Delay and scanty menstruation

The menses are delayed either from a cause particularly related to the uterus or from a complicity. Detention for special cause is caused either by an inherent circumstance or by a circumstance otherwise arising; the menses are blocked for a reason depending either on force, or on matter, or on the instrument alone. As for the reason rooted in strength, this is, for example, weakness from a disorder of nature - cold, or dry, or hot and dry, or cold and dry; cold disorder is either with matter or without matter. And the reason rooted in matter is either its quantity, or its quality, or both. The reason expressed in quantity is scarcity, and this comes either from the absence or scarcity of nutrition, or from the importance of the digestive power, which overcomes the nutrients, even if there are many of them, and leaves no surplus for the menstruation. The nature of such a woman is similar to the nature of men: she is able to digest a lot, spend everything she needs and expel excesses in the same way as men expel them. Such women are dark, wiry and muscular; These include the powerful, masculine ones, whose hips are narrower than their chests and whose limbs are stronger than usual. Or the paucity of menstruation depends on frequent bowel movements due to taking medications or physical work, and especially from the removal of blood from nosebleeds, from kidney bumps, from a wound, and other things.

The reason expressed as matter is when the blood is thick due to cold, abundant admixture of mucous juices, frequent rest and similar circumstances that are known to you. And the cause coming from the instrument is a blockage, and such a blockage is formed either from drying and binding heat, or from contracting cold; this is often caused by drinking too much water and leads to infertility. Blockage also occurs from thickening dryness, or from an abundance of fat, or from thick, viscous juices, or from tumors, or when the vagina is blocked, or from excess meat, or as a result of ulcers that arose in the uterus, and then healed and, when prolonged, clogged external orifices and vessels. This also happens from excessive curvature or inversion of the uterus, or shortness of its cervix, or as a result of a blow or fall that closes the vascular gates, or after a miscarriage. As for the delay of menstruation due to the complicity of other organs, such is, for example, delay due to weakness of the liver, due to which the liver does not send enough blood and does not separate it from moisture, or due to blockage in the liver or throughout the body . Obesity causes blockages, narrowing the vessels due to their clutter, and thinness narrows them due to dryness or due to scarcity of blood. The blood seeks a way out of the uterus and, not finding a passage, returns back, and if this is repeated, it spreads in the body and causes diseases.