Types and causes of fainting and causes of sudden death

Fainting is the cessation of the action of most forces, moving and feeling, due to the weakness of the heart and the accumulation of all the pneuma near it due to its movement inward, or because it is locked inside and does not find an outlet for itself, or because there is little of it and it is rarefied and does not exceed in quantity what is always present at its source. You will also learn, based on what you have investigated so far, that the cause of all this cannot but be either an overflow of matter, suffocating due to its abundance or obstruction, or an emptying that dissipates the pneuma, or the lack of a replacement for what has been absorbed, and severe hunger . People who suffer hunger the worst are those who are considered neither sick nor healthy, such as, for example, children and those close to them in age, as well as the elderly and convalescents; As for those who have advanced in years, they sometimes endure hunger well. In winter, hunger is tolerated better than in summer. The cause of fainting can also be an established disorder of nature or a significant disorder of nature that arose suddenly, as well as severe pain or weakness of the forces of the main sources of pneuma, especially the heart, then the brain and then the liver, or weakness of an organ associated with the heart, for example, the mouth of the stomach, and also weakness of the whole body, exhaustion and weight loss. Fainting also occurs as a result of a person’s emotional experience, as has already been said elsewhere. Most often this happens in old people, in the weakened and in those recovering, or when a force reaches the heart and pneuma that is opposite in substance to their nature, for example, when inhaling a fetid odor from wells or contaminated air, as happens during pestilence fevers, as well as from the stench of a corpse and the power of poison from penetrating the heart; Sometimes arteries are involved in this. This also includes fainting due to worms rising to the mouth of the stomach.

Now we must talk about all this in more detail and say: as for matter, matter causes fainting either because there is a lot of it and it clogs the ducts of the pneuma and retains it all in the heart, so that the heart almost suffocates, this also includes the outpouring of a large quantity of juices or abundance of blood in the mouth of the stomach, in the chest or in similar organs, or sudden movement into the region of the heart of matter from a tumor in sore throat, pleurisy and inflammation of the lungs, or because it gets stuck in the pores and clogs the ducts, especially in the respiratory organs; sometimes the blockage is general in all the vessels of the body, although this is caused not by the abundance, but by the density of the matter. Sometimes matter causes fainting, causing great harm by its quality, very cold or very acrid or very burning. Fainting, which occurs at the beginning of an attack of fever, belongs to this variety, and is caused by thick, viscous, acrid or burning juices. These juices are sometimes located near the heart, and sometimes in other related organs, such as the brain. When a complete blockage occurs in the brain and sakta occurs, fainting is sure to occur.

Sometimes the matter is in the stomach from a previous cause or from a weakness that has arisen, as a result of which the stomach becomes capable of receiving matter, and the juices, whether cold or hot, seep into its mouth. Sometimes fainting occurs due to an abundance of blockages in the vessels of the body, wherever they are. Such murderous juices are often formed from excessive eating and drinking and from frequent indigestion due to poor digestion; Because of this, juices spread throughout the body, filling the blood vessels and clogging the airways. These abundant juices sometimes contribute to fainting also by depriving the body of food, for they block the path of good nutrition, and do not themselves turn into something nutritious, for with their abundance they overpower the nature and are not susceptible to its influence. In addition, the nature of the body is damaged because of them. Juices that cause fainting by their abundance or bad quality are those substances that, when entering the stomach, excite melancholy and nausea, if they are not so abundant and bad as to lead to fainting.

