
Thoracic drainage is a procedure that involves removing purulent contents from the patient's chest cavity. It is necessary when the patient suffers from fluid and swelling or for some reason an infection develops in the chest cavity. If the fluid is not drained naturally, it can lead to serious complications such as scarring, tissue inflammation, and breathing problems.

Pyothorax is the medical term for the process of removing purulent fluid from a patient's chest. It is usually performed by a surgeon in the intensive care unit or operating room. The procedure consists of several stages, including preliminary examination, patient preparation, drainage itself and controlled pumping of the contents.

After the procedure, a chest drain is usually installed for one to two days. It is under air pressure, which removes pus from the tissues and cavity. At the same time, the air supplies the tissues with essential nutrients such as oxygen and glucose. Drainage may be

Today we will talk about a disease called "pyothorax". This is a condition in which air or fluid enters the rib cage (chest) through damaged or destroyed areas of the pleura.

Pyothorax can occur in both adults and children. It is usually accompanied by a severe cough, shortness of breath, wheezing and chest pain. If left untreated, pyothorax can lead to complications such as pneumonia, abscess, atelectasis, and hemoptysis.

The course of the disease can be acute or chronic. Acute pyothorax is characterized by rapid progression of symptoms and is very severe. Chronic pyothorax often develops in older people who suffer from chronic lung or heart disease.

Pyothoraxes can be caused by chest injuries, infection in the pleural cavity, tumors and other space-occupying processes. Also contributes to pyothorax


A sudden sharp increase in the tone of the diaphragm during contraction of the intercostal muscles with a simultaneous increase in pressure in the chest cavity at the height of inspiration is the main mechanism for the development of pyothorax. Factors that cause irritation of the receptors of the diaphragm and phrenic nerve can be very different. As a result, irritation of the phrenic nerve causes disruption of its functioning - so-called histaminogenic amenorrhea develops. Other nerves closely associated with nerve fibers