Psychosis Cycloid Leonhard

Cycloid - **psychosis** of the Leogardian circle. The state of a characterological shift of personality to the opposite type of reaction in the process of its development. This disease is characterized by a cyclical course with fluctuations in mental activity while maintaining the basic mood. In parallel with the change of phases, the patient’s internal attitude and the reality around him change. Currently, the diagnosis of P.c.l. is not generally accepted.

Symptoms of P. Cycloids (tachistodynia). During the manic period, the state of arousal prevails in the arousal phase. Positive, inadequate delusional ideas are expressed with false conviction, statements are made in a heightened, expansive tone, as if talkative in one breath, but during a pause he speaks calmly, without excitement, speaks quickly, is accompanied by gait in step, facial expressions with pronounced excitability. The phenomenon of “idiotic bravado” is characteristic when the patient does imprudent acts and states of intoxication. Speeches about the experienced psychopath-like states are interrupted by individual words and shouts about the work being demonstrated, which creates the impression of an incoherent conversation. Appearance - unusual position of the body; gait - staggering, swaying, sticking out the lower body; the affect of fear is replaced by its opposite state - disdain for death; eye symptoms - unusually dilated pupils appear, blurred vision, wandering gaze, not fixed on anything, state of alcoholic intoxication, drunken pursuit. Lack of contact, external detachment, the form of response to treatment among cycloids is stylized - “with humor.”

The depression phase is characterized by a predominance of depressed mood with emotional and motor retardation. Patients with low response in all behavior are observed to have a depressed mood and a lack of motivation that could increase the activity of the patients. The most typical complaints are thoughts about one’s inferiority, fears, that one is fixated, that life is unbearable. At the same time, there is a tendency to touchiness, irritability, mood lability, tears