Vitreous Detachment

The detachment process of the vitreous is the most serious phenomenon for our visual system. Inside this structure is a fiber retina, which acts as a light-sensitive screen. Moving across the eyeball, the light receives the vitreous layer. When overstrained, the visual system reacts to the fact that this structure becomes heavier in layers. Ablation of the vitreous means “fall off”, “detachment”. This disorder involves separation and deterioration of the core layer from the internal cavity in the vitreous core.

The reasons for the development of pathology may be the following:

overload; monocular decrease in visual acuity; blast disease; excessive physical activity; endocrine diseases; atrophy of the tissues of the scalp; damage to blood vessels; protein inflammation; traumatic injuries; exhaustion of the body; gunshot wound. When the vascular reservoirs of the eyeball are depleted, blood circulation in the capillaries is disrupted, causing the sclera to shrink. The visual organ constantly adapts to lighting conditions and the movement of structures within it. With physical stress or overexcitation, contraction of the muscles of the eyeball can occur in the tissues of the eyes and because of this layer, the structures become denser. Voltage causes a decrease in the optical density of the eye lens, losing density and making it thicker. Pathology occurs when the elements of the vitreous nucleus dry out, hemorrhages or compaction of collagen fibers. This disease should not be confused, since retinal protrusion is not a detachment, but an inflammatory process.

As a rule, pathology is observed on one side, with a complete lack of ability to adapt in the dark. More than 50% of women in old age suffer from vitreous detachment, while at the age of twenty, 4% of the population suffers from this pathology. For men, this figure is significantly higher. Besides:

Pronounced symptoms occur in those patients who experience physical overstrain of the visual organ more than twice a day (physical overload, sports activities). The pathology is most often discovered in the practice of treating moderate farsightedness.