
Reamer: an indispensable tool in endodontics

A bur, also known as a reamer, is a tool that is widely used in endodontics to prepare the walls of the root canal of a tooth. This instrument is necessary for treating a tooth that suffers from various diseases such as caries or periodontitis.

Endodontic treatment is a procedure performed to save a tooth that has become damaged and requires removal of the tooth's nerve. During this procedure, the doctor removes diseased tissue from inside the tooth and then cleans the root canal. The root canal is then filled with a special material to prevent re-infection.

However, to perform this procedure, the doctor must have access to the root canal and prepare it for treatment. This is where boron comes to the rescue. Burs have different sizes and shapes, which allows the doctor to choose the appropriate tool for each specific case.

Burs serve several functions during an endodontic procedure. First, they are used to widen the root canal, thereby allowing the doctor better access to the affected tissue. The doctor may also use a bur to remove any remaining diseased tissue from the root canal, which helps prevent re-infection.

In addition, burs are used to prepare the root canal walls for filling. The burs are tapered in shape, allowing them to expand the root canal gradually to create space for filling. This is very important because proper root canal filling is the basis of successful endodontic treatment.

Burs can be made from a variety of materials, including stainless steel, nickel-titanium alloys, and even diamonds. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the clinician must select the appropriate instrument depending on the specific situation.

In conclusion, burs are indispensable tools in endodontics. They allow doctors to carry out effective and safe treatment of damaged teeth. However, as with any medical procedure, it is important that endodontic treatment is performed only by experienced and qualified professionals.

Boron (Reamer) is a tool necessary for successful endodontic treatment. This procedure is aimed at treating the root canals of teeth that may be affected by tooth decay, trauma, or other factors.

The main job of a bur is to clean and widen the root canal to remove all bacteria and infected tissue. Burs are used in a variety of sizes and shapes to ensure the best possible contact with the tooth canal.

Endodontic treatment begins with the removal of the diseased tooth, then the canal is prepared for treatment. Larger burs are used first to remove large pieces of infected tissue and widen the canal. Then the size of the burs is gradually reduced for more thorough cleaning and preparation of the canal.

Burs can be made from a variety of materials, including stainless steel, nickel-titanium alloys, and even diamond burs. Nickel titanium burs are generally preferred due to their flexibility and ability to easily adapt to the shape of the canal.

It is important to note that the use of burs is a complex procedure that requires high skill and experience on the part of the endodontist. Improper use of burs can damage the root canal and cause cracks in the tooth, making it difficult or even impossible to treat.

In conclusion, the Reamer is an important tool used in endodontic treatment to prepare and clean the root canals of a tooth. This instrument should only be used by qualified professionals with experience and knowledge of endodontics to ensure effective treatment and minimize the risk of tooth damage.

Boron (Reamer): why is it needed and how does it work? ***Reamer*** is a tool needed in dentistry for root canal treatment. It is used to widen and prepare the walls in root canals, as well as to remove residual pulp and tissue that may remain inside the canals after treatment of pulpitis or periodontitis.

If root canal treatment is not performed properly, it can lead to complications such as infections, relapses, and chronic inflammation. In addition, the presence of remaining deposits in the root canal can lead to loss of healthy tissue and increased sensitivity of tooth enamel.

However, using boron can cause some problems if not used correctly. For example, using a bur in the wrong direction can damage the pulp, which can lead to pain and loss of sensation. It is also important to ensure proper operation of the tool to avoid damage to teeth and gums.

It is important to note that the bur tool should only be used under the supervision of a qualified professional. To prevent injury, it is recommended that you take certain precautions and follow your doctor's instructions for using the drill.

Thus, the use of a Reamer bur helps dentists to expand and prepