
Article: Pulmon: A man with mild problems

Have you ever heard of the word “Pulmon”? What is it and why is it so important in our lives? Let's find out!

Pulmon - this word came to us from the Latin language and is translated as “lungs”. In medical practice, “pulmon” is a generalized name for organs that are located inside the chest. For example: heart, lungs, pleura, trachea. "Pulmo" refers to organs, and "-on" is a term denoting a group of homogeneous anatomical structures or systems.

**Pulmonary diseases**: Pulmonary diseases are pathologies of the respiratory system. Among the most common mild diseases: - bronchial asthma; - pneumonia; - tuberculosis; - obstructive bronchitis; - bronchiectasis; - lung cancer and other oncological diseases of the respiratory system; - chronic lung diseases, non-infectious etiology. These and many other diseases are caused by inflammatory, tumor, allergic processes, are distinguished by their characteristic symptoms and require a professional approach from a specialist.

There are several symptoms that may indicate lung problems: fever, shortness of breath, cough, weakness, chest pain and difficulty breathing. If you notice these signs, seek medical help immediately.

To prevent life-threatening diseases, it is necessary to undergo regular medical examinations. Many scientists around the world are working to find new methods for treating minor diseases, and one of the most promising is the use of robotics, laser and plasma surgery and gene therapy. Also, the most important factor in maintaining healthy lungs is controlling bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol. A person’s pulse is an important indicator characterizing the state of his health. It reflects cardiac activity, blood circulation intensity, oxygen supply to the body and, of course, fatigue. Doctors can detect changes in pulse rate by carefully examining the patient’s sensations and taking an electrocardiogram (ECG). You can measure your pulse yourself; to do this, you need to clench your hand into a fist, holding the tip of your thumb. But we must not forget that the correct result is ten pulse beats per minute. The normal heart rate is from 60 to 80 beats per minute for adults 40-50 years old. These numbers are far from healthy.