As for fainting due to excessive evacuation, it occurs because the pneuma accompanies the expelled juice and is expelled along with it, so that most of it is dissipated. This happens either with weakness of the stomach due to diarrhea, or with repeated weakening, or with slippery stomach or intestines, or with abrasions in the intestines, or with profuse vomiting, or with nosebleeds or hemorrhage from other organs, for example, from the mouths of the vessels of the anus, either with a wound, or with increased excretion of dropsy, or with a puncture of an abscess, from which a lot of pus immediately flows, or due to heavy bleeding during menstruation or after childbirth, or from intense physical exercise or staying in a bathhouse, causing severe perspiration, or due to some random effective independent cause that causes sweat of its own accord, such as heat, or predisposes to it, such as excessive porosity of the body and liquid juices by substance or by virtue of their natural qualities. When fainting occurs due to the excretion of juices, but the animal strength is still great, then it is not dangerous; such, for example, is the fainting that occurs after bloodletting.

As for pain, it causes fainting, because it excessively dissipates the pneuma; this happens with obstruction of the intestines and kulanzhe, with excessive burning in the sensitive organs at the mouth of the stomach, in the intestines and in organs similar to them, or, for example, from pain from wounds and ulcerations of the nerves or from scorpion or wasp stings affecting the nerves, as well as ulceration of joints subjected to friction and impacts against adjacent parts due to the outpouring of harmful matter. The same thing happens, for example, from the pain of creeping ulcers: they make you faint, causing severe pain due to their sharpness and corrosion, and cause destruction of organs, even leading to death. Such ulcers lead to fainting, first from pain, and then from severe cooling of the heart or from the fact that they deliver bad, poisonous fumes to the heart; These pairs are born as a result of the decay of the organ and its transition to a nature opposite to what corresponds to the nature of people.

We have already spoken about mental phenomena, and you know the reasons for their harmfulness to the heart. As for tumors, they cause fainting either due to their considerable size, wherever they are, externally or internally, in which case they spoil the nature of the heart through the mediation of juices delivered by the arteries, or because they destroy the organ in which they are located, if it is, for example, the sac of the heart or any organ close to the heart. Even if such a tumor is not very large, it acts in the same way as a large tumor distant from the heart. Or the cause of fainting is pain from the tumor, if it is very strong. And the stomach, how can it be the cause of fainting? Know that the stomach is an organ close in position to the heart and at the same time very sensitive; In addition, it is a storage facility where various juices are collected. It causes fainting either by being very cold, as happens with bulimus, or by being very warm, or causing severe pain, or because there is thick, bad, cold or burning and acrid matter in it, or because there are ulcers and pimples at its mouth. And other organs, how can they be the cause of fainting? Know that other organs can cause fainting either from pain reaching from them to the heart, or from a poisonous vapor sent by them to the heart, as happens with “suffocation of the uterus,” or as a result of emptying, which removes pneuma from the heart; This is the case, for example, with severe weakness of the mouth of the stomach, either due to blockages causing a narrowing of the pneuma ducts around the heart, or due to the fact that a corrupted bad nature predominates in them, as happens, for example, with burning and pestilent fevers. This is one of those cases where all organs are involved.

Know that there is no treatment for deep fainting, especially if it has reached the point where your face turns blue and your head hangs down and you can barely raise it. The one who has reached this point dies as soon as his head is raised. Know that if a patient is bled out of necessity and loses consciousness, but not as a result of significant emptying and not because this always happens to him, then it means that an illness nests in his body or his stomach is weak on its own or as a result the outpouring of matter into it. If an old man with a fever has immature matter poured into his stomach, it causes fainting. When a person faints at the first bloodletting, this is due to the sudden action of this measure, to which he is not accustomed. Fainting often occurs during a crisis due to the fact that hot matter rushes to the stomach. Bleeding is often the cause of fainting due to cooling.

Signs. Signs of pain that indicate the cause of fainting correspond to the signs of interruptions mentioned above. If they are weak, they occur from interruptions; if they intensify, they lead to fainting, and if they become even stronger, they lead to sudden death. The pulse is the most telling sign in this case. A compressed pulse while maintaining strength indicates pressing matter, and a significantly uneven pulse with frequent breaks and a very small pulse indicates dissipation of force; As for the other signs that indicate other conditions, you already know them. In general, if fainting does not occur suddenly, then first the pulse decreases, then the blood begins to go deeper, the complexion changes, the eyelids almost do not rise, there is weakness in eye movements and a change in their color; Visions appear before the eyes that go beyond the existing limits, the limbs become cold, and cold moisture appears on the body. Sometimes fainting occurs after this, and sometimes the whole body becomes cold. If any of these signs appear after bloodletting, laxation, or prolonged exposure to something that inevitably causes pain, then one must abstain from all this and eliminate the cause; if its action is not stopped, it sometimes leads to fainting.

