
Modern living conditions are often associated with dangerous, including chronic prostate diseases. The problem of effective therapy of the genitourinary system is relevant for many patients. In this regard, manufacturers are constantly working to improve methods, invent new dosage forms, improve the active substance and expand the spectrum of action of drugs.

Solutions: "Raveron" is a drug of a derivative pharmacological group: for the treatment of prostate diseases. This drug is available in the form of an injection solution. Available in an assortment of 1 ml (0.4 mg), 5 ml. Product for external use. Widely used to treat various types of prostatitis, remove calcium deposits in glandular tissues, hormonal imbalance, and infertility. Used to relieve symptoms of adenoma; to combat malignant tumors in the prostate; when infected with sexually transmitted diseases. A doctor's prescription is required to purchase the medicine. Complications in the form of allergies or individual intolerance are possible. Beware of fakes! If you encounter problems with the functioning of the genitourinary apparatus, be sure to consult a specialist. Be healthy!