symphalangia: a rare developmental disorder of the fingers

Symphalangia is a rare congenital disease characterized by an abnormal development of the phalanges of the fingers. The term "symphalangy" comes from the Greek word "phalanx", meaning "phalanx of the finger", and the prefix "sym-", indicating union or fusion.

With symphalangy, fusion of the phalanges of the fingers occurs, which leads to their hypoplasia or complete absence. It usually affects the proximal phalanges (those closest to the hand), but can affect any phalanx of the finger. The disease can be unilateral or bilateral, and also affect one or more fingers.

Symphalangia can manifest itself in varying degrees of severity. In some cases, fusion of the phalanges results in the formation of one consolidated bone, which makes the finger immobile. In other cases, the phalanges may be partially united, maintaining some degree of mobility.

The reasons for the development of symphalangy are not completely clear. It may be the result of genetic mutations or exposure to external factors in the early stages of embryonic development. Some forms of symphalangy are associated with inherited syndromes such as Down syndrome or Wagner syndrome.

The diagnosis of symphalangy is established on the basis of visual examination and x-ray studies. Although treatment for symphalangy is not always necessary, in some cases