If there is no obvious reason for fainting, external or previous, and it is accompanied by frequent interruptions, and there is no disease at the mouth of the stomach that causes them, but they are repeated, then this is a cardiac faint and firmly established. Fainting, which is preceded by lightheadedness and nausea, is sometimes gastric. When the fainting is long and deep and there is no external, conditioning cause for it, then it is a cardiac faint, and the patient dies suddenly.

Treatment. For severe fainting, which occurs due to an established disorder of nature, there is no treatment, but fainting of a different origin, but milder and resulting from causes outside the heart, can be treated. A person who has fainted is sometimes in a true syncope, sometimes between fainting and being conscious, and sometimes in an attack milder than fainting. When he is unconscious, we cannot always address the underlying cause, and we have to weigh the appropriate treatment against the side effects. And sometimes two mutually opposite needs simultaneously arise before us, relating to different parts of the body: in the organs we must reduce or remove the juices present there, and for the pneuma it is necessary to increase the substance that nourishes it and revive it, since it has partially dissipated. Most often, when fainting occurs, it is necessary to begin by providing nutrition to the pneuma with fragrant odors, unless there is “suffocation of the uterus” and the fainting did not occur from this, but in case of fainting from “suffocation of the uterus”, fetid odors should be brought closer to the patients’ noses, especially those that , at the same time, pleasant to the mouth of the stomach. Sniffing cucumber has a special proven healing property in this regard, mainly   in the treatment of hot yellow gall syncope; Lettuce also acts in the same way, and after that they treat by giving and swallowing substances that stimulate the forces.

If the patient’s stomach is empty and he is hungry, then pure wine should not be brought near him; on the contrary, the wine should be mixed with a large amount of meat juice or diluted generously with water. Otherwise, wine sometimes causes confusion and spasms.

One of the necessary measures for most types of fainting is to tighten the tissues of the body from the outside in order to delay the dissipating pneuma, unless, of course, there is very strong weakening and the cause of fainting is not extreme cold. In the absence of an obvious reason related to the cold and not allowing one to sprinkle the patient with cold water, fan him with a fan, give him to swallow cold water, especially rose water, and dress him in clothes fumigated with sandalwood, letting him smell cold incense, the patient often regains consciousness as a result of such measures. And if the fainting is stronger than such drugs and did not occur from the influence of something that dissipates pneuma and is very hot, then the patient should blow musk into the nose, give him a sniff of gallium, fumigate his nads, and if possible, force him to swallow medicine from musk. If the cause is fever, then it is useful to use cold incense and splash cold water on the face. It is not bad to add a little musk to the medicines used if these medicines are dominated by, for example, camphor, sandalwood or drugs that cause even stronger cooling; then the cold medicine will counteract the harmful hot nature, and the musk will help to increase the innate heat. And let the sick swallow cold water, and if their condition allows them to add liquid, weak, cooled wine to the water, so much the better. In this case, they should often rub the area of ​​​​the mouth of the stomach with it, and their bed should be in cold air. The beds of all those who are lying in a faint should be in the same place, unless it is a faint from a cold reason and, especially, not a faint in a person suffering from tabes. You should constantly water the limbs and the area of ​​the main organs with rose water and well-known cold squeezed juices and be sure to drink chilled wine. If hiccups and nausea are observed, then it is necessary to arouse warmth in the patient and help his nature by tickling his throat with a feather, inducing vomiting and promoting the movement of pneuma outward. Such a patient needs to be shaken all the time, talked and shouted over him as loudly as possible, and forced to sneeze, even with the help of a kachim. And if this fails and the patient does not sneeze, then he is dead.

