Nerve crushing and stretching

If the nerve has been crushed and there is no wound or tumor, then treat it with pain-soothing drugs; if a tumor forms, then do not treat it with drugs that open abscesses like ash water and the like, but use painkillers. The diseased organ should be watered with heated oil, pouring continuously, and let the property of this oil be tissue relaxation and dissolution.

Some excellent oils in this regard include dill oil, chamomile oil and rue oil. Dressings with these oils are also suitable. Marshmallow works wonderfully; if you crush it and put it on a crushed nerve, the meat from the shells also helps amazingly, and sometimes they are also treated with boiled viper onions.

When there is a tumor on the nerve, then to calm this tumor, they drink condensed grape juice with wine, to which they add a little vinegar, as well as olive oil in the required amount. All this is rubbed moderately, dirty wool is immersed in the composition - wool with lanolin is best, and placed on the nerve. If such pain is felt in the joints, then it is better to soothe the pain and use stronger medicines on the nerve, composed of substances that promote ripening and dissolving, but with a moderate astringent property, so that the medicine resists the tumor and does not enlarge it. Observe what the pain is and what the swelling is, and direct treatment to what bothers you more.

If there is no tumor, then simplify the medicines and use strong ones, for example, ash water, as well as vinegar and wine, and if the time of existence of the tumor is prolonged, strengthen the medicines and increase their dissolving ability, and do not care at all what you put there are also astringents, for example, medicines prepared with ash water, or products prepared from bath mud.

When there is also a wound to the skin, a strongly drying, connecting and constricting medicine is needed, which would compress the particles of the crushed nerve and benefit the wound. If the skin has not been crushed or injured at all, then use bandages prepared, for example, from horse bean flour, vinegar and honey - this is an excellent medicine; if you want it to dry more, put lenticular vetch flour on it, and if you want to do it is even stronger, then add iris root.

As long as the wound is such that no attention is paid to it, then the nerve is treated with means that prevent swelling, and the wound is not treated; meat from the shells then works wonderfully. Sometimes it is treated with wax ointment and salt, and a medicinal dressing with frankincense and myrrh is equally useful in both cases.

If excruciating pain is felt with both injuries, then you should add olive oil to the medicine and apply a hot bandage of it. When a nerve is stretched, you should beware of water and do not bring it closer to the nerve, either hot or cold; it is better to use oils that have the properties of rarefied, highly astringent flowers and spices with the same qualities. As for the judgment about a rotting nerve, often a piece of nerve rots and needs to be removed, and then it is removed as a medical vein.