Rachitic Bracelets

Rickets bracelets are the popular name for specific bony protrusions that are observed with rickets and can affect not only the wrist and ankle, but also the bones of the heel, etc. Moreover, these protrusions have nothing to do with the bracelets as such.

Rickets is a common disease that is largely associated with a lack of calcium and vitamin D. This disease can have a negative impact on skeletal development, especially in childhood. One of the characteristic symptoms of rickets is increased bone fragility, which can lead to deformation of the limb bones in children. This condition is called rachitic ossification (growth of bone tissue).

When rachitic bracelets develop, the bones in the wrist or ankle area become thick and misshapen. They grow in a circle around the joint and interfere with free movement. Thickening of the bones and subsequent enlargement of the joints lead to deformation and disruption of the normal shape of the limbs. Such defects can cause difficulty in movement and limit the patient's physical activity.

In addition to external symptoms, rachitic bracelets can affect limb function. Uneven bone thickness causes uneven weight distribution, which can lead to joint pain or damage. Enlarged joint discs can also occur with such deformities. In addition, patients with rachitic bracelets are more likely to require special orthopedic care and treatment to improve their physical condition and ability to move.

The causes and prevention of the appearance of bracelets can be different. This may be due to both a general calcium deficiency in the body and insufficient intake from food. It can also be caused by insufficient vitamin D levels or an inappropriate diet for the child. In some cases, bracelets can be the result of a long period of bed rest, frequent inflammatory processes, as well as general weakness of a person.

To prevent the appearance of rachitic bracelets, it is necessary to ensure normal bone development. For this

The problem of rickets bracelets is quite common among children and adolescents. These deformities can appear as a result of various factors, such as poor nutrition, insufficient intake of calcium and vitamin D in the body, and genetic disorders.

Rachitic bracelets are bony growths that appear around the joints of the limbs due to rachis