
Over the past few years, the incidence of diseases of the vertebral organs has increased in Russia. But statistics show that in the United States and in the world in general, people with lower back pain are increasingly coming to doctors. This disease has become widespread.

And here it should be noted that pain in the lumbar region can appear not only in older people, but also in schoolchildren or even children under 12 years of age. Developing

Greetings reader! Welcome to the world of diseases and medical procedures. Today I want to talk about a disease such as radiculitis. This disease is common among people and causes a lot of inconvenience.

Radiculitis is an inflammation of a nerve that occurs due to compression or pinching of a nerve root by a vertebra. This can occur due to degenerative changes in the spine or when the blood supply to the nerves is disrupted. This disease causes pain, numbness and tingling in the extremities.

Why does radiculitis occur? Among the causes of the disease are: an inactive lifestyle, sedentary work and heavy physical activity; it can also be caused by injury, excess weight or unsuccessful movement. If treatment is not started in time, sciatica can lead to persistent dysfunction of nerve endings and chronic pain.

A radiculum is a bony outgrowth of the lower parts of the ribs that ends in a sharp bony tip. Part of the diaphragm in humans and in other people you meet, part of the diaphragm in an ostrich. Radicules are used when striking to absorb the force of a blow to the tendon of the animal's own paw or something similar, but I do not know for sure what they are.