Does Contractubex smooth out wrinkles?



The main components of Contractubex gel are:

  1. Liquid onion extract. It suppresses the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, has an anti-inflammatory effect, destroys colloidal scars of any age from the inside, prevents blockage of the sebaceous glands, evens out the skin texture, making scars and scars less noticeable.
  2. Heparin sodium. Improves skin nutrition, ensures oxygen saturation, reduces blood clotting, prevents the formation of blood clots and blockages at the site of application, relieves minor inflammation and swelling, normalizes metabolic processes in the shallow layers of the skin.
  3. Allantoin. A substance with powerful healing and regenerating properties. Promotes exfoliation of dead skin cells and the rapid formation of new ones, relieves itching, which usually accompanies wound healing. Has a rejuvenating effect, smoothes wrinkles.

Auxiliary components in Contractubex:

  1. Xanthan gum is a natural gelling agent and has good structure-forming properties.
  2. Methyl parahydroxybenzoate is a synthetic stabilizer and preservative.
  3. Sorbic acid is a preservative that allows you to keep all substances in their normal state.
  4. Macrogol (polyethylene glycol) – acts as a gelling agent and solvent.
  5. Flavored oil – adds a pleasant aroma to the preparation.
  6. Purified water - used to create the required consistency.

In combination, all components of Contractubex promote the production of hyaluronic acid, the lack of which causes withering and aging of the skin.

Storage rules

Contractubex gel is sold in tubes of 10, 20 or 50 grams. You can buy it at any pharmacy; you don’t need a prescription.

The average cost of one package is from 500 to 900 rubles, depending on the volume.

The shelf life of the drug is four years from the date of production indicated on the packaging.

You need to store it:

  1. at room temperature;
  2. away from direct sunlight;
  3. in a place inaccessible to children.

Analogues of the drug

Several drugs have properties similar to Contractubex:

  1. Veniatin Forte is a combined antiprotective agent for external use.
  2. Lidase is an enzyme preparation whose active component is hyaluronidase.
  3. Strataderm gel is a drug for the treatment of scars of various origins.


Using Contractubex against wrinkles

Before using the anti-wrinkle gel, you should consult a dermatologist and carefully study the instructions.

As a means to combat skin smoothness, Contractubex gel is used following the recommendations:

  1. The procedure is carried out in the evening.
  2. Before application, the skin should be cleansed of cosmetics and dirt accumulated during the day.
  3. The face needs to be steamed to open the pores. It is better to use a decoction of chamomile for this.
  4. The gel is applied in a thin layer to problem areas, lightly rubbing it into the skin.
  5. With great care, avoiding contact of the drug with the mucous membranes, it is applied to the skin near the eyes.

Contractubex is quickly absorbed without leaving any traces.

To rejuvenate facial skin, remove wrinkles and tighten the contour, the gel should be used daily for two months. After taking a break, if necessary, the course is repeated again.

The result of application depends on the condition of the skin. For fine wrinkles or when the first signs of skin aging appear, the visual effect appears after one to two weeks of using Contractubex.


Contractubex gel has virtually no contraindications. It is suitable for the prevention and elimination of signs of aging for women regardless of age.

People who are prone to allergies should be careful when using the gel. If, as a result of application, a burning sensation, redness or rash occurs on the skin, the gel should be washed off and consult a dermatologist as soon as possible.

To find out whether the gel can be combined with other drugs, you need to consult a specialist who is familiar with the characteristics of your body and skin problems.


I became acquainted with the rejuvenating properties of Contractubex by accident. I used it to remove a small scar on my cheek. I did everything as written in the instructions, but I spread the gel not only on the scar, but also on the skin around it.

Over time, I noticed that the skin on my cheek became elastic, even and smooth. At first I thought it was just an illusion, and then a friend said that many women use the gel specifically for facial rejuvenation. After that, I started using the gel in the evenings, applying it to my entire face, including the area under my eyes. I liked the fact that it is completely absorbed and there is no need to wash it off. Over the month that I have been using it, the condition of my skin has improved, it has become soft and smooth, even shallow wrinkles on the forehead and near the eyes have smoothed out, and the deep ones have decreased slightly.

