Facial skin irritation dryness redness peeling

Problems such as redness of the skin on the face and peeling are very common, regardless of gender and age. These may be seasonal manifestations or serious illnesses. In any case, they should not be ignored, hoping that “they will go away on their own.”

Causes of redness and flaking of the skin


In order to effectively deal with such problems, which cause any girl a lot of trouble, to properly organize treatment, you need to understand the reasons that caused them.

And the reasons, as such, are divided into two subgroups: external and internal. Both of them can appear due to the influence of a psychological or physiological factor.

Influence of external influence:

  1. Improper skin care. The use of hot water, soap with an antibacterial effect when washing, and frequent unreasonable use of care products (peeling, scrub) dry the skin and make it overly sensitive.
  2. The use of low-quality or too aggressive cosmetics. When purchasing cosmetics of dubious quality in non-specialized stores, there is always a risk of getting irritation and redness on the face along with them. This can also happen if the cosmetics are too aggressive. Not all skin types are suitable for one or another product.
  3. Seasonal influences. In summer, the skin lacks moisture and shows signs of the negative effects of direct sunlight. In winter, its condition is worsened by frost, wind, and air dried out by heating devices. In spring, vitamin deficiency often occurs - a deficiency of vitamins in the body, which immediately manifests itself as problems on the skin.

Internal influences include the occurrence of any disease that affects the epidermis. These can be allergies, skin diseases, and diseases of internal organs. This group includes the harmful effects of bad habits and side effects from long-term use of medications.

The psychological state of a person also plays an important role; red spots on the face appear during severe emotional overload.



They can be divided according to the duration of manifestation:

  1. The redness is temporary. The reason for this fact is a rush of blood, the redness in such cases is localized on the cheeks. It is caused by the high activity of blood vessels located directly under the skin. When the capillaries expand, redness occurs, and when they narrow, the complexion normalizes. Such redness usually does not last long.
  2. Longer lasting redness. They appear from damage by aggressive external components (both seasonal and cosmetic) and persist for several days until skin regeneration begins.
  3. Persistent redness. Redness caused by diseases and inflammatory processes will appear until the disease is completely eliminated. Until the problem is stopped, skin problems will not only not disappear, but threaten to get worse - the appearance of peeling and various rashes.

Diseases that cause this problem

Both redness and peeling can appear as a result of disorders in the body:


  1. Seasonal allergies, or allergic reactions to medications and cosmetics. They are accompanied by peeling, itching and redness of certain areas of the face
  2. Colds. Depending on the individual’s immunity, redness and chapping of the skin around the nose and lips appears when there is a cold.
  3. Skin diseases.

And also diseases:

  1. Diathesis, eczema, psoriasis are accompanied by persistent redness.
  2. At dermatitis Redness is accompanied by swelling and the appearance of blisters.
  3. Neurodermatitis will manifest itself as peeling in the area of ​​the nose and lips, as well as the neck.
  4. Peeling of the skin around the eyebrows occurs when seborrhea.
  5. Extensive foci of redness, which have clearly defined boundaries, quite possibly signal the disease with mycosis - fungal infection.
  6. Demodicosis - a disease caused by a parasite - a tick. More often it lives in the sebaceous glands and hair follicles on the skin of the face. With such a lesion, peeling appears at the roots of the eyelashes, on the eyelids, above the upper lip, and it is accompanied by itching and swelling.


  1. Diseases of the digestive system. Problems with the liver and intestines are often reflected on the face. Sometimes extensive peeling is a sign of the presence of parasites in the body, or the presence of dysbacteriosis.
  2. Hormonal and endocrine disorders. At the same time, redness usually also tightens the skin. Often pregnant women have to deal with peeling skin, as they experience significant changes in the production of hormones.
  3. Violations of the psychological emotional state.A person exposed to stress, especially caused by strict diets and all sorts of restrictions, is in a depressed state. This will certainly manifest itself as skin problems.
  4. Redness is often a reaction to alcohol intake, spicy food, a long course of antibiotics, and also due to minor traumatic injuries to the skin and blood vessels.

Treatment options

Depending on the cause of redness and flaking on the face, you should look for a way to eliminate them.

Treatment can be carried out in several areas:



If the problems that appear on the face are a consequence of internal diseases, then self-medication is dangerous. Using cosmetics will be useless. It is necessary to contact a specialist who will prescribe the necessary medications. Only complete relief from the disease will return the face to a fresh, healthy appearance.

The wellness course consists of completely eliminating the dysfunction of internal systems and organs, normalizing hormonal stability, and avoiding stress.

Pharmacies offer a wide range of ointments and creams for the skin:

  1. "Eplan". Cream for the treatment of psoriasis, eczema, herpes. Relieves itching, swelling, redness.
  2. "Bepanten". Prescribed for the treatment of dermatitis and as a prophylactic agent
  3. "Sin-Cap". Has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects
  4. "Radevit." Non-hormonal remedy for dermatitis. Has anti-inflammatory, softening and protective effects.
  5. "Elidel". Anti-inflammatory cream
  6. "Fenistil". Gel that reduces allergic reactions on the skin and has an analgesic effect
  7. "Losterine". The cream has a pronounced absorbable, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect.


Nutrition and diets

To ensure the safety of the digestive organs, you should organize the process of proper healthy nutrition.

  1. Categorically exclude fatty and spicy foods, alcohol, coffee, and strong tea from the diet. Sweet and flour products will not add health to the entire body in general, or to the skin of the face in particular.
  2. It is better to eat more green vegetables, fruits, berries and herbal infusions.


  1. When choosing a diet, pay attention to its intensity. Often, an unprofessional approach in this matter provokes the occurrence of stomach diseases, fluid imbalance, which causes the skin on the face to dry out and peel. If visible lesions or pain occur, you should immediately stop using the dietary course.



These useful chemical compounds are needed by the body for full functioning; they must be taken both as an internal remedy and as an external preparation. Skin, like any other organ, needs vitamins. It is necessary to organize their systematic intake, especially for the prevention of vitamin deficiency.

For external use, use caring creams containing vitamins.

Treatment at home


Homemade masks and creams will help against peeling and redness only if the problematic causes are not hidden inside the body. Home remedies will have to be used systematically over a long time; they will not solve the problem in 1 or 2 times.

This treatment is usually carried out in two directions:

You can use a scrub to cleanse your facial skin of flaky particles.

Sugar Scrub

  1. razdrazhenie-kozhi-lica-WkaAIE.webp

    Granulated sugar – 1 spoon,
  2. olive oil – 0.5 tablespoons

Mix sugar with heated oil and massage your face with this product for 5 minutes, then wash.

Scrub "Oatmeal"

  1. razdrazhenie-kozhi-lica-DooEkC.webp

    Oatmeal – 1 spoon,
  2. milk – 0.5 spoons

Combine the ingredients and wipe your face with the mixture for 5 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

Scrub “Berry”


Crush a few strawberries (or grapes), apply the paste on the face in a circular motion, massage lightly, and wash.

Use this scrub with caution, as strawberries can cause allergies.

Sea salt scrub

  1. razdrazhenie-kozhi-lica-nubiSso.webp

    Crushed sea salt - 1 spoon,
  2. any vegetable or essential oil – 0.5 tablespoons

Combine salt and oil, wipe problem areas for 3 minutes, wash with warm water. After cleansing the skin, you should start moisturizing and nourishing it. Masks that are not difficult to make, but quite effective, are suitable for this:

Mask "Sour cream"


Sour cream with high fat content and honey, which needs to be melted for steam - 1 spoon each. Mix the ingredients and apply to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes, leave for a while until the mask begins to dry out, then remove it.

Mask "Curd"

  1. razdrazhenie-kozhi-lica-rtjdHYU.webp

    Fat cottage cheese – 50 grams,
  2. essential oil (preferably from juniper) – 3 drops.

Grind the cottage cheese thoroughly using a blender, add oil, spread in an even layer on the face and leave for about half an hour. This mask can not only get rid of redness, but will also have a whitening effect.

Mask "Egg"

  1. razdrazhenie-kozhi-lica-hnRcVJ.webp

    Yolk of 1 egg,
  2. aloe juice – 1 teaspoon

Mix the yolk with freshly squeezed juice and apply the product to the skin of the face, leave until the mask is completely dry, forming a crust. Wash off with warm water and mild soap.

Mask "Oatmeal"

  1. razdrazhenie-kozhi-lica-mLrZc.webp

    Oat flakes of the finest grind (or coarse, crushed yourself) - 2 tablespoons,
  2. olive oil – 0.5 tablespoons,
  3. fresh cucumber, finely grated – 1 spoon.

Mix everything thoroughly and apply the paste to your face. Lie quietly for half an hour.

Mask “Fruit”

  1. razdrazhenie-kozhi-lica-YdRNlV.webp

    Butter – 1 spoon,
  2. liquid honey – 1 spoon,
  3. any grated fruit (kiwi, peach, banana) – 1 spoon.

Mix until the consistency of thick sour cream, keep on your face for 15 minutes. Instead of fruit, you can add grated carrots to this mask.

Prevention Tips

Firstly, under no circumstances should you mask problem areas with foundation. This will provoke inflammation even more.

And to avoid troubles in the future, you should follow some useful tips:


  1. Regularly ensure that the skin is moisturized with specially designed products.
  2. Do not forget about the need for proper nutrition, excluding alcohol and tobacco.
  3. Spend time outdoors as often as possible, but avoid overheating and cold.
  4. Always remember to maintain the body's water balance (by consuming at least 2 liters of fluid).
  5. Do not use alcohol-containing facial products
  6. Apply any cream to your face at least an hour before going outside, especially in the cold season.

Often, a person’s skin is an indicator of problems in the body. When the skin on your face turns red, flakes and itches, it is most likely the body responds in this way to negative external and internal influences.

Causes of itching

There may be several reasons for this condition. The most common factors that cause itching and redness of the facial skin are dermatological diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis, mild ichthyosis).

Physical reasons

Often the causes of skin irritation can be heat, or vice versa - low temperature, for example, cold wind, high humidity or dry air.

This is due to the fact that the epidermis contains a large number of nerve endings that are sensitive to cold and thermal changes.

Ultraviolet radiation (natural and artificial) with prolonged exposure provokes burns. A person feels as if the skin is on fire, it turns red, and after a while it begins to itch and peel.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is a manifestation of an allergic reaction.

Its main symptoms are:

  1. constant itching with redness, which can also appear on the body;
  2. dryness;
  3. peeling.

If the rash is scratched, ulcers may form and the face may swell.

Dermatitis is one of the reasons why the face itches. This pathological process can also affect the upper and lower extremities, the torso, however, the most common localization is the eyelids, cheeks and lips.

Mental causes of skin redness

Multiple stresses that often accompany a modern person, emotional instability and a tendency towards depressive disorder can lead to itching, burning and redness on the face.

This is unpleasant not only from a cosmetic point of view. Staying in this state for a long time, a person can undermine his immune system and, thereby, provoke the appearance of eczema and psoriasis.


Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease. Previously it was believed that psoriasis does not affect the face, but only the limbs, but recent studies have refuted this statement.

The symptoms are:

  1. itchy redness, as a manifestation of mild inflammation;
  2. in the worst case, painful, reddened, very itchy plaques;
  3. peeling.

Most often, psoriasis appears on the forehead, eyebrows and the space between the upper lip and nose.

Vascular diseases

Vegetative-vascular dystonia reduces the tone of skin vessels, which cannot narrow and, as a result, expand. On the chin, cheeks and forehead this manifests itself as redness and itching. All this indicates instability of the nervous system and problems with the autonomic system.


Eczema is an inflammatory disease that occurs as a result of exposure to stress and allergic factors. Initially, it manifests itself as irritation on the skin of the face, with the skin constantly itching.

Next, the affected areas turn into blisters, which enlarge and burst over time. Erosion occurs, from which fluid is constantly released. Then scarring occurs, which leads to a cosmetic defect - scars.


Urticaria is a manifestation of an allergic reaction in the form of a rash that periodically appears and disappears. Acute urticaria occurs as a result of exposure to allergic substances. Redness and itching can occur on any part of the skin, including the face.

You may have a fever and headache. This condition disrupts a person’s sleep for a long time and causes psycho-emotional disorders.

Redness of the skin due to diseases of internal organs

Often problems with internal organs are reflected on the skin.

Some diseases can cause itching and redness on the face:

  1. Anemic conditions;
  2. Diabetes;
  3. Infectious and inflammatory processes;
  4. Nervous system disorder;
  5. Kidney diseases;
  6. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


When the functional ability of the sebaceous glands is impaired, seborrhea occurs, which is manifested by severe redness and multiple pimples.

