Irritation in the groin in women after shaving

After shaving, I discovered irritation in the groin, I thought it was just a pimple. I did some research on the Internet, and there was a suspicion that it was molluscum contagiosum. I squeezed it out, I’m sorry. In its place, a small wound formed, which, it seems to me, is getting larger due to friction/sweat (? ) I don’t go to the doctor, can I get rid of this problem? Or is the hike required? I'm embarrassed The topic is really unpleasant, thanks in advance experts

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Don't shave. Real men like hairy vaginas

If you shave incorrectly, it will cause irritation. First, read how to shave properly.
To give advice on the medical part of the issue, it would be good to see, otherwise you have made diagnoses for yourself, and we will now advise you. It’s always easier for me to show a doctor - that’s why doctors exist, to turn the delirium and actions of a crazy patient into diagnoses and treatment


Don't shave. Real men like hairy vaginas

Lying, where?! Who have you seen with hairy vaginas? Why do you use words whose meaning you don’t know? Hair doesn't grow in the vagina, no one does. I already remembered an anecdote about how a dentist got married, and on his wedding night he was afraid to have sex, he says to his wife, “Mom said you have teeth THERE,” the wife says, “Yes, there are no teeth there, look for yourself,” he looks and says, “Really, you don’t have teeth there, but your gums are in terrible condition” and you have hair in your vagina

My girlfriend has a hairy vagina. Very ticklish and constantly distracts from sex

ahahaha what a mollusk) read less on the Internet, they will make such diagnoses there. pimples at the depilation site are normal, use chlorhexidine,

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Yes, the usual irritation, who doesn’t happen to it! Panthenol will help you. And don’t shave everything, just shorten it in the middle with a trimmer, you have achieved this ideal smoothness, you can shave carefully on the sides and, if necessary, use a moisturizer after that. It’s not molluscum contagiosum, you’ve come up with horror movies. This means that you should maintain hygiene, wear cotton underpants, not synthetic ones, and if possible, during the first days, do not wear tight jeans, in which everything wears out and rubs, but something looser - dresses, skirts, loose trousers. Not necessary, but it will be more comfortable. And everything will pass. You can smear it with levomekol, like any other inflamed wound, you can also use it on the mucous membrane, if it gets there, it’s not scary. And if you’re alone at home, you can at least wear a robe or a housedress without panties and “ventilate” it if you have the desire and opportunity! Everything will work out for you, don’t panic. And don't shave your head there anymore if your skin is sensitive.

Yes, the usual irritation, who doesn’t happen to it! Panthenol will help you. And don’t shave everything, just shorten it in the middle with a trimmer, you have achieved this ideal smoothness, you can shave carefully on the sides and, if necessary, use a moisturizer after that. It’s not molluscum contagiosum, you’ve come up with horror movies. This means that you should maintain hygiene, wear cotton underpants, not synthetic ones, and if possible, during the first days, do not wear tight jeans, in which everything wears out and rubs, but something looser - dresses, skirts, loose trousers. Not necessary, but it will be more comfortable. And everything will pass. You can smear it with levomekol, like any other inflamed wound, you can also use it on the mucous membrane, if it gets there, it’s not scary. And if you’re alone at home, you can at least wear a robe or a housedress without panties and “ventilate” it if you have the desire and opportunity! Everything will work out for you, don’t panic. And don't shave your head there anymore if your skin is sensitive.


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Many women regularly face the problem of severe irritation of the groin skin after shaving in the intimate area - bikini. In the intimate area after shaving, skin itching and burning are felt, causing general discomfort. Therefore, today we will look at effective methods to avoid the appearance of redness and pimples in the bikini area after removing unwanted hair.

Let's say right away that the intimate area - the bikini in women - is caused by delicate sensitive skin on which hard hairs grow, and during the depilation procedure it is necessary to remove not only the hairs themselves, but also the upper layer of the epidermis. Therefore, this intimate area suffers greatly from microtraumas received after shaving with a razor blade.

How to get rid of skin irritation in the groin area, redness and itching?

Why does irritation appear after shaving in the intimate bikini area?

The main reasons leading to skin irritation and itching in intimate areas are:

  1. dull razor blade;
  2. incorrect shaving technique;
  3. too sensitive skin.