It is necessary, especially when fainting due to bowel movements, to bring the smell of foods that stimulate the appetite closer to the sick, unless they feel sick. In case of fainting caused by juices in the mouth of the stomach, such foods should not be brought close to the sick. They should be given to drink and take sips of wine, either chilled or heated, depending on the circumstances known to you, and this should be the most penetrating wine, liquid, fragrant, old and pleasant to the taste, in which the remainder of the astringent force has been preserved, and, moreover, very strong. fresh so that it attracts and strengthens the pneuma. The wine should not have strong bitterness, which makes it contrary to nature, as well as thickness, due to which it does not quickly penetrate the organs, and let the color of the wine be yellowish. But if fainting occurs as a result of evacuation, especially evacuation through the pores due to their looseness and other reasons, then black, thick wine should be preferred, for it is more nutritious and sooner brings the juices into a state opposite to that in which they dissolve, and faster returns the pneuma to density. If there are no such reasons, then the most suitable wine for the patient is the one that penetrates the organs faster. You can experience the wine by tasting a little of it. If you see that it quickly goes inside, warms you up and, moreover, has a good thickness and smell, then this will be the most suitable wine that you need. Sometimes we put musk in the wine, about two habbs, or a medicine made from musk in the amount of a single dose or half or a third of it, this is done for deep fainting, as well as musk cakes mentioned in the Pharmacopoeia. The most suitable wine in such a case is warmed, if the fainting is not due to fever: it penetrates better into the organs. And if you strengthen it with the power of bread, it will not dissipate so quickly. One of the remedies useful for such patients is a special medicine against fainting, mentioned in the Pharmacopoeia. It is very necessary to give warmed wine to people who are slower to regain consciousness; They should not be given cold wine, just like those whose whole body is cold. It is precisely such patients who need to be rubbed and hot, fragrant oils rubbed into the limbs and stomach area.

If fainting occurs due to matter, then if it is possible to reduce the amount of matter either by vomiting, when there is hope that vomiting will occur easily, or by enema or bloodletting, this is done, and if the cause is the removal of juices from the internal regions of the body, then the limbs are warmed. grind and rub hot, fragrant oils into them; sometimes you have to bandage your limbs. To retard any evacuation, use the measures mentioned in the appropriate paragraph, and act to excite the force by means known to you. In case of fainting of this kind, which occurs after Haida, it is useful for the patient to take sukkah made from musk, as well as squeezed quince juice with strong meat juice in wine. Chewing lagan and Nishapur clay in the form of jam with camphor also helps.

If fainting occurs due to emptying through the external areas, such as, for example, from excessive perspiration and the like, then do the opposite: cool the limbs, sprinkle the skin with powder from myrtle, Kimolos clay, pomegranate peels and other astringents and do not move the matter outward at all ; Powders like these should not be used when fainting from emptying from the internal areas. In case of any fainting from evacuation, strength should be strengthened, especially by bringing the smell of foods that stimulate the appetite closer to the patient, and other similar means that have already been mentioned. If fainting occurs due to pain, then the pain is dulled when its cause cannot be eliminated; for example, kulanj is treated with filunia and similar medicines. In case of fainting caused by poisons, one is forced to swallow proven badzahra, musk medicine and the medicines mentioned in the book on medicines against poisons. And if the fainting weakens and the patient somewhat comes to his senses, the first method of treatment is applied to him with some additions that are possible in such a state. An example of what they have in common is, say, the need to give the patient to swallow medications that are useful for such a condition, which were mentioned and said in the paragraph about interruptions, and this should be done quickly. As for the possible additions in this case, if, for example, there is overflow at the mouth of the stomach, they try to induce vomiting, because this is where healing lies. If there is overflow, one should also force the patient to fast, reduce his diet, prescribe physical exercises that are tolerable for such a person, rub all his members, even the area of ​​​​the stomach and bladder, and not burden him with any nutrient except wine, without which he cannot survive. dispense, mentioned as a medicine for fainting. Many ignorant doctors try to intensely nourish such a patient, thinking that this will bring good and arouse strength, but they stifle the innate warmth in him and kill him. Such patients benefit from sikanjubin, especially if it is boiled with drugs that have a thinning and tearing property, such as hyssop and the like.

