Psychosis Phenamine

“Phenamine” psychosis Probably every second teenager now has taken something similar. It is one of the best-selling surfactants in the post-Soviet space. But how does Phenomin work, and is it dangerous? A drug is a chemical substance found in the human body that causes alcohol or drug addiction. In the case of “Phennomin”, it should be classified in a different category, since the substance does not cause physiological dependence, but only psychological dependence. Psychotropic effect: Initially, the substance has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. It can be described as a mixture of caffeine and amphetamine. A person becomes more active, cheerful and sociable. Then a strong euphoria appears, causing the pupils to dilate. But at the same moment, the production of gastric juice greatly increases and hyperacid gastritis quickly develops. Moreover, the content of gastric juice can provoke gastric bleeding. In addition, many users experienced blurred vision with hallucinations, red eyes and blurred vision. Then the effect of the medication abruptly stops, which is accompanied by a powerful constriction of the pupils and immediately a sharp drop in blood pressure. Symptoms of body intoxication then appear: nausea and vomiting, possible diarrhea and cramps. During severe overdoses, the person falls into a coma. The cumulative effect of the drug provokes a worsening of the patient's condition. Gradually, hypoxemia and hypoglycemia develop in the brain. But the worst thing is the increase in the level of antibodies in the blood. This is life-threatening, requiring admission to the intensive care unit. It can be complicated by renal failure and rapid heartbeat against the background of a sharp narrowing of blood vessels. After taking Fennomin, a person, although he feels great, after 3-6 hours begins to experience severe headache, nausea, weakness and an increase in body temperature. These symptoms can last up to a day or more. Exacerbation of symptoms occurs due to the removal of neuroleptic substances.