Reabsorption Optional

Reabsorption is an extremely important process for maintaining homeostasis and water balance. This is a physiological process in which fluid and dissolved substances are reabsorbed back into the blood from the lumen of the filtration membrane into the renal tubules. Its main participants are the cells of the ascending loop of Henle, ascending collecting ducts and collecting ducts, some of which are located in the tubules and capsules. Reabsorption is carried out by specialized elements of the epithelium - carriers. Most of them are transporters of Na+ monocarbonates, glucose amino acids, salts (Na+, K+, Cl-, HCO3 -

Reabsorption is a set of transport processes for the return into the blood of metabolic products filtered through the wall of the capillaries of the nephron glomerulus - glomerular reabsorption. The main function is the removal of water-soluble components from the urine entering the tubules - electrolytes, glucose, amino acids, substances received with the secretion of the gland, to maintain the composition of the internal environment of the body

**Reabsorption** (Latin re - prefix denoting repeated action and absorbeo - absorb) - release of substances from primary urine into the internal environment of the body, from blood into newly formed urine and from secondary urine into primary, as well as the movement of substances against the gradient concentrations from a hypotonic environment to an isotonic one. In addition, the concept can be used in relation to any substances both in the human body and in other organisms. Aimed at maintaining a constant chemical composition of the body. The reabsorption process is regulated hormonally.

Reabsorption may occur through certain mechanisms.

For example, the sodium-potassium mechanism and the ammonium chloride mechanism. In the first case, sodium and water are reabsorbed from the blood plasma into the nephrotheliocyte cell, and then sodium chloride is re-exchanged for potassium located in the cell. In the second case, ammonia entering the blood is converted into urea due to the process