As for the scar, it became less noticeable, but did not completely disappear. During this month, I did not perform any other cosmetic procedures. But now I think that I need to take a break, and at the same time I’m afraid that the skin condition will become the same.

I use Contractubex gel as a cosmetic product. I have already completed three courses and am very pleased with the results. Even expensive cosmetics did not give me such a rejuvenating effect.

Of course, it didn’t remove the large wrinkles on my forehead that I had a long time ago, but with its help I got rid of fine, shallow lines. In addition, the pigment spot that had been bothering me for several months became almost invisible.

I apply the gel before going to bed on clean skin, sometimes I steam my face first (if I have free time). I rub it in until it is completely absorbed, especially carefully treating wrinkles. I carry out the procedure every day until I completely use up the purchased tube (20 mg). After that I take a two-month break.

The gel is not cheap, but the result is worth it.

Plaster for facial and brow wrinkles

Our readers successfully use Biorecin to eliminate wrinkles. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention.
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Expression wrinkles on the forehead can occur at any age. Even if you try not to show emotions on your face during the day, you still cannot avoid their appearance. Many girls are embarrassed by such wrinkles and therefore constantly wear bangs, but they do not save the situation.

An easy and effective way to eliminate them is to use an anti-wrinkle patch. It will not stop skin aging, but it can reduce the depth of wrinkles.

Anti-wrinkle patch

It was used by the first beauties of Hollywood, such as Joan Crawford and Marlene Dietrich. They used surgical bandages as an adhesive plaster, securing them under the wig, and then the wrinkles on the forehead tightened and became invisible. And actress Raquel Welch, who released her biography, devotes a whole section to caring for her skin; among her favorite products were Frownies patches, which she used at night.

Frownies anti-wrinkle face patch was invented by Margaret Kroesen over a century ago for her daughter to look great at concerts.

Now there are many modifications of the originally created patch. The product comes in a cardboard box and contains 144 stickers that have a Botox effect, but unlike adhesive patches, the procedure is not painful or addictive. There are various forms of such stickers intended for different areas of the face. They are able to smooth out vertical and horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, as well as folds between the eyebrows. The manufacturer states that they can also be used under the eyes.

The drug that I want to recommend costs only 147 rubles, is easy to use and, most importantly, you will see its effect instantly. Without exaggeration, I will say that fine and deep wrinkles and bags under the eyes disappear almost immediately. Thanks to intracellular effects, the skin is completely restored, regenerated, the changes are simply colossal.

In addition to this anti-wrinkle adhesive plaster, you can purchase other cosmetic analogs that have an intensive effect on existing wrinkles and serve to prevent new wrinkles. The Japanese development Phiten is recognized as popular among them. Such patches are impregnated with a special composition - aquametal, consisting of tiny particles of water and metal (gold, silver, titanium or platinum). The products are manufactured using modern nanotechnology, so they effectively affect wrinkles and relax the skin.

The Phiten package contains 30 round stickers. Twenty of them come with aquametal impregnation, the remaining 10 have a metal ball in the center, they are made specifically to eliminate eyebrow wrinkles. They are not recommended for use on other areas of the face. In order to use this cosmetic plaster economically, it can be cut into small pieces.

By adhering to the gluing pattern of the selected sticker, you can get the effect in just three weeks.

Action of the patch

It is mainly aimed at eliminating facial wrinkles; when attached to the forehead, the muscles cannot spontaneously contract, and they go into a relaxed state.

When gluing a patch on your forehead against wrinkles, you don’t need to worry that the muscles will remain motionless; this will only be felt when it is on the skin; after its regular use, you develop the habit of showing emotions more restrained, which are reflected in facial expressions.

Anti-wrinkle patch between eyebrows

When you open a box of Frownies cosmetic patches, you will find a set of triangular stickers inside. Before use, they are torn off individually, then for better fixation on the skin, one of their corners is moistened with water or tonic; when interacting with the liquid, the composition applied to their inner part becomes sticky, then you can attach a patch for eyebrow wrinkles, which will completely cover the entire fold.