Unpleasant and sometimes very painful sensations bring the fair sex a feeling of general discomfort, and sometimes also cause serious inflammatory processes on the skin.

It should be noted that shaving again can be done only when the irritation is completely relieved. If the reason is that the skin of the bikini area is too sensitive, then it is better to use other alternative methods of hair removal, for example, using wax or depilator.

Ingrown hair

One of the causes of skin inflammation and the appearance of red rashes is ingrown hair. It appears already on the second day after the procedure. This is caused by improper depilation of the intimate area, which consists of moving the razor against the direction of hair growth. As a result of these manipulations, the hair follicle moves under the skin and the hair gets stuck under it, without getting out.

What to do and how to get rid of irritation after shaving in the intimate bikini area

If a razor is the only acceptable tool for removing hair, to avoid unpleasant consequences, before shaving, consider the following:

  1. Buy quality razor. It should be quite spicy. Some ladies recommend using men's razors for shaving intimate areas. Their blades allow you to process the skin in the most difficult to reach places. Disposable razors are only suitable for legs.
  2. After being used dry the machine And change regularly On him blades. Rusty and dull instruments do not shave hairs, but simply pull them out and break them off, causing pain and redness around the follicles.
  3. Prepare your skin before shaving using gentle scrubbing or shower gel. This will remove sebaceous deposits and soften the hairs.
  4. After shaving do not rub your skin with a hard washcloth and do not use products containing alcohol.
  5. After the procedure moisturize your skin a nourishing cream that soothes the skin, or a special aftershave product.
  6. Never do not scratch irritated skin and try not to touch it with your hands again. By injuring the sensitive bikini area with your nails, you can get infected and get scars.
  7. For sensitive skin avoid shaving daily. The bikini area needs to be given a break. It is best to use a razor every other day. Then you won’t have to wonder how to get rid of irritation after shaving in the intimate area (bikini area).
  8. Some experts advise do not use after hair removal cosmeticscontaining talc. In their opinion, it can lead to even greater irritation.
  9. Shave bikini area recommended in the eveningso that by the morning she has time to recover and calm down. It is better to go to bed after the procedure without underwear.
  10. For frequent irritations, you should choose not too tight underwear made from natural fabrics so that the edge of the panties does not fit tightly to the skin.

How to get rid of irritation after shaving in the intimate bikini area: instructions for proper hair removal

To avoid irritation of the groin area in the bikini area, follow these instructions for proper hair removal:

  1. The shaving position should be as comfortable as possible. You should be able to clearly see the entire bikini area and reach it without effort.
  2. Apply a small amount of shaving gel, cream or shaving foam to damp, clean skin using soft circular movements. Leave the product on for a few minutes.
  3. Begin to carefully, with a light sliding movement, remove unwanted hair with a razor. Do this lightly, without pressure, in the direction of hair growth. Try not to stretch the skin too much. Rinse the machine from time to time.
  4. Don't shave the same area twice. If this cannot be avoided because you missed a lot of hairs, then the machine should be repeated only in the direction of hair growth.
  5. To close the pores, make the skin less vulnerable and prevent infection, after the procedure, rinse off the remaining gel and shaved hair with cool water.
  6. Gently pat the shaved area with a clean towel without rubbing the skin.

How to get rid of irritation after shaving in the intimate bikini area: effective folk remedies and medications

In cases where, after shaving the bikini area, it is not possible to avoid skin problems, it is irritated and very sensitive, you can use folk remedies at home that will help relieve irritation.

Eliminate redness and rashes with those preparations that contain salicylic and glycolic acids!

Extracts are very good at relieving skin irritations. calendula, daisies (pharmacy drug "Rotokan»), aloe vera And witch hazel, essential oil tea tree. Similarly, how to get rid of irritation after shaving in the intimate bikini area, proven folk methods, such as...

