Purpura post-infectious Cockade-shaped

Purpura post-infectious cockade-shaped is one of the varieties of purpura, which is characterized by the appearance of red-violet spots on the skin in the form of “cockades” (resembling flowers).

This type of purpura develops after an infection, most often streptococcal or staphylococcal. The development mechanism is associated with the formation of autoantibodies to the vascular endothelium under the influence of an infectious agent.

Clinically manifested by the sudden appearance of characteristic red-purple rashes on the skin, usually on the lower extremities. The spots are round or oval in shape with a pale center, hence the name “cockade-shaped.”

The diagnosis is made based on the clinical picture and history of previous infection. Differential diagnosis is carried out with other forms of purpura.

Treatment consists of antibiotic therapy, antihistamines and corticosteroids. The prognosis in most cases is favorable, the rash goes away without consequences.

Thus, post-infectious cockade-shaped purpura is a specific form of purpura that develops after infections and has a characteristic morphology of the rash. With timely treatment, as a rule, it proceeds benignly.