When choosing a Phiten product, use its stickers with a ball, which should be located in the center of the wrinkle.

Sometimes, to enhance the effect obtained, it is allowed to stick two additional patches above the eyebrows.

In the morning, the stickers can be easily removed by soaking them with water. After using them, the habit of frowning eyebrows goes away. The effect of the adhesive plaster begins after three hours of wearing it on the skin, this is the minimum exposure time, the maximum is 9 hours.

Anti-wrinkle patch under the eyes

The skin in this area is very sensitive and a regular patch will not work for them, since after peeling it off you can stretch them and they will begin to sag. It is better to use special patches instead of the stickers in question. They are oval-shaped petals that are attached and left on the face until the composition applied to them dries completely.

The effect of eye patches depends on their impregnation. It is a concentrated composition that may contain hyaluronic acid, snail extracts and hexapeptides.

DIY anti-wrinkle patch

You don’t have to spend money on expensive imported patches; you can try out a worthy alternative from home remedies. We offer effective options for using a regular adhesive plaster, both independently and in conjunction with anti-wrinkle cosmetics.

Option #1

Before using the patch, you need to prepare it. The simplest tax is bought at the pharmacy; the middle, made of cotton wool or gauze, is carefully cut off. The adhesive plaster is cut into several pieces, the size of which is selected based on the area of ​​skin with pronounced wrinkles. Some girls, if there is no patch, use adhesive tape, then it is better to choose one with a fabric base. According to reviews, there is practically no difference between it and an adhesive plaster.

The procedure algorithm consists of several stages:

  1. Cleansing the face of cosmetics.
  2. Applying cream. You can choose any suitable product that has a targeted effect against wrinkles. After applying it, you need to wait a while, but the cream should not be completely absorbed so that a base remains for better retention of the adhesive plaster.
  3. Gluing the patch. It must be positioned correctly, covering the wrinkles completely. The skin is smoothed out, but not stretched.
  4. The patch can be removed after an hour by simply moistening it with plenty of water, and if possible, it is better to keep the sticker on longer. After removing it, a blush may remain on the skin, but it will go away in a quarter of an hour.

There is no need to worry about whether using a patch against wrinkles on the forehead is harmful if you attach it correctly and do not stretch the skin. To enhance the effect of this product, it is recommended to drop essential oil or aloe juice onto the skin before applying the cream, only in small quantities, so as not to cause allergies due to the greenhouse conditions created under the adhesive plaster.

Option No. 2

As a patch for wrinkles on the forehead, a microporous surgical analogue is used, which is used for open damaged wounds. Castor oil is applied underneath, which contains a storehouse of nutrients. It will not only help smooth the skin, but will also cleanse it at the same time.

The oil product is applied in a thick layer to the skin where wrinkles are observed. If you are treating the area around the eyes, you should definitely soak your eyelashes in castor oil; it serves as an excellent stimulator for their growth. As soon as the oil is absorbed a little, you should stick the patch on. Sometimes there is a feeling of skin tightness, but you get used to it over time.

After using this combination anti-wrinkle product, they become narrower and noticeably smaller, the skin looks rested, and becomes noticeably lighter over time. Anyone who wants to leave this remedy overnight, but is afraid of getting swelling, should mix castor oil with sea buckthorn oil, this will completely eliminate all fears.

After its use, the muscles lose the habit of constantly being in a tense state. You can enhance the effect of cosmetic adhesive plasters by using a mesoscooter and a rejuvenating serum. —>

Reviews of Dermatix gel for scar correction and method of application

Scars, scars and stretch marks are an unaesthetic phenomenon that spoils not only the body, but also a person’s mood.

Large defects are difficult to disguise with professional cosmetics, and reducing them using conventional therapeutic methods can also be difficult. To give people the opportunity to get rid of scars or at least reduce them to a small size, pharmacists have developed Dermatix gel, an external product that can restore the skin’s attractive appearance.

