Treatment of leprosy

In case of leprosy, you should hurry with emptying and cleansing before the disease gets worse. If you are convinced that there is a lot of spoiled blood in the body, then you need to quickly and thoroughly bleed the patient, even from both hands, but if you are not convinced of this, do not open the blood, because bleeding from large vessels during leprosy is often very harmful - more than helps. But, if they are afraid to let blood from large vessels, then sometimes they are ordered to open the branches of small veins, especially when it is known that cold blood is in the external vessels and bleeding will be more effective than cupping and leeches, and will cause less damage to the insides; Such vessels are, for example, the veins on the forehead and nose.

However, in most cases, bloodletting is necessary in the treatment of this disease; one of the phenomena that requires this is tightness and difficulty breathing. It is often necessary to bleed from the jugular vein when there is severe hoarseness and danger of suffocation. If the patient is bled, it is necessary to give him a rest for a week, and then perform a bowel movement using, for example, iyaraja with lugaziya or iyaraja with coloquinta pulp. They also evacuate with decoctions and pills prepared from wormwood, frankincense, polypodium, black or Kabul myrobalans, black hellebore, lapis lazuli or Armenian stone. It is not harmful to mix coloquinth pulp and scammonium resin into this, especially if yellow bile is present; sabur or mad cucumber is added to the scammonium resin. Tiyadaritus is also good in this case, iyaraj

fikra, especially if strengthened with scammonium resin, is one of the excellent laxatives for lepers, especially if you add a little harbak or put it together with iyaraj of Armenian stone. But in the summer you should lighten the medicine and not put strong drugs in the decoction, so that the disease does not rise and spread throughout the body.

A decoction for lepers. Take yellow myrobalans and black myrobalans - ten dirhams each, azhgon - five dirhams, good asafoetida - half a dirham, seeded raisins - half a manna and boil in three jugs of water until one third remains. The mixture is squeezed out, filtered, five dirhams are mixed with honey and given to drink, and the patient's body is rubbed with ghee and he is forced to sit in the sun until he sweats. Or let him walk seventy steps, and then lie down and turn to the sun, now with his right, now with his left side, now with his back, now with his stomach; after that let him eat bread with honey. This medicine is given as we have described for seven days, and every day it is boiled anew.

When treating those whose leprosy has not yet become established, a single bowel movement is not enough; no, they sometimes have to be emptied twice a month or once every month, depending on what the observation requires, and using moderately strong medications. Sometimes every day, for forty days in a row, laxation is carefully induced for one or two sittings, with the help of weak laxative drugs mentioned above; As for very strong medicines, like harbak and the like, and large quantities of medicines, it is enough to give them once a year in the spring and once in the fall, or a little more often. It is also necessary to cleanse the brain in such patients using, for example, gargles mentioned in the paragraphs on diseases of the head, and well-known sneezes.

Prescription for a sneeze. Take long pepper, celandine, smoker and embelia entrails - a dirham each, nutmeg, dictamn - half a dirham each, squeezed twig juice - three cutuli, sesame oil - three cutuli, mix and cook until all the water is gone, and then strain liquid and store it in a bottle. As much liquid as they can hold is injected into the patient's nostrils, and then, after many such procedures, moisturizers are introduced into the nose.

Lepers should abstain from everything that dries out and dissipates natural moisture, they are forbidden to get tired and upset and are ordered to move from a given area to another, with the opposite air. After cleansing, they should be fed with various oils, for example, almond oil with grape marc, doing this after they have been emptied several times. It is also appropriate for them to engage in physical exercise - every morning, after the excess has left the intestines, and they should be forced to shout in a loud voice, jump and fight. Then they are rubbed, and if they are sweating, the perspiration is dried and after that they are anointed with oils that are balanced by nature in relation to warmth and coldness and in most cases moisturizing, and at the beginning of the disease - strengthening, for lepers initially need such strengthening agents as myrobalans or galls with vinegar. Sometimes they use rubbing oil with human milk, which should also be injected into the nose if there is great dryness there; if nausea arises, then induce vomiting. Before this, it is best to bathe the patient in a bathhouse and then rub in the oil; After bathing, you should rub, for example, myrtle and mastic oil and grape flower oil or gorse oil, as well as bush oil on the limbs. After this, the patient is allowed to rest for half an hour, and then he is induced to vomit with a feather and given a little wormwood to drink.

Sometimes it is necessary to rub the patient in a bathhouse with rarefied and dissolving drugs, which include soda, sulfur, laurel berries and wood glue or even mustard, as well as satar, pepper, long pepper, saliva, larkspur, sabur and mint, or apply to his joints dressings from these drugs. Often, namely in cases where the patient is forced to bathe, even furbiyun is necessary to dissolve the excess and cause perspiration; Making such patients sweat is an excellent rule of treatment. Sometimes they are rubbed with teryak shamsa and kaftargan, and such rubbing often has to be done in the hot sun; The best water for washing them in a bathhouse is the water in which fenugreek was boiled with good soap. The leper should completely abstain from intercourse.

As for those things that are given to lepers, among the excellent medicines for them are teryak faruk, prepared with viper meat, as well as teryak from four medicines, kaftargan and diakibris; sometimes these medications are also administered into the nose. They also drink only viper cakes, miskal after miskal, in thick or half-boiled wine, or sea onion cakes.

Know that the meat of a viper or that which has the power of its meat is one of the most precious medicines for lepers. You should not take vipers found on salt marshes, on river banks or in swamps - in most cases they are of little use, many of them are dangerous, because they cause thirst and thereby destroy the patient - and it is better to choose mountain vipers, especially white ones: they cut off the head and tail, and if a lot of blood flows out of the snake and it remains alive for a long time and beats hard - this is exactly what is needed, otherwise it is thrown away; The only suitable vipers are those that bleed a lot of blood and that fight for a long time after they are killed. The viper is cleaned, boiled as we will say later, and its meat and broth from it are eaten.

Many lepers are cured by drinking wine in which a viper died or drank; this happens by accident or as a result of an attempt to kill a leper, so that he would die and get rid of torment and save people from himself; they do this in obedience to dreams and dreams.

Viper pickle is also useful. As for viper stew, they take vipers with the ends cut off, cleaned of their entrails, and boil them with leeks, dill and chickpeas, adding a little salt. They are boiled in a large amount of water until they are softened, the bones are immediately removed, the meat is peeled from them and consumed, eating the meat and scooping up the broth with a crumb of white bread. Sometimes a little pigeon chick meat is added along with the viper to make the broth better.

With this method of treatment, the benefit often does not appear at first, but then immediately becomes obvious, and sometimes recovery is preceded by loss of reason for several days. A sign that the benefit of the viper is manifesting itself and the time has come when one should refrain from using it is that the leper suddenly begins to swell, then he sometimes loses his mind, and then all his skin peels off and he gets better. If his head is not cloudy and he is not bloated, then this treatment should be repeated again.

Here is another remedy prescribed for this disease. They kill a black viper that has shed its skin, bury it in the ground and keep it there until worms appear in it. Then it is taken out along with the worms and dried; a patient with extreme leprosy is given this for three days, a dirham a day, with honey wine.

Rubbing substances with the strength of a viper, for example, olive oil in which it was boiled, or this medicine also helps: take a black viper that has shed its skin, put it in a pot and pour eight ukiya of strong vinegar and one ukiyu of water into it. Then they put fresh broadleaf bug and arum root into the pot - two ukiyahs of each and cook it all over low heat until the snake is boiled; After this, the liquid is filtered and rubbed with it, having first shaved the beard and head. This is done for three days, and the lepers' bad skin is peeled off and replaced with healthy skin and meat.

Rubbing the leper with moisturizing medicines of moderate heat helps in some cases if the dryness increases. It is also useful to inject into his nose, for example, violet oil, in which they put a little wallflower oil, or lard of predators, bovine or poultry, or bush or gorse oil. Iris oil protects the limbs, but only after cleansing the body, and before cleansing it is never rubbed in, because it clogs the pores.

Good drinking remedies for lepers include buzurjali and the medicine sulakha. Milk is one of the most suitable things for the treatment of leprosy, especially when there is difficulty and constriction in breathing and hoarseness of the voice, as well as between bowel movements; milk should be drunk as soon as it is milked. Among the most useful remedies for this is sheep's milk, which should be drunk as much as the patient can digest; limiting food, if possible, to sheep's milk alone is very useful, and when it is necessary to give something else, then, if possible, do not add anything to the milk except clean bread, isfidbadzhi with lamb meat and similar dishes, about which we'll mention it later. When breathing improves again, you should leave the milk and take up sharp things in order to induce vomiting with them, but not for any other purpose, and perform a bowel movement using the means already indicated; after this, if necessary, milk is given again up to the mentioned limit; This treatment should be repeated several times a year.

As for patients whose leprosy has become established, in this case one should not engage in bloodletting or relaxation with the help of strong drugs, because the excess in them only moves, but is not excreted on the contrary; facilities.

Here is one of the good drinks for such patients; take vinegar - one and a half ukiyya, kitran - the same amount and squeezed juice of raw wild cabbage - three ukiyya, mix it all and give it to drink in the morning and evening. Or they take ten qirats of ivory sawdust and give them to drink in three ukiyas of wine with ghee, or they take asawa-fetida with honey - about javza, or ten dirhams of sea onions with honey wine, condensed like a medicine for licking, or also cumin - five dirhams in such an amount of honey that the composition thickens, like a medicine for licking. Squeezed mint juice in an amount of three to six kavas is also good; salted fish should be used from time to time when taking medicine, and let them abstain from very spicy things, resorting to them only to induce vomiting, or as a seasoning for what they eat.

Sometimes cauterizations are used on lepers, often scattered over various organs, for example, the crown, sutures on the skull, the base of the larynx, temples, the back of the head, and joints on the arms and legs are cauterized. One of the doctors says: At the first threat of leprosy, cauterization should be done - one on the front of the head, above the crown, and another lower, and also in the place where the hair is cut - above the eyebrows. Another cauterization is done on the right side of the head, another on the left, and one on the back, above the occipital fossa; two cauterizations are done near the scaly sutures and one on the spleen. Cauterization is carried out with a light, thin instrument, and when the head is cauterized, one should reach the bone so that the bone peels off, repeating cauterization at least many times. The brain must first be protected so that cauterization does not reach it to such an extent as to spoil the nature; ignorant people often kill the patient with this if their hand is not light enough.

Description of complex medicines useful for lepers. These include buzurjali and aconite medicine, which replaces viper meat for this disease. For buzurjali there are many recipes mentioned and tried by Indians, and one of its well-known descriptions is as follows: take black myrobalan and Indian fume - both for ten dirhams, long pepper - five dirhams, white aconite - two dirhams and a half, pound, moisten melted cow butter and mix with honey. The dose is from a mithqal to two dirhams after cleansing the body, and if it is taken with the same amount of musk medicine, there is no fear that it will harm, since the musk medicine serves as an antidote for it.

Description of the medicine called the greatest buzurjali. This medicine is jawanjaran, which helps against leprosy, baras, bahak, lichen, yellow water, scabies and old jarab; it strengthens the mind, eliminates forgetfulness, is good for strengthening the memory and is useful in fainting, and the Indian scholars prepare it for their kings.

Its components. They take yellow, belleric and emblic myrobalans and Indian fume - fourteen dirhams each, nutmeg, melegetian pepper, incense peels, wild dill, valerian, pepper, long pepper, pepper tree root, narikaysaragarnet, kachim, squeezed sea onion juice, Indian sadaj - eight mithqals each, good blue aconite - four mithqals. These medicines are crushed and sieved, and aconite is ground separately before grinding other medicines, and the one who crushes it ties his nose and mouth with a rag, having previously smeared it with melted cow butter. Then they take a good Harran or Segestan faniz - two and a half manna, counting in Baghdad, break it, throw it into an iron pot and pour in enough water so that it melts. When the faniz melts, remove the pot from the heat, pour the medicine into it and knead it well, and then prepare nuts from them - each weighing a bowl, and give a nut every day on an empty stomach with warm water or with nabiz.

Preparation of medicine with sulakh. This is a great Indian medicine like buzurjali, it also helps against loss of eyelashes and whitening of hair, shortness of breath, interruptions, weakness of appetite, excessive diarrhea, dropsy, jaundice, paucity of semen and kidneys, rejuvenates old people and is beneficial for scabies and ulcers.

His copybook. They take cleaned and washed sulakha - two hundred and sixty mithqals - and sulakha is the urine of mountain goats, which is so called because goats, on days of excitement, urinate on a rock in the mountains, called sulakha, and the rock turns black, and the urine is like a fatty liquid resin - and also take yellow, belleric and emblic myrobalans, pepper, long pepper, bay tree, melegetian pepper, kirfa, nutmeg, aloe wood, bala, savages, bamboo concretions, aetite, embelia and nutmeg peel - four mithqals each, bdellia - two hundred sixty mithqals, candy sugar - one hundred and forty mithqals, red gold, pure silver, red copper, iron, lead and damask steel - eight mithqals each. Metals are burned, ground and sifted together with medicines and all this is mixed with honey and melted chalk and put into a green glass jar; At the reception they give this one misqal with sheep's milk and warm water. Sixty-seven mithqals of honey, from which the foam has been skimmed, are added, and thirty-four mithqals of ghee. If this medicine is boiled, it will be better, because it then rises like dough and reaches twenty-one days.

