Poikilothymic psychopathy

Psychopathy is a character disorder that is characterized by an unstable emotional state and inappropriate behavior. One type of psychopathy is the poikilothymic type, which is characterized by a lack of stability of mood and emotions. People with poikilotomy type of psychopathy may experience sudden mood swings, such as from depression to euphoria, or from

Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterized by chronic affective, that is, emotional, imbalance. A person suffering from psychopathy is unable to express his emotions and experiences the way other people do. In this case, mental activity is represented by emotional dissatisfaction.

**Poikiloic Psychopathy**

Poikilogical psychopathy (Greek poikilos - mottled skin + thymos - arc, bend) - otherwise called a motley constitution of the soul, the most common due to the high percentage of its incidence among the population. The definition of “poikilogical psychopathy” refers to a congenital genetic mutation in the development of the brain during the intrauterine formation of the fetus inside the mother’s uterus. The term psychopathy refers to human personality disorders. When one or another mental quality of a person is violated, a certain characteristic mental illness develops. The physiological basis of this process is the incorrect formation