Rail Receiver

The railside radiological receiver is a medical service system created to diagnose and treat patients in regions where there are few qualified medical personnel.

Railside radiological receivers are designed for outpatient examination of the patient, after which, if the need for surgical intervention or other specialized treatment is identified, the patient is hospitalized in the appropriate department of the hospital

Railside receivers as the main component of the current system of providing medical care to the population affected by emergency situations One of the main principles of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation is its guaranteed ability to fully meet the needs of society both in peacetime and in wartime with forces and means. An industry such as healthcare is of particular importance in ensuring the national security of the country. The organization of medical care for victims in emergency situations deserves special attention. One of the ways to increase the effectiveness of measures to eliminate the health consequences of emergency situations is to create a standard system of railside receivers at emergency centers and reception and sorting centers, which are engaged in emergency placement and monitoring the health status of incoming passengers.