Types of headaches that occur due to complicity

Complicity headaches occur with either unconditional participation or non-unconditional participation. Unconditional participation is a participation in which only suffering and nothing material is transferred from the participating organ to the brain area, but with non-unconditional participation, matter in the form of juice or steam is transferred from the participating organ to the brain substance.

The first category includes types of headaches that occur with spasm, cusaz, cramps, chills in the back and pain in the joints, as well as headaches with gout and inflammation of the sciatic nerve, if they are strong. Sometimes the quality transferred to the brain belongs to natural qualities, or it is some extraneous bad quality that is not related to warmth or cold, such as, for example, poisonous qualities. After all, poisonous juice with a bad substance often ends up in some organs and its quality is transferred to the brain. And sometimes the juices that pass to the brain are not foreign in quality; they cause suffering only by intensifying their qualities or increasing their quantity. Often, foreign matter reaches the brain, originating in some organs in an unusual, bad way, as happens when the uterus is strangled, in someone who has not had intercourse for a long time, or in a person in whose abdominal walls or limbs bad juice has formed.

Sometimes a harmful quality transferred to the brain causes the formation of matter, which also causes suffering. This happens in two ways. In one case, the passing quality spoils the good matter that is found in the region of the brain, or the good food that enters the brain; in the second case, it makes the brain receptive to bad juices, and such susceptibility also manifests itself in two ways: firstly, the brain can accept them into itself by attracting them, if, for example, the mentioned quality warms the brain and it attracts juices with warmth; secondly, it can absorb juices due to weak contact. You already know from the basics that if an organ weakens, it better accepts the juices directed to it.

The complicity of the brain with the whole body takes place either due to matter spread throughout the whole body - headaches in crises belong to this category - or due to some quality that spreads throughout the body, as happens in fevers. If the headache intensifies during fevers, then the intensification is a bad, even deadly sign in the presence of other bad signs. If it remains single, then it indicates a crisis that is resolved by bleeding from the nose; sometimes it indicates a vomiting crisis. The first and most predisposed organ to this, involved with the head, is the stomach. The fact is that in the stomach bad juices sometimes become excessive or originate there, or bile is poured into the stomach either periodically or not periodically, and the gall bladder is created in such a way that bile flows into the stomach from a large, and not from a small vessel, as we will explain this in its place. Either the winds are blocked in the stomach, or vapors rise from it, which causes a headache. A hangover causes a headache without producing fumes. Such a person is quickly overcome by cold due to the looseness of his limbs.

The uterus is one of the organs with which the participation of the brain is very significant. The same applies to the walls of the abdomen, liver, spleen, abdominal barrier, kidneys, all limbs and the back area. The first part of the brain that is involved with the brain is the part of the membrane that surrounds it, which lines the skull. Complicity headaches often occur when matter moves from tumors in the internal organs involved, when the matter moves upward.