Reasoning about teeth

You know what we have already said about teeth, their anatomy, their usefulness, and you should think about what has been said. Know that teeth are among the bones that have sensitivity, because soft nerves come to them from the brain. When they hurt, they feel beating and twitching, and sometimes they feel itching and tickling. Sometimes in ear Diseases arise due to loose gums, looseness, loss or protrusion of teeth, as well as changes in the color of the tooth substance and the enamel covering it. It happens that teeth are corroded, rot, or break; sometimes there is severe pain and itching, sometimes there is a sore throat, and this is a type of toothache. Sometimes the teeth are unable to chew, sweet and sour, suffer from hot and cold, and do not tolerate the effects of one or both of these qualities well. It also happens that teeth naturally become longer and larger in size, or wear down and become smaller.

Sometimes a kind of tumor forms in the teeth, and this is not surprising, for everything that is capable of stretching due to an increase in nutrients can easily stretch from excess, and if the teeth did not accept the matter passing through them, which enlarges them, they would not turn green and not blackened: this occurs from the penetration of excess. Teeth are designed to grow and enlarge to accommodate wear. The tooth located opposite the place where the fallen or pulled out tooth was located becomes even longer, since the increase occurs unhindered and is not opposed by abrasion.

Know that the nature of teeth can be inferred from the gums and their tsvetu - Are they yellow, that is, yellow-billed, or white?- mucous, or red blood, or they are brownish, or blackish, that is, black gall.