If the cause of fainting is a blockage in the respiratory organs and adjacent areas, then the patient is given sikanjubin to swallow and his legs and forearms are rubbed. In such patients, they try to induce increased urine output; They are given only liquid wine, and this only if there is a fever. When fainting occurs due to emptying and weakness, the patient is forced to swallow meat juice with incense and suck bread soaked in fragrant wine mixed with rose water. Sometimes it is useful to drink chilled dugum, this is done when there is a fever after emptying, as well as with the juice of unripe grapes; Thickly brewed citron juice, in which its leaves are placed, works best.

In general, if a person faints and, upon waking up, he feels dizzy and burning, or if the fainting occurs due to heavy perspiration, he should be given everything that was usually given to him, even in a chilled form those things that require warming . One of the useful remedies is to drink the juice of heavily boiled meat, mixed with a tenth of fragrant wine, a small amount of egg yolks and squeezed apple juice, sweet, sweet or sour, depending on what is required by the circumstances. If you are afraid to warm the patient and do not dare to give him wine, then give him cooled yogurt with white bread soaked in it and feed him with various marinades prepared with thickly brewed fruit juice.

If a person who has fainted feels cold during fainting, after fainting, or when he is given cold drinks, especially cold in the insides, give him falafili or the very pepper with wormwood to drink; Sometimes pepper is served with wine. If treatment requires cleansing and the patient wakes up, then it is necessary to strengthen the stomach. In this case, they start, for example, with wine made from wormwood; sometimes they give you wine or wormwood boiled with honey to drink, and use the above-mentioned medicinal dressings that strengthen the stomach, after which they give you fragrant wine to drink and feed you with praiseworthy food.

As for fainting, which occurs at the onset of fever and due to tumors, we will mention the treatment hhim when we talk about the treatment of febrile diseases. In general, such patients should rub their limbs, warm them and bandage them so that the strength and matter do not go deeper. They are forbidden to eat and drink and are not allowed to sleep, unless fainting occurs at the onset of fever from weakness. If a person who has fallen into insensibility with a fever needs nutrition, then he should eat two or three hours before the attack. The food should be chilled barley and bread with sour seasonings, and the patient should inhale the incense. If constipation is observed, then first of all they give softening food, for example, isfidbaji and the like. Drinking apple wine with shikanjubin is beneficial in such cases. And when there is a need for thinning nutrients, they give, for example, meat juice with egg yolk and stews with bread crumbs and meat juice. Sometimes you have to add a little wine there. If at the same time you need to strengthen the stomach, then you should mix thickly brewed juices and squeezed juice of fragrant fruits, which has astringent properties, into such dishes. And during an attack of fever, you can’t do without wine.

In case of fainting due to mental phenomena, you should also apply the mentioned incense, plug your nose, induce vomiting, rub the limbs and the stomach area and feed with meat juice, as well as give wine, cooled or heated, based on what you already know. In case of fainting after repeated vomiting of yellow bile, the wine should be diluted, as in the case of fainting from pain; We will soon mention in our place what is especially relevant to kulanj.

Fainting that occurs after bloodletting most often occurs in people with a narrow stomach and blood vessels and with a weak stomach, or in those who have a predominance of yellow bile in their body and who are not accustomed to bloodletting. Before bloodletting, such people should be given some condensed juice to drink, which strengthens the stomach and heart, and if they faint, then they should do as mentioned above, and give them chilled diluted wine to drink, which strengthens and protects their stomach , especially if it is given with some other squeezed juice.