Method of burning damask steel. The damask steel is broken into plates, then yellow, belleric and emblic myrobalans are boiled, the water is filtered, poured into a copper pot and a small fire is lit under the pot, and the damask steel is heated red-hot, immersed in this water and put back on the fire until it turns red, and when he turns red, they lower him into the water again, and this is repeated twenty-one times. Then the water is filtered, the sediment is collected from the damask steel, the pot is put back on the fire and cow urine is poured into it. And they heat the iron and also lower it into this pot twenty-one times, and collect the iron sediment until it turns out to be eight mithqals, and the damask sediment is also eight mithqals; with copper they do the same until the sediment from it reaches a full eight mithqals.

As for silver, it is sawed with a file so that it turns into dust, and boiled with salt water in an iron ladle until it burns properly, and if the silver does not burn, put a little yellow sulfur in the ladle, and then it will burn. Eight mithqals of silver are also taken, and all these substances are crushed and sifted.

And gold is burned like this: it should be sawed with a file until it becomes like dust, and let there be a mithqal of anukha, that is, lead, along with the gold. Lead is sawed with gold until they are fused into one, then left for a while and then sawed again and another mithqal of lead is added to this. Then the whole thing is again sawed with a file, thrown into a ladle, filled with salt water and boiled until the water is gone and only gold and lead remain. After this, they are finely crushed in a mortar, so that they turn into powder, and mixed with medicines.

As for cleansing the sulakha, for this they take tribulus juice and cow urine and pour it onto the sulakha in an iron pot in such an amount as to fill it. The pot is left in the hot sun for some time, and then the composition is rubbed vigorously and the water is decanted from it into an iron vessel, which is also kept in the hot sun for three days. After this, the water is filtered, the thick sediment is collected and the sulakha is again filled with tribulus juice and urine. The composition is processed in the same way as the first time, and this is repeated three times, and then placed in the sun for twenty-one days, so that the composition thickens and becomes honey-like and black as tar.

Description of small sulakha. Its beneficial properties are the same as those of the big one. Take purified sulakha - one part and bdelliy - four parts, pound the bdelliy with the same amount of honey by weight, with the same amount of sugar and half the amount of melted cow butter as honey and put it in a bottle. At the reception, they give one misqal with warm cow's milk.

Description of a useful cure for leprosy. Take purified black myrobalans, purified yellow myrobalans and ginger - eleven dirhams each, ajgon - five dirhams, good asafoetida - three dirhams and peeled raisins - half a makkuk and boil in three davrak water - and davrak is four rittl in Baghdad - for now two thirds of the water will not go away and a third will not remain; then the composition is squeezed out and filtered and a sufficient amount of honey is added to the strained liquid. The patient is given a ritl of this medicine to drink, immediately on the spot they smear his body with ghee and make him sit in the sun until he sweats, or, if he can, they tell him to walk seventy steps and lie down first on his right side, then on his left, sometimes on the stomach, sometimes on the back. For seven days he eats only bread and honey in moderation; his medicine is prepared fresh every day.

Description of leprosy ointment. They take a black viper that has shed its skin, kill it, put it in a cauldron and pour eight ukiyah of strong vinegar, one ukiyah of water and two ukiyah each of fresh smoke and arum root into it. All this is boiled over low heat until the snake is boiled, the liquid is filtered through a rag and the bones are cleared of meat, and the grounds are placed in a glass vessel. When you want to treat a patient, order him to shave the hair on his eyebrows and head and lubricate these places with this medicine.

Description of another ointment. Take larkspur, purified black myrobalans and emblic myrobalans - one part each, boil them in the oil of unripe olives and apply to the affected area, after washing it with a decoction of buckthorn and pomegranate flowers.

Another ointment. Myrobalans and galls are burned and smeared with vinegar.

As for dishes for lepers, anything that is quickly digested and gives good chyme is suitable for them, for example, the meat of famous birds in the form of isfidbaj, or fresh fish with light meat and the necessary spices. The best food for them is pure barley bread or bread made from Rumian wheat, as well as stews from these two grains and fresh vegetables; Sometimes it is necessary to add, for example, beets, radishes or leeks to wheat and barley. One should not, especially before purification, neglect the use of such opening substances as capers, fennel or leeks: they cleanse the food of lepers from excess and prepare the excess for expulsion; When using praiseworthy medicines, use this regimen. Salted fish is very good for them in this regard, and we give it especially willingly when we want to cleanse the patient and make him feel relaxed. Cabbage is useful to them due to its special properties, and bread with milk and honey also benefits them; figs, grapes, raisins, roasted almonds, safflower, pine nuts and what is prepared from these things is suitable for lepers.

The patient should eat twice a day, in accordance with the strength of digestion, because eating once is harmful for him. At the height of the illness, he should drink only a little wine, and when the illness calms down, then if he drinks liquid, not very old wine in moderate quantities, this is permissible.