Foot massage: technique for flat feet by Thai and Chinese masters

Foot massage is considered the most popular type of massage, because it is on our feet that the densest arrangement of nerve endings and biologically active points is concentrated. This procedure has a beneficial effect on the entire body, in particular on the leg muscles.

A foot massage performed by a professional will help cope with a number of problems and have a preventive effect:

  1. Acupressure normalizes blood circulation
  2. Is an effective treatment and prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system
  3. Prevention of the digestive and respiratory systems is carried out
  4. Relieves swelling of the limbs
  5. Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous, and immune systems
  6. Stimulates the body's energy balance

Of course, after studying the technique, you can perform self-massage. A foot massage session before bed will have a relaxing effect, relieve stress, lift your spirits, and get rid of everything negative and depressive.

Foot massage

Excellent relaxation of the body occurs

Massage technique

It is worth mentioning that the foot massage technique should be selective, because the area of ​​the heel and balls of the sole are covered with a thick layer of skin. In these places you can safely massage with intense pressure. But the center of the foot is more sensitive and delicate, so movements should be careful and smooth.

How to do a foot massage:

  1. Take two pillows: place one under your knee, the other under your foot. Then grab your foot with your palms on the sides and begin to quickly rub your foot up and down. This movement has a relaxing effect on muscles and joints.
  2. Then place both palms under your ankle. Perform rocking movements from side to side. This will have an even more relaxing effect.
  3. Clench one palm into a fist and press it to the pads of the sole. Press the other palm on top of the foot. Perform rubbing with alternating pressure.
  4. We move on to rubbing the surface of the foot. We place the big toes on top of the foot, and press the rest to the sole. Start rubbing by bringing your thumbs together and spreading them apart. Start rubbing from the top of your feet, gradually moving to the bottom.
  5. We grab the foot with our left hand, and with the thumb of our right hand we begin to perform circular movements along the inside of the sole. Movements should be moderate and careful.
  6. We leave the left hand in the same position. Using your thumb and forefinger, begin to pinch the outer circle of your heel. Then use your thumb to make small circles around the base of your heel.
  7. Wrap your hands around your foot. Then place your fingers together and begin to run your fingers up your foot several times, all the way to your ankle. Afterwards you need to perform small circular movements around the ankle.
  8. Place your right hand under your heel, holding it. Using the thumb and index finger of your left hand, begin massaging each finger, starting with the thumb.
  9. The procedure should be completed with relaxing and soothing strokes of the entire foot.

For greater effectiveness, use massage oil. This can be professional massage oil or regular heated olive oil. Foot massage can be smoothly converted into a leg massage, where the area of ​​the lower leg, thighs and buttocks will be involved. Massage of the buttocks and thighs can also be performed at home.

Foot massage for flat feet

Flat feet is a deformation of the foot, which is expressed in the straightening of the longitudinal arch and is fixed in a separate position.

Massage for flat feet

Massage for flat feet is recommended to be combined with therapeutic exercises. This combination will have a beneficial effect on the condition of the muscular system and the entire foot as a whole. With regular exercises and techniques, the muscles of the foot will be strengthened, pain and fatigue when walking will be reduced. Shock absorption functions will also be restored and congestion in the blood vessels of the legs will decrease.

How to do a foot massage for flat feet

We suggest considering several simple techniques that can be easily performed at home:

  1. Our first action will be to alternately knead our fingers. To do this, lower your little finger with your right hand and lift your ring finger with your left. Then vice versa. In this sequence, go over each finger six times.
  2. Then we will knead all the fingers together. We grab the heel with our left hand, and with our right hand we raise and lower all our fingers at once. We do it six times.
  3. Let's move on to rubbing. We rub the back of the foot and sole with intense movements, moving from the toes to the ankle joint. Grind for twenty minutes.
  4. For a minute, rub and knead the bases of your toes, then the heel area.
  5. Grasp the foot with two palms and begin to massage the foot from all sides with stroking movements.
  6. To complete the procedure, you need to stroke the entire leg, starting from the foot and ending with the groin area.

It is worth noting that treatment for flat feet should be comprehensive. It is worth using not only massage, but also therapeutic exercises and other preventive procedures.

Thai foot massage

Thai foot massage originates from traditional massage. This is a very ancient method, dating back more than 3000 years. It is an ideal remedy for healing the foot and the whole body. Able to relieve stress, tension, swelling of the legs.

Effect of Thai foot massage:

  1. Stimulating the proper functioning of internal organs and other systems
  2. Activation of the body’s natural healing mechanisms
  3. Improving blood circulation, cleansing the body of waste and toxins
  4. Stimulating the lymphatic system
  5. Beneficial effects on the nervous system
  6. Reduction of swelling of the legs, a feeling of lightness in the lower extremities
  7. Strengthening the immune system

The video shows in detail the technique of performing Thai foot massage.

Chinese foot massage

Chinese foot massage has received a special calling in healing the entire body. A correctly performed procedure is beneficial for absolutely everyone, even a completely healthy person. By stimulating a certain point located on the foot, you can help the body restrain the development of various pathologies and prevent diseases.

Effect of Chinese foot massage:

  1. Relieving fatigue and tension
  2. Beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system
  3. Elimination of congestion in organs and tissues
  4. Improving blood and lymph circulation
  5. Cleansing the body of toxins and metabolic products
  6. Elimination of problems with the musculoskeletal system and digestion

Correctly performed technique of working with the feet helps to improve the health of our entire body, stimulating specific areas of our body.