
Phon: unit of sound volume level

Phon is a unit of sound loudness that is used to determine the level of sound pressure perceived by the human ear. It is used to measure the loudness of sound in conditions where different frequencies of sound affect how a person perceives it.

Sound intensity is measured in decibels (dB), which allows the difference between sound pressure and a reference sound level to be determined. The reference sound level is 2x10-5 Pa and has a frequency of 1000 Hz. The intensity of the reference sound increases gradually until its loudness is equal to the loudness of the measured sound.

If the volume level of the measured sound is higher than the reference level, then it is measured in phons. The volume of the sound in the backgrounds is equal to the number of decibels by which the reference sound was increased. For example, if the measured sound has a volume level of 60 dB, and the reference sound has a volume level of 40 dB, then the volume level of the measured sound is 20 phon.

Phon is an important unit of sound loudness measurement that is used in a variety of fields, including audiology, sound engineering, music, and others. It allows you to determine the volume level of a sound and its perception by a person in conditions where different frequencies of sound can affect its perception.

Phon – a unit of measurement of the loudness level of sound, which is used to compare the intensity of sound with a reference tone, which has a frequency of 1000 Hertz and a sound pressure of 2 x 10-5 pascals.

The background is used to determine the intensity of a sound in relation to a reference tone. To do this, the intensity of the measured sound is gradually increased until it is equal to the intensity of the reference tone. The difference in intensity is then measured in backgrounds. The greater the difference, the greater the background.

Thus, the background is a convenient tool for measuring and comparing sound volume levels. It allows you to quickly and accurately determine the intensity of a sound and compare it with other sounds.

And this is how an article on this topic reads in one and a half thousand characters:

*Background (French *phono* - “sound”, “voice”) is a unit of **sound volume level**. Used to measure the loudness of a sound using a reference sound. Loudness is determined by comparing the measured value with a reference loudness level in the background. The reference tone has a frequency of 1,000