Composition and pharmacological description

Colorless gel Dermatix is ​​sealed in plastic tubes of 6 and 15 g.

The drug consists of silicone, which is made from polymeric organosilicon compounds mixed with inorganic silicon dioxide. The components maintain optimal hydration of defective tissue and act on scars and cicatrices that appear on the body after burns, surgeries or injuries.

Clinical studies have shown that the drug makes scars flat and minimizes the discomfort that occurs during the healing process. According to indications, Dermatix is ​​allowed to be used on different parts of the body, including the face and scalp, as well as the joint area.

In pharmacies you can find Dermatix gel from ICN Pharmaceuticals Holland BV and the product from MEDA Pharmaceuticals Dermatix Ultra.

Their cost differs slightly, but the second product, in addition to silicone, contains an auxiliary component such as vitamin C. Manufacturers do not produce cream and ointment called Dermatix.

There is an option in the form of silicone bandages. They are made on a transparent or fabric basis. A bandage measuring 4x13 cm on a transparent base costs approximately 1,300 rubles. The fabric-based product is more expensive - from 1,400 to 5,600 rubles (the cost depends on the size of the dressing).

The Dermatix gel itself in a 15 g tube sells for 2000 – 2400 rubles. A 6 g package is rarely found in pharmacies, and it costs about the same as a large tube.

The gel has a softening and kelloidolytic effect on the affected areas. Scar tissue is treated non-invasively. Inert silicone works on the surface of the epidermis and does not affect the internal environment of the body. The inability to exert a systemic effect on the body allows the use of Dermatix for severe diseases of various types, when most medications are contraindicated.

The size of the scar is determined by the nature and location of the damage and the genetic characteristics of the body. Silicon compounds provide good occlusion and hydration of the stratum corneum of the skin. Under the influence of the gel, collagen fibers change location, adapting to the normal plane of the epidermis and helping to smooth out scars.

How to use the drug correctly

The instructions for use compiled by the manufacturer instruct to treat the affected area with Dermatix gel 2 times a day, using a drop of the product.

Before the procedure, it is necessary to wash the defective area with soapy water and wipe it dry. Then the scar or scar is covered with a thin layer of gel and allowed to air dry for 5 minutes.

You can’t apply makeup to the blemish at this time, and you can’t cover the area with clothes either. If the drug is not absorbed by the dermis, it will leave stains on things. If the product has not dried in 5 minutes, it means that it is in a thick layer and you need to wipe off the excess. When the gel has dried well, you can use cosmetics.

The minimum duration of therapy is 2 months. Longer use consolidates the achieved effect and improves its quality. You can evaluate the results of using Dermatix gel using photos of scars taken before and after treatment.

Our readers successfully use Biorecin to eliminate wrinkles. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention.
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How to remove stretch marks with Dermatix

Striae (colloquially stretch marks) are stripes of red, white and purple colors that form in places of increased extensibility of the skin. From the inside, the stretch marks look like scar connective tissue.

Regular use of Dermatix gel allows you to get rid of postpartum stretch marks - reviews from women indicate this, and makes stretch marks much paler during the period of intensive growth of boys and girls.

In addition, the gel minimizes the appearance of stretch marks in the following cases:

  1. Obesity.
  2. Pregnancy.
  3. Hormonal disorders.
  4. Treatment with glucocorticoids.

It is very difficult to get rid of stretch marks left after pregnancy. Over 9 months, the skin stretches greatly on the abdomen and thighs, and unsightly stripes also form on the mammary glands. The rapid increase in volume does not allow the skin to quickly adapt to new shapes, and the tissues are overstretched.

Dermatix gel puts the skin in order, making fresh stretch marks pale and depriving old stretch marks of clarity. As a result, the defect becomes barely noticeable.

Scars after blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty is a plastic surgery designed to correct age-related changes (fatty hernias, wrinkles, bruises, swelling) and changes in the shape and size of the eyes. As with any surgical procedure, this procedure may leave scars and scars. During rehabilitation, doctors prescribe eye drops, bodyagi masks, and eye exercises (squinting and squinting exercises).

