Psychiatry Social

Psychiatric social care studies the importance of social conditions and living conditions in the occurrence of mental illness, and also uses social factors for the prevention and rehabilitation of the mentally ill population. This is a branch of psychiatry that examines the relationship between mental health and social conditions such as poverty, unemployment, discrimination, violence, etc.

Social psychiatry is actively working to develop social assistance programs for people suffering from mental illness. Such programs include training patients in self-control skills, support from public organizations and specialists, training in stress management methods, as well as social and occupational rehabilitation.

Social-psychiatric rehabilitation plays an important role in the treatment of psychiatric problems. Rehabilitation aims to restore the patient's ability to participate in social activities, realize their own life and participate in society. For this purpose, individual

Social psychiatry is a branch of psychiatry that studies the importance of social factors in the occurrence and development of mental illness, as well as the use of social measures for the prevention and treatment of mental disorders. She is also involved in social rehabilitation and employment of mentally ill people.

Social factors such as poverty, unemployment, domestic violence and others can lead to deterioration in mental health. Mental disorders can occur due to stress associated with these factors and can lead to social isolation, poverty and other negative consequences.

Within the framework of social psychiatry, research is conducted aimed at identifying the social causes of mental illness and developing programs for prevention, rehabilitation and employment of mentally ill people. Such programs may include training social workers, creating work and training conditions for mentally ill people, and conducting activities to prevent mental disorders among the population.