Home remedies for skin irritation

  1. To relieve discomfort after the depilation procedure, many women recommend applying calming mask. To prepare it, you need to mix 2 teaspoons sour cream and 1 teaspoon olive oil. Apply to machine treated skin for 10 minutes. Rinse off any remaining mixture with cool water.
  2. Remove redness and rash in intimate areas compresses based on soothing medicinal herbs such as chamomile, series And sage.
  3. Parsley infusion also has a pronounced calming effect. To prepare it you need to take 2 tablespoons of chopped greenery and pour 200 ml boiled water. In 20 minutes the infusion will be ready. You need to moisten a cotton pad or a piece of gauze in it and apply it to the irritated skin. After 10 minutes, you will notice that the discomfort begins to subside.
  4. Helps moisturize and soothe the skin well oil mixture. In a teaspoon vegetable oil you need to add two drops tea tree essential oil and apply to skin. Best used as a base grape seed oil or almonds.
  5. Helps speed up the healing of cuts aloe vera. The leaf of this medicinal plant needs to be cleaned and wiped over the problem area. The procedure should be repeated several times a day.

Medications for irritation

The following drugs have proven themselves to be effective in combating irritation:

  1. Ointment «Neosporin» promotes healing of shallow cuts and scratches. It is also used as a means of preventing infectious processes.
  2. Antimicrobial agent "Bacitratein» Helps prevent inflammation in minor scratches and cuts.
  3. Ointment "Polysporin» eliminates allergic skin reactions, reduces itching and redness.
  4. Cream-gel «Malavit» has a natural composition and is widely used for skin injuries. It also has a pleasant cooling effect.
  5. Ointment "Solcoseryl"is a popular remedy among women that eliminates the feeling of discomfort after depilation.
  6. Hydrocortisone ointment is an excellent antiseptic. It helps in difficult cases when inflammatory processes are accompanied by severe itching and burning.
  7. A few tablets can help reduce irritation aspirin. Before shaving, they must be mixed to the consistency of a paste with warm water. Then you need to apply the mixture to the bikini area and massage lightly. After this, you can begin the hair removal procedure. After shaving, the skin should be wiped with a cotton pad soaked in hydrogen peroxide or a slice of lemon.
  8. Helps remove small pimples in the bikini area chlorhexidine solution, alcohol solution (alcohol should be diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio) or Miramistin.

Now you know exactly what to do and how to get rid of irritation after shaving in the intimate area (bikini area).

By following the correct sequence of the procedure, combining hygiene and care, you don’t have to worry about the health of the skin in the bikini area. If redness and pimples do not go away for several weeks after depilation, then it is better to consult a dermatologist.

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How to shave your bikini area correctly

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Proper shaving - preventing irritation

It is much easier to prevent irritation than to deal with its consequences later. Moreover, this is not difficult to do - you just need to approach the procedure wisely. Before heading to the bathroom, make sure your razor is sharp enough so that you don't have to repeatedly run it over the same area trying to remove all the hairs.

If you prefer reusable razors, choose razors with three or more blades. Having a special moisturizing strip will also be a plus. If you shave with disposable razors, do not forget to change them regularly.

Take a shower or bath. Steam the skin, remove dirt and secretions from the sebaceous glands. It would be useful to use a soft scrub to exfoliate to remove dead skin particles and remove ingrown hairs. After that, apply shaving gel and start getting rid of excess hair.

Instead of shaving gel, you can use a mild shower gel, but not soap.

It is advisable to shave off unwanted hairs along their growth line. Of course, the result will not be as smooth as if you remove hair in the bikini area in the opposite direction, but you will not be in danger of irritation. After you have shaved your hair, treat your skin with an antiseptic and apply moisturizer. This should be enough to prevent itching from bothering you.

How to deal with irritation

If, despite all the measures you have taken, red spots appear on the skin, it itches and itches, you can alleviate your condition. For mild itching, lotions will help. Brew mint, let the broth brew for an hour, cool. Soak cotton pads in the liquid and apply to the affected areas. Change lotions regularly within half an hour. The irritation should go away. If you don't have mint at home, you can apply ice for a while, which can also relieve pain.

Do not immediately wear synthetic underwear or panties that are too tight after shaving, as they will chafe your skin.

If the affected skin is swollen and the severe itching does not subside, you can move on to heavy artillery. Use hormonal medications. Apply hydrocortisone cream to your bikini area. This remedy has an anti-inflammatory effect and acts very quickly, but it should not be abused. If you experience irritation after shaving every time, you may need to choose a different hair removal method.