We must say once again that when treating fainting, the doctor sometimes needs at the same time a binding substance that prevents emptying, strengthens the relaxed organs that contribute to the dispersion of pneuma, and tightens, for example, the mouth of the stomach so that it does not accept the matter pouring into it, and in the substance with a penetrating force that quickly passes to the pneuma to give the pneuma nutrition, such as wine. These substances have a mutually inhibitory effect, and it is necessary to distinguish under what circumstances they are used. The astringent is used at the time when the patient comes to his senses or after another medicine has been used, in a hurry to revive the strength, and it worked, and the strength was revived; the second is used when you need to quickly revive your strength. The astringent is not given before this, so that it does not delay the passage of the second medicine.

Sometimes there is a need for something more nutritious than wine, especially if fainting occurs from hunger or from significant dispersion of pneuma. Since pure wine, entering the body of such patients, causes harm and produces insanity and convulsions, there is nothing better for them than, for example, the mentioned meat juice mixed with wine or squeezed apple juice, sour or sweet, depending on the circumstances. If there are no obstacles, then it is best to put there, for example, cloves and musk: the stomach accepts such a composition more readily, the strength of the stomach is more enlivened because of it, and the heart is more attracted to it. Sometimes, when giving the patient something to eat, it is necessary to soak white bread, especially if the patient has not eaten for a long time, and also to rub the limbs and bandage them. Inducing vomiting is also useful in case of any fainting, unless it occurs as a result of excessive perspiration or a similar phenomenon that moves the pneuma outward. With such fainting, it is more necessary to calm the pneuma and should not set it in motion, induce vomiting and bandage the limbs. One of the means that causes vomiting in such patients is warm water with vegetable and, in particular, olive oil or water mixed with wine. Before doing this, warm the stomach and surrounding areas, as well as the extremities, to facilitate vomiting.

Know that rubbing the limbs, warming them and rubbing fragrant ointments into them, as well as rubbing fragrant ointments into the mouth of the stomach, such as spikenard oil, and warming agents, such as mustard and saliva extract, are an appropriate method of treatment for those who have fainted. occurred from the removal of blood or juice, or from overflow, or rather, for the majority of those who lie in a faint, unless the fainting occurred as a result of the movement of juices outward. They should bandage and untie their shins and forearms several times in a row; this is done in accordance with what determines the ligation of the organ opposite to the place of emptying. Such patients are helped by bandages under the arms, sprinkling with cold water and rubbing the mouth of the stomach. This is useful for any fainting that occurs as a result of evacuation, or diluted wine if some obstacle does not prevent drinking wine, for example, swelling, immature juice, diarrhea or headache. . If there is a great need to strengthen strength, you, too, without hesitation, give wine to the sick person; This is what they do in case of severe fainting.

The sauna is suitable for those who faint from diarrhea and Haida. If fainting occurs suddenly due to bleeding, then the bath is very harmful, just as if you faint unexpectedly after heavy perspiration. The bathhouse is also suitable for those patients who, having come to their senses, feel a burning sensation in the mouth of the stomach. As for fainting resulting from weakness of the mouth of the stomach, in this case strong medicinal dressings should be used, for example, medicinal dressings prepared with mastic, quince, sandalwood, saffron, iris, as well as medicinal dressings with wine, prepared with musk, or dressings with iris and wine; such patients also benefit greatly from rubbing and bandaging the limbs. Fainting from hunger is sometimes cured by one dirham of bread. An attack of fainting from dryness of nature or from dryness of nature should be prevented by a piece of bread in pomegranate juice or apple wine; in acute illnesses, sometimes it is necessary to give the patient wine because of fainting; Tasteless wine is the most beneficial. Those who have fainted are not allowed to sleep and are forced to refrain from speaking.