Adenosarcoma Kidney

Kidney adenosarcomatosis is a malignant neoplasm that combines two structural elements: adenomas - hormonally active and sarcomas - connective tissue. Treatment of neoplasms of this type is difficult due to structural features and uncontrolled tissue growth. This leads to the development of oncological processes in the body. Adenosarcomic tumors affect all groups of the population - both men and women. According to statistics, the risk of developing the disease increases after 40 years, and the maximum number of cases is detected among people aged 60 to 80 years.

What is the danger of kidney adenosarcomoscopy? First of all, if the development of the disease is not stopped at an early stage, it can develop into the fourth or fifth class according to the TNM system, which means the aggressiveness of the tumor and a worsening prognosis. So it is important to diagnose the pathology in time. A study such as adenomyelography is carried out - it is performed endoscopically by injecting a special X-ray contrast agent into the tumor. In the resulting images, you can clearly see the anatomical features of the neoplasm, its boundaries, and the nature of the blood flow. But even this does not always allow doctors to make an accurate diagnosis. The final verdict is made based on histological examination of the oncological material. To do this, a biopsy is performed, which allows tissue to be obtained