Psychosis Circular

Circular psychosis is a serious mental disorder that manifests itself in the form of a distortion of reality. This is a condition in which a person begins to see the world around him differently, which can lead to serious consequences. A person sees objects around him in a circle and cannot distinguish reality from his fantasies. This diagnosis falls under the category of schizophrenic disorders and can be caused by various factors, such as genetic predisposition, brain injury, infections, certain medications or chemicals.

Symptoms of circular psychosis can vary in severity, but usually include hallucinations, delusions and loss of touch with reality. The person may feel stalked, feel someone else's thoughts, hear voices, or see objects that don't exist. Psychosis can happen once or be repeated again and again, causing a person discomfort and sometimes even a threat to life.

Treatment of circulatory psychosis is a complex process that can require a lot of time and effort. First of all, it is necessary to identify the cause that caused this disorder and stop the action of provoking factors, if they exist. If the cause is mental illness or pre-existing mental disorders, you should contact specialists for their treatment. Medication may also be used to block the symptoms of the disorder or suppress its activity.

However, the most effective treatment is a comprehensive intervention, including psychotherapy, which helps the person regain contact with reality, helping him make important decisions. It is very important that the patient is surrounded by the care of loved ones