Varieties of earth scorpions

Scientists say that the female scorpion is larger than the male, because the male is thin and skinny, and the female is fat, large, but the female’s needle is thin, and the male’s needle is thick. According to one of the doctors, sometimes it happens that a scorpion has two needles, which, when bitten, leave two holes; the bite site cools down, and the body warms up; the sweat is sometimes cold. As for the scorpion with wings, it is often large and the wind does not allow it to fall when it flies, and carries it from one country to another.

The number of segments in the tail of scorpions varies; there are scorpions with six segments, whose rage intensifies during the rise of Sirius and their bite kills them, and some scorpions have fewer. People claim that scorpions come in nine colors: white, yellow, red, ash, dark gray, green, and there are scorpions that are golden with a black sting and tip of the tail, or scorpions that are the color of wine, the impact of which feels like a needle prick and excruciating pain, or smoky color , the bite of which causes laughter and confusion of mind.