The difference between a rabid and non-rabid dog bite

Sometimes someone is bitten by a dog and the person bitten is unable to determine what kind of dog it is or verify its condition. It has to be treated, and the treatment, since it is a wound, consists of healing, and since it is the bite of a mad dog, it is necessary to cause suppuration and open the wound, for if it closes, it will be death. Therefore, a sign is needed by which one can determine its condition. From what they say about this, I will give the following: they take a nut, nutmeg or another, put it on the wound and leave it on it for a while, then remove it and throw it to the chicken; if she turns away from it, it means that a mad dog has bitten, and if she eats the nut and dies, then the dog is also mad. Or they take a piece of bread, spread it with whatever is flowing from the wound, be it blood or something else, and throw it to the dogs. If the dogs don't take it, it means it was bitten by a rabid dog.

They say one of the signs of rabies is that if you give a person cold water, his body will warm up after that, and I will say this is a sign that is not inherent specifically to rabies.

First of all, you should not let the wound heal, but, on the contrary, you should expand it and open it if it is not wide. As a precaution, the wound should not be healed for at least forty days, and if you drew out the poison on the first day and then did not heal the wound, then you did a very useful thing; if you made a mistake and the wound healed, then it should be vigorously poisoned. If you find a wound in the first days, then from the tearing medicines you should apply to it, for example, opopanax, nuts, garlic, or a plaster of zifta, opopanax and vinegar according to this recipe take vinegar, cysts, and it must be strong, zifta - rittl and opopanax - three uqiyas, soak the opopanax in vinegar until it dissolves, and then mix it all together; sometimes garlic and onions are enough, as well as boiled indau and asafoetida, in combination or separately. Beetroot is also good, and sometimes ghee is added along with it; often you have to take corrosive medicines with faldafiyun and then add butter.

One of the rubbing medicines is as follows: take salt - three parts, ammonia - two parts, calcadis - eight parts, fried sea onions - sixteen, rue - four, coral - ten, burnt copper - four, verdigris - three, horehound seeds - two all this is sifted through a piece of silk and placed on the wound.

First, it is necessary to use all possible means - walking, a bath - to induce perspiration in the patient in the first days, do not rush into bowel movements and it is better to start pulling the poison out. Evacuations sometimes help the poison penetrate into the depths and prevent it from being pulled out, because they pull the juices inward and the poison gets carried away with them. When you have pulled out as much as you can, then in two or three days begin to remove what may have already penetrated deeper. If you did not draw out the poison and it was a mistake, then the emptying is then more necessary, and it is better for it to be stronger.

If you notice an overflow of blood, then bleed, but otherwise, do not, and when you do bloodletting, do not allow the patient to look at his blood, especially at the end of the illness.

As for laxation, let them use substances that remove black bile, and even harbak, pills from harbak and similar medicines, without which Iyaraj Rufa is a wonderful remedy for them, and one of the laxatives they need is mad cucumber.

Description of a good laxative for such patients. Take Kabul myrobalan - two miscals, bitter wormwood - one and a half miscals, Indian salt - half a miscal, polypodium - a miscal, Armenian stone - a miscal, agaric - one and a half miscals, black hellebore - two miscals, one dose of all this in the form of pills - two mithqala.

When you cause the patient to relax with strong laxatives, you need to use him every day or every other day with a light enema that does not irritate the rectum, for example, with olive oil and beet juice, or give a laxative made from cheese whey and bitter wormwood. After relaxation, the patient should be fed with dishes made from poultry and chickens. Then thinning diuretic juices and sweet wine are used, especially old wine that has retained its sweetness, as well as boiled wine and milk; wine brings great benefits to such patients. Most of all, they need balanced nutrition and hydration; this is the basis of the matter and is achieved with the help of broths from good birds and, for example, white bread with cold water. Of the liquids, water, in which iron has been extinguished many times, is of great benefit, but onions and garlic are among the nutrients that are especially suitable for treating poisons; they tear them off and expel them from the body. Therefore, you should not forget to use them as medicine.

Hurry up and give the patient teryak al-faruk and a special medicine made from crayfish, they say that teryak from four medicines brings great benefits to such patients, just like teryak with rennet, which we will talk about below, feed the patient with crayfish.

