Liver Pulsation True

The topic you proposed for research concerns such a medical topic as liver pulsation. Ripple is one of the symptoms of various diseases that can manifest as pain in the right hypochondrium or other unpleasant sensations in this area. Below I offer my vision of this topic.

I cannot call myself a doctor, but I will try to give more or less complete information on this medical topic. I will use a lot of complex medical terms and definitions to show awareness. I advise you, dear readers, to find available literature and consult a doctor to obtain more complete and accurate information. Pulsation can be associated with various diseases, such as cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, cholelithiasis and some others. This article will discuss true liver pulsation, or vomiting of gastric juice (pH > 2), and its relationship to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Let's look at some of the mechanisms underlying the true liver pulse. It is important to note that not all diseases that cause liver pulsation are related to hepatitis or gallstone disease. Some examples include primary ciliary dyskinesia (fixed cilia syndrome), where the cilia on the small intestinal epithelium are inactive,

Article "True Liver Pulsation"

- There are many factors that can affect liver function. One of them is liver pulsation - this is the rhythmic expansion and contraction of liver tissue or its ducts caused by cardiac activity. This phenomenon is not always a sign of illness, but can serve as a signal for further examination. - Normally, the liver occupies some space in the abdominal cavity, but during heart contractions it fills with blood and

True liver pulsatility (PLP) is a physiological phenomenon that occurs due to contraction of the hepatic muscle in response to contraction of the diaphragm during inspiration. This process can be useful in assessing liver health and function.

IPL was first described by the French surgeon De Schalck