Psychosis Diencephalopathic

Title: Diencepalopathic psychosis

Diencephalopathy is a disease characterized by disruption of the brain, which manifests itself in the form of mental disorders and behavioral disorders. It usually develops in people over 40 and may be associated with dementia, alcoholism or depression. In this article we will look at what diencephalopathic psychosis is, its symptoms and treatment.

What is diencephalic psychosis? Psychosis is characterized by the occurrence of psychotic symptoms, which are caused by a disruption of the connection between the reticular formation of the brain stem and the cerebral cortex. Manifested by impaired associative activity, thought disorder, pathological attitude to reality, anxiety, fear, asthenia, depersonalization, memory impairment

Due to its low prevalence and variable symptoms, this psychosis is rarely diagnosed and is often mistaken for another type of mental disorder. To make a diagnosis, the doctor must pay attention to a number of specific symptoms and the clinical picture as a whole. Psychosis can also be accompanied by abnormalities in brain biochemistry, endocrine disorders, arterial hypertension, respiratory diseases and a disorder of the immune system. One of the main symptoms of diencephalic psychosis is psychomotor agitation, behavioral changes, impaired motor coordination, depression and chronic anxiety. This manifestation can lead to changes in heart rate, impaired reflexes, pathological changes in skin color, hyperthermia, and epileptic seizures. In some cases, one of the manifestations of diencephalic psychosis is disorientation in space or impairment of cognitive functions such as memory, attention and counting. Due to impaired attention and control over the performance of certain actions, delusions and hallucinations may occur. Such conditions may be mistaken for mental or physical illnesses, whereas they may turn out to be more serious and require medical intervention. Therefore, if you experience symptoms of impaired functioning of the body, impaired memory, attention, or the appearance of hallucinations, you should immediately consult a doctor to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. You should not try to self-medicate or ignore signs of pathological conditions, as this can lead to a worsening of the situation and the development of complications. The earlier diencephalopathy is detected, the more effective the treatment will be and the less chance of developing negative consequences.