Ptosis Senile

Senile ptosis is a loss of muscle tone in the eyelids, which can occur against the background of age-related changes in the skin and eyelids. Sometimes this pathology is called “drooping eyelid.”

Ptosis is not only a cosmetic problem, so you should consult a doctor. In early senile ptosis, the cause of deformation can be various diseases: endocrine disorders, cardiovascular problems, autoimmune reactions. With late ptosis, during the development of pathological processes in the tissues of the dermis and eyelids, the functioning of the capillaries is disrupted. This reason is the most common. Also, surgical intervention leads to pathological changes in senile ptosis. Diagnosis and treatment of ptosis If the problem is not identified in a timely manner, then pathological changes become irreversible, and cosmetic defects are deformed forever. The aging process of all tissues of the body begins long before its biological death. Metabolic and cellular reactions lead to the destruction of living cells, their replacement by hyaline ones, while the growths become rough and folded. This causes a gradual decline