Experts describe Dermatix gel after blepharoplasty in reviews as the best remedy for treating healing sutures. In individual cases, surgeons prescribe Contractubex to prevent skin scarring.

Indications and contraindications

The good thing about a product containing silicone is that it creates an elastic film on the surface of the defective tissue. The temperature underneath rises and a “greenhouse effect” is created, which moisturizes and softens the scar, bringing it to a minimum size. The relief of injured skin is evened out, the flaw becomes almost invisible.

Let's look at the cases in which Dermatix gel can be used:

  1. Treatment of old scars.
  2. Therapy for damaged skin prone to scarring.
  3. Hypertrophic and keloid scars on the body.
  4. Chicken pox and acne scars.
  5. Striae and stretch marks in people of different age groups.

The drug is also widely used in plastic surgery and cosmetology. You can buy Dermatix gel in a pharmacy without a prescription, but the product has side effects and contraindications that should be taken into account. Thus, it is forbidden to apply the product to unhealed wounds and mucous membranes. The gel cannot be combined with drugs that contain antibiotics. If Dermatix is ​​applied over makeup, the skin underneath should be clean and dry.

In rare cases, side effects may occur when using Dermatix gel. This is irritation or increased discomfort during the process of tissue regeneration. The patient should consult a doctor for clarification.

What analogues of Dermatix gel exist?

Medicines with inert silicone give better results in the treatment of scars and scars than drugs without silicone. Specialists who control the quality of drugs approve the gel and recommend its use according to indications. The high effectiveness of Dermatix and its solid cost are explained by the content of silicon dioxide and polysiloxane.

Other regenerating preparations do not contain such components. Dermatix gel analogues are cheap, because the medications have a different composition, but a similar mechanism of action.

What can replace Dermatix:

  1. Contractubex ointment has a plant base. Suitable for removing small, fresh scars.
  2. Gel and cream Zeraderm and Zeraderm Ultra with vitamins and coenzyme Q10. They are rubbed into the scar tissue with massaging movements for 30 seconds. These preparations do not cause a sticky feeling and are very easy to apply. Zeraderm works well to smooth out scars on the face and neck.
  3. Kelo-cote – acts on the scar from the inside. Available in gel and spray form. This makes it easier to treat hard-to-reach areas and painful scars. Zeraderm and Kelo-kot are silicone analogues of Dermatix. The method of using these products is identical, but this does not free the consumer from studying the instructions.
  4. Mederma ointment - treats atrophic scars and eliminates minor defects. It is recommended to use it for 3 – 4 months. Frequency of use – 4 times a day. Apply the ointment using massage movements.
  5. Elicin cream – contains snail extract. Indicated for post-acne, fresh scars and stretch marks.
    Scarguard liquid cream with silicone - designed to remove scars on the face. Apply with a brush. The product protects the skin from irritation and softens rough tissue. Dries quickly on the face.

Let's compare the most popular drugs. Which product should you prefer, which works better – Dermatix or Contractubex?

Due to the silicone content, the gel works more effectively than ointment. It was mentioned above that Contractubex is made from plant components. Each of them is useful in its own way, but phytoingredients correct small, old scars. Dermatix smoothes scars of varying complexity.

Now let's look at a pair of Dermatix or Kelokot - which is better of these products.

Their method of application is different, because Kelo-cote comes in gel and spray form. Which option to use can be guided by the size of the scar:

  1. From 5 to 7.5 cm – gel 6 g.
  2. 12 – 17 cm – gel 15 g.
  3. 7 – 13 cm – spray 50 ml.
  4. From 12 to 15 cm – spray 100 ml.

It is advisable to use Kelo-Kot for 2 to 3 months. In the presence of extensive and old injuries, the duration of therapy can be increased. Dermatix has no limitations in terms of the size of defective areas; it can be called a universal regenerating drug.


Reviews from satisfied consumers allow us to judge the effectiveness of using Dermatix gel in the treatment of scars.