They also tried to take coals from crayfish, moderately burned on white grapevine wood to such an extent that they could be ground, and gentian coals, burned on the same wood and to the same extent, and drink them with pure wine, giving them to the reception four spoons of these coals in such wine should be ground into powder.

There is also another recipe for this medicine: they take five parts of crayfish coals, caught at a time when the sun is in the constellation Leo, and moderately roasted in a bread oven in a copper cauldron, where they were placed alive, as well as five parts of gentian and one part of incense, grind and save for use, give one spoonful in water in the first days, and after several days give two spoons, and so increase the intake to four spoons.

Among the medicines for such patients that are credited with efficacious powers is the medicine made from Spanish flies, which we will talk about shortly. Medicine from crayfish is given in the first days only if there is no danger of hydrophobia. Sometimes gentian is prescribed in the recipe in the amount of half of the burned crayfish.

If you find the patient two or three days after the bite, then the amount of medicine from two types of ash that you give him should be twice the amount you give; if you find the patient on the first day, the same is true with other medicines, which we will talk about, and if you came after the seventh day, then give several times more.

If you capture a patient during these days, then cut the tissue near the wound with deep cuts and forcefully suck out the poison; if you catch him after more days have passed, then the expansion of the wound does not reach the goal and you should not go beyond the limit, for this causes pain to the patient without much benefit. On the contrary, just try to keep the wound open, because widening is of little use if the first three days or so have passed, since the poison has already spread. Be content with the fact that the wound remains open, and add to this other treatment - taking teryak and using bowel movements.

It seems that the poison, if strong, spreads by the fourth day, or even earlier, and often kills in one week. There is no doubt that if the poison spreads quickly, faster than we said, then among the means of extraction there is nothing better than cauterization. Even if the period was longer than this and you are afraid that the patient will fall into hydrophobia, and you rush to do strong cauterization after this period, then it is quite likely that it will help, because cauterization draws out and destroys the poison substance more strongly than other medicines draw out and destroy it. And if something prevents this, you use medicines that replace cauterization - a patch with salt and means that cause redness, for example, a medicinal bandage with mustard and the like. Absolutely do not take the sick person to the bathhouse at this time until he recovers and signs of recovery appear; if you bathe him, you will kill him. They say that one of the remedies that is beneficial for him is to sit in the bath; I think this should be done in the first days. Cold is one of the things he has to watch out for.

Sometimes at this time or after it is necessary to bleed the patient a second time, do this and again do not let him look at his blood.

And when you see that the patient’s affairs are heading towards recovery, force him to do moderate physical exercises, use the bath sparingly, pour plenty of warm water, rub him and rub oil that is balanced by nature into his body.

When it comes to hydrophobia, then don’t be scared either, until the patient stops recognizing his face in the mirror. They say that sometimes he just doesn’t recognize his own face, and sometimes it seems to him that there is a dog in the mirror. Give him the water mentioned above, in which the iron was extinguished, and use the tricks that we will talk about, for this is an excellent method of treatment. Use all sorts of tricks to get the sick person to drink water, and if you need to tie him up and force him, do it, and apply cooling bandages to his stomach. In this case, they tried wine, half diluted, and it helped amazingly.

Sometimes at this time a medicine of this kind is beneficial: they take hare rennet, clay from Buheira, delivered from Alexandria, juniper berries, gentian - four darakhmi each, laurel drupes, myrrh - eight darachmi each and mix with honey, give about Egyptian bakilla. Or they take seals from Buheira, juniper berries - ten darachmi each, gazelle rennet - four, hare rennet - six, round aristolochia, laurel drupes, myrrh, amom, wild rue seeds - three darakhmi each, turn into porridge with sweet wine and then mixed with honey and given bakilla at one time.

They also take printed clay - eight mithqals, laurel drupes - the same amount, hare rennet - sixteen, gazelle rennet - thirty-two dirhams, gentian root - four, myrrh - four. All this is mixed with honey and kept in the mouth and given in a bowl of himmus with hot water at a time.

Some people say whoever hangs the fang of a mad dog on his body, the mad dogs will avoid him and will not attack him, like all other dogs, but these people are among those who do not believe.