Seborrheic dermatitis affects:

  1. forehead skin;
  2. eyebrows;
  3. wings of the nose;
  4. space above the upper lip.

However, the favorite localization of seborrhea is the scalp.

Treatment options

To eliminate redness and itching on the face in women and men, you need to directly influence the cause - symptomatic treatment will be effective, but if you refuse therapy, the skin will again react to the negative factors still affecting them.

General principles of therapy

  1. If the cause is an allergy, it is necessary to use antihistamines, in severe cases - steroid hormones, and also limit contact with the allergen.
  2. For diseases of internal organsthat cause flaking of the skin, redness and itching on the face, you should consult a specialist doctor who can prescribe rational treatment taking into account all the symptoms.
  3. If the etiological factor was an infectious agent, then local ointments are used.
  4. A consultation with a cosmetologist will also help.. Perhaps this is due to the dry type of skin, which tends to react violently to the slightest irritation (redness, itching). In this case, various cosmetics are recommended: ointments, creams, as well as special skin care procedures.

Drug treatment

  1. For atopic, contact dermatitis and urticaria Suprastin Cetrin Tavegil and Loratadine are effective antihistamines (antiallergic) agents.
  2. Seborrhea requires the appointment of sodium thiosulfate, calcium supplements, hormonal drugs, antibacterial ointments.
  3. For psoriasis Cyclosporine, roaccutane, sedatives and salicylic ointment will help.
  4. If your face itches and turns red due to chronic stress and depression, it is recommended to consult a psychotherapist, with the possible prescription of sedatives and antidepressants.

If urticaria is aggravated by Quincke's edema, which is unsafe for the patient's life, urgent prescription of glucorticoids (dexamethasone, hydrocortisone, prednisolone) is necessary. It is important to remember that at the slightest manifestation of Quincke's edema, you should immediately consult a doctor!

Anti-redness cream

Quite effective creams for redness on the face are Eplan and Zinocal. Both drugs have a bactericidal effect.

Eplan also has an analgesic effect and increases skin regeneration. Zinocal eliminates itching, peeling and redness on the skin of the face with atomic dermatitis, psoriasis and seborrhea.

Ointment for redness of facial skin

  1. Troxevasin - has a vasoconstrictor and strengthening effect, apply twice a day after cleansing.
  2. Flucinar - an ointment used to eliminate redness and itching on the face, based on steroid hormones.

It is worth noting that the ointment cannot be used for viral, fungal and bacterial infections, as well as when used on the face; the course of treatment should not exceed 1 week.

Facial allergy relief products

When the face itches, the skin turns red, and the cause is an allergy, systemic antiallergenic agents are used:

Creams and ointments are also used:

Ointments can be of hormonal and non-hormonal origin, however, hormone-based products can only be prescribed by a doctor to avoid unwanted complications of therapy.

It is also necessary to follow a diet, especially in case of food allergies.

The best vitamin complexes for healthy skin

Flaky skin with redness requires comprehensive care, which should include vitamin preparations.

The most effective complexes are:

  1. Imedin;
  2. Supradin;
  3. Alphabet of cosmetics;
  4. Vitrum Beauty.

Peeling and redness may indicate vitamin deficiency. This fact must be taken into account when looking for the cause of problems on the face.

Folk remedies against itchy skin

Against flaky facial skin and its redness, a lot of folk remedies have been invented that are aimed at improving the condition of the skin.

Soothing lotion

When the face is red and itchy, many people prepare a soothing lotion.

To do this you need to take:

  1. 100 ml mineral water;
  2. 20 ml sea buckthorn oil;
  3. 5 ml salicylic acid.

Mix all components in one convenient container. Be sure to shake the contents before use. Apply twice a day (morning and evening) to clean skin.

Revitalizing mask

If you can't decide how to treat sunburn, then a restorative mask is the best solution.

Required components:

  1. potato;
  2. a tablespoon of sour cream;
  3. a tablespoon of avocado oil.

Grind the peeled potatoes on a grater and mix with chilled sour cream and avocado oil. The mask should be applied to clean skin in a thick layer, covering the entire face except the eyelids. After twenty minutes, clean the skin from the mask.

Using this remedy every evening for a week will help relieve itching and redness of the face and restore damaged epidermis.

Mask against itching and irritation

The reason why your face itches may be increased sensitivity.

In order to prepare the mask you need:

  1. chop the cucumber, after peeling it;
  2. mix with a tablespoon of aloe and 2 drops of sandalwood essential oil;
  3. apply to itchy and reddened areas;
  4. leave for 30 minutes.

This product will relieve redness and protect sensitive skin.


Oatmeal can quickly help if you don’t have special cosmetics on hand.

What to do:

  1. Mix 1 tablespoon of oatmeal with 50 ml of water;
  2. Leave the mask on the reddened areas for 10-15 minutes.

This instant mask will effectively soothe and relieve itching and redness.

Herbal infusion

To make a herbal infusion against facial irritation, redness and peeling, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. chamomile, string, nettle, parsley, oak bark, coltsfoot, then pour a glass of boiling water over it all and leave for an hour. Use as lotions.

Yeast based mask

If your cheeks itch and redness appears, you need to take 1 tablespoon of yeast powder and mix with 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Apply the mixture to the affected areas. It is better to prepare the mask immediately before use, so it will bring more benefits.

Parsley and sour cream mask

To prevent the skin from peeling, you should use a mask of parsley and sour cream:

  1. On clean skin it is necessary to apply a mixture of 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley and 2 tablespoons of sour cream.
  2. after 15 minutes, rinse off.

Fat sour cream will moisturize the skin and eliminate flaking, and it will not turn red and itch.

Mask based on milk and olive oil

You need to mix avocado pulp, half a glass of milk, 2 yolks and 1 tablespoon of olive oil and apply to reddened skin for 15 minutes. With regular use, redness and itching will disappear.

Mask with vegetable oils

Masks based on coconut, olive, corn, peach and almond oil are very effective. They will help women with dry and sensitive skin, relieve itching and redness on the face.

Milk-vegetable mask

Apply a mixture of oatmeal, warm milk and 1 tablespoon of grated carrots to the affected areas. Wash off after 15 minutes. The mask will help against dryness, redness and flaking of the facial skin. Under no circumstances should it be used if you are allergic to carrots.

Parsley compresses

When itching and redness of the face appear, put a bunch of parsley in boiling water and let it brew for 30 minutes. Place gauze in the already cold liquid and apply it to the affected areas for 30 minutes.

Essential oils for facial irritation

Evaporation of essential oils will help remove irritation and redness. To do this, place dry milk, olive oil (1 tablespoon) in warm water and add a few drops of lemon balm oil. To achieve an effect on the skin, you need to hold your face over the container for 20 minutes.


To avoid irritation you need to:

  1. Protect skin from unsuitable weather conditions;
  2. Avoid clothing made from synthetic materials;
  3. Limit contact with various allergens;
  4. Carefully monitor the condition of the skin and pay attention to facial skin care;
  5. Reduce the effect of stress on the body.

With proper prevention, itchy skin and redness on the face can be avoided.


With this kind of problem, a person can lead an active lifestyle.

This condition should not affect the quality of life in any way, however, you should remember about the characteristics of the skin of the face and take this into account when planning any activities - avoid allergens, protect the skin from the sun and cold, and in general - do not give any reason for irritation.

Nutrition and diets

It is necessary to remove allergenic foods from the diet:

  1. citrus;
  2. sweet products;
  3. smoked meats;
  4. spicy dishes;
  5. spices;
  6. alcohol.

You should increase the amount of vegetables and fruits you consume; if you are not allergic to them, introduce healthy, high-protein foods into your diet - chicken fillet and red fish. Proper nutrition improves the general condition of the body, and therefore the skin of the face.

When the skin peels and itches, this may be the result of bad habits (smoking, etc.) or adverse effects of environmental factors. But often the cause is a lack of vitamins and improper use of cosmetics. In women, hormonal changes also affect the condition of the skin. Various pharmaceutical preparations, cosmetic creams, and folk remedies are used for treatment.


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In newborns, peeling usually spreads throughout the body. This occurs due to the skin adapting to the air space. It is necessary to moisturize and soften the baby's skin. In older children, peeling can be caused by the same reasons as in adults.

Problems with the epidermis are caused by various reasons. Most often, external factors influence: cold, direct sunlight, too dry air. In this case, you need to protect your skin from adverse climatic and weather conditions. It is recommended to humidify the air and use special skin creams. But irritation, redness and peeling on the face can also be caused by various pathologies.


The cause of peeling and irritation is sometimes an allergic reaction. In this case, an additional symptom occurs - itching. Irritation manifests itself in redness of the skin, the appearance of a rash and even blisters (with hives).

Treatment in this case should be comprehensive, i.e. you need to take antihistamines, for example, Claritin, Zyrtec.


Local therapy plays an important role. You can use Fenistil gel. For severe inflammation, peeling and the appearance of red spots, ointments from the glucocorticosteroid category - hydrocortisone - are recommended.


Contact dermatitis manifests itself in a similar way. A pathological skin reaction is caused not by allergens (pollen, animal dander, house dust), but by various irritants - chemicals and even metals, including cleaning products based on ammonia and sodium orthophosphate, as well as agricultural chemicals.

Most often, contact dermatitis occurs on the hands. But if you are careless, chemicals can get on your facial skin. In this case, it is necessary to eliminate contact with irritants and use glucocorticosteroid ointments based on hydrocortisone and prednisolone as local therapy. For mild forms, zinc-based ointments are sufficient.


Infectious causes of irritation include erysipelas, acne, microsporia, trichophytosis, etc. Demodicosis occupies a special place. It is caused by a microscopic mite.

Antibiotics and local bactericidal and antiseptic agents are used for treatment.

Inflammatory processes can be caused by various factors: the use of cosmetics, photosensitivity (increased skin sensitivity to sunlight when taking certain medications or procedures), psoriasis, dermatitis. You will have to give up cosmetics. If photosensitivity occurs, you should stop taking the provoking drug. In other cases, appropriate drug treatment is required.

Eczema occupies a special place. With this disease, peeling, vesicles, redness, and crusts appear on the skin. Antihistamines, anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal and hormonal drugs, and antibiotics are used.

Redness and peeling of the facial skin can be caused by diseases of the internal organs, such as:

  1. diabetes;
  2. increased body temperature;
  3. atherosclerosis;
  4. heart and kidney failure;
  5. hypertension;
  6. decreased level of acidity in the stomach;
  7. pathology of the trigeminal nerve;
  8. cirrhosis of the liver;
  9. erythrocytosis.

Treatment is different in each case. The doctor selects the therapy.

Most often, facial redness is caused by rosacea and rosacea. The latter represents an increased reactivity of blood vessels to changes in temperature, weather conditions and other factors, as a result of which they expand. The appearance of such pathologies is associated with genetic predisposition.

Cuperosis is the dilation of blood vessels in the skin, but they never return to their original position, which is why the skin of the face takes on a reddish color. The condition is provoked by cirrhosis of the liver, gastritis, hypertension, etc. “Spider veins” are clearly visible on the face.

In the early stages of rosacea, it is enough to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation and weather conditions and moisturize. In advanced cases, coagulation of destroyed capillaries and their sclerosis are required.

Hyperemia is excessive filling of blood vessels with blood. Erythema is redness of the face due to severe dilatation of the capillaries. On the face, the cheeks turn red first. Blueness may appear.

If the condition is caused by vegetative-vascular dystonia, then sedatives are prescribed. For hypertension, beta blockers, Troxerutin, and heparin ointment are used.


The condition of the skin is affected by strong excitement, emotional tension, stress, depression, and fears. In this case, sedatives help. It is best to use herbal medicines - you can buy tinctures of motherwort, hawthorn, and valerian at the pharmacy.

A special place is occupied by blushing syndrome, in which redness of the face is caused by stress or excitement. In this case, spots of different diameters usually appear on the face. The mechanism of the syndrome is associated with increased work of the sympathetic nervous system, due to which the blood vessels sharply dilate. In this case, medications will not help. The only option is to cut or apply a clip to the nerve that runs from the vessels of the face to the brain.

In women, facial skin irritation is often the result of using inappropriate cosmetics. For example, this effect is achieved by products containing alpha acid hydroxides, which are used in peeling products. Sensitive skin responds to their action with irritation and peeling. Therefore, you need to abandon such products and use a soothing cream until the skin heals.

Even strips used to cleanse the nose of blackheads can affect the condition of the skin. When purchasing, you need to carefully study their composition to make sure that there are no allergens or irritants in it.

To avoid irritation after shaving, hair removal or depilation, you must first take a warm shower or at least moisten your facial skin with warm water.

A man may experience acne on his face after shaving. In women, a rash occurs in all treated areas, as some hairs grow into the skin. Therefore, for preventive purposes, it is recommended to use any pharmaceutical cream, for example, Metrogyl. You can also find special shaving oil in stores that prevents ingrown hairs.

Shaving gel, foam or oil is chosen depending on your skin type; ignoring this requirement can lead to irritation. For dry and sensitive skin, choose alcohol-free balms, products containing chamomile and aloe vera extracts.

For normal and oily skin, products containing alcohol are used. There are also plants that have a drying effect - oak bark, nettle, St. John's wort. It is advisable to buy products containing silicone for shaving, as they improve the glide of the razor over the skin.

It is recommended to use any other medications containing triclosan and salicylic acid. Aftershave lotion is not for everyone. For those with sensitive skin, it will only increase irritation. It is better to use emollient balms; for severe inflammation, cortisone ointment.

Miliaria is a specific form of dermatitis, which manifests itself as irritation of the skin due to excessive sweating. In this case, it is necessary to use drying agent.

For example, wiping the face with decoctions of string, oak bark, chamomile, and a weak solution of manganese is suitable. Affected areas should be treated with antiseptics. For example, an alcohol tincture of salicylic acid is suitable.

To eliminate dryness and irritation of the skin, products with a minimum content of preservatives and a maximum of beneficial herbal ingredients are used.

You should pay attention to the smell. Studies have shown that in 50% of cases, skin irritation is caused by fragrances of various products. It is more pleasant to use a scented cream, but if you have skin problems, it is better to give preference to an unscented product.

The following products can be purchased in pharmacies:

  1. Panthenol. Removes frostbite and burns, restores damaged skin, accelerates its regeneration.
  2. Bepanten. Removes peeling, irritation and inflammation.
  3. Rescuer. Accelerates skin regeneration, helps with insect bites, burns, frostbite.
  4. We see. Accelerates the process of tissue regeneration, fights eczema and dermatitis, and slows down skin aging.
  5. Pantoderm. Helps with severe peeling. Removes irritation, dryness, itching.


Helps relieve irritation with the “Protection and Moisturizing” day cream from the Natura Siberica brand, which is intended directly for sensitive skin. It contains extracts of Rhodiola rosea, Siberian rowan, chamomile, lemon balm, as well as components such as vitamin P and hyaluronic acid. The cream prevents allergic reactions and improves the skin's natural defenses against aggressive external factors.

Uriage “Roseliane” cream is recommended. for sensitive skin. Contains rose flower wax, glycerin, ginseng extract. The product moisturizes and soothes the skin.


The day cream “Day with buttercup extract” from Yves Rocher has proven itself well. It fights irritation and redness, improves blood microcirculation, and also increases skin protection from external influences.


Pharmacy ointments help remove irritation and flaking on the facial skin. The most popular means:

  1. Radevit. Restores skin, removes inflammation.
  2. Akriderm. Removes allergies, inflammation, redness, itching, and fights bacterial infections. Accelerates tissue regeneration.
  3. Triderm. It is a hormonal remedy that removes inflammation and allergies. Has bactericidal and antifungal effects.
  4. Sinaflan. An inexpensive drug for sunburn, allergies, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis.
  5. Psilo-balm. Has a cooling effect. Helps with allergies, burns, insect bites.
  6. Gistan. Removes inflammation and itching, slows down the allergic reaction, accelerates skin restoration.
  7. Elidel. Most often, the product is used for atopic dermatitis. The drug eliminates inflammation and accelerates the recovery of affected areas of the skin.
  8. Elokom. The medicine eliminates inflammation and allergy symptoms.
  9. Fenistil. Removes itching (including from insect bites), relieves inflammation.
  10. Zinc ointment. Eliminates irritation, helps with acne, dermatitis, diaper rash and other skin defects.


In pharmacies you can buy vitamin complexes: Imedin, Supradin, Complivit, Revidox. They should be taken in courses. These products compensate for the lack of vitamins and other useful substances in the human body.