A good remedy for scars and scars - will it help get rid of wrinkles or are we wishful thinking?

Hmmm. I haven’t asked my mirror for a long time: “Who is the cutest in the world?”, so as not to run into the answer: “You are beautiful, no doubt, but...”

I don’t want to listen any further because further developments provoke me to urgently poison the apple and feed it to someone. You can courageously ask questions to the mirror at the age of 25, and then every day the possibility of running into something like:

-Who in the world is the cutest, the most rosy and the whitest?
-You are the whitest in the world.
-That's all?!
-That's all.

Next comes a broken mirror, which is known to be unfortunate.

Having visited some women’s forums, I read the name “Contractubex” and decided to find out what this magical remedy is and whether it will help me return my charming face without signs of 35+.

What kind of remedy and why?

I think that the product is really good, but specifically in its own line - for removing scars and scars. It is not suitable for any other purposes.

  1. Contractubex works well in the treatment of fresh keloids and fresh acne scars. It is useless in the treatment of stretch marks and old scars of any origin.

Composition and effect of components

Well, I don’t know how effective it is, but it contains:

  1. onion extract; heparin; allantoin.

Each ingredient is responsible for a specific function:

  1. heparin - reduces the density of scar tissue, allantoin - stimulates blood circulation and wound healing, and onion extract is responsible for anti-inflammatory properties and promotes the formation of a thin scar, preventing the formation of excess connective tissue.

I really didn't like the high price:

  1. cream 50 grams about 1000 rubles, gel – 650 rubles for 20 grams.

It is not clear where this amount comes from, given the cheap cost of the components. By the way, heparin ointment costs 50 rubles at the pharmacy.

How to use for wrinkles

  1. You can smear it on your face, you can take it orally, you can just look at it and try to insert it into the wrinkles with the power of thought.


Oh, well, this is sacred. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the ingredients. It’s very pleasing, considering that the main component is ordinary onion extract. Well, plus a little heparin and allantoin.

Even I, with my wild allergies to almost everything, could try this magical remedy! Well, if I had scars.


There can be no effect from using Contractubex against wrinkles! The product is designed for scars and scars, and the physiology of the origin of scars and wrinkles is completely different:

  1. A scar is formed due to damage to the skin with penetration into the deeper dermis and subcutaneous fat. The body begins to urgently produce additional collagen to repair the damage. But the new connective tissue will be denser than the rest of the skin because it is formed from inelastic “emergency” collagen. This is how scars are formed. The appearance of wrinkles occurs deep in the skin, at the muscle level. Facial wrinkles occur when muscles “memorize” certain movements (for example, wrinkles on the forehead of those who like to frown). Fine superficial wrinkles begin to appear from a lack of moisture in the body and a decrease in collagen production - after 25 years, we lose 1% of collagen per year.

How much to use for effect?

Yes, as much as you like, there will still be no point. If you hang out on women's forums, where advice is given from daily application of dimexide to exfoliate the skin to masks with chicken droppings, then you can completely ruin your face.

It's funny to you? And I'm completely serious. You haven't read the advice on women's forums. There you can find recipes for rejuvenation with the blood of a virgin, and with the mustache of a tigress, and with the horn of a unicorn.

Against this background, Contractubex is childish pranks.

Experts' opinion

And you don’t even need to ask the opinion of specialists, because every self-respecting specialist knows perfectly well that you can’t expect any effect, even if you cover yourself with Contractubex from head to toe.

Girls, to defeat age (from 35 to 65), only a temporary victory of Botox and fitness over time and mind is possible. And then, there is a 100% guarantee that at one far from perfect moment

  1. the carriage will turn into a pumpkin, the prince - into a toad, and you - into a grandmother.

This is what awaits us all in the end. And since this is inevitable, why poison your life with “chemistry”?

Well, let's smear strawberries on our face and eat the rest! Let's spread ourselves with cucumber and honey and eat what's left too! It’s tasty, pleasant, and has exactly the same benefit as unicorn horns and contratubex, that is, none.
Believe me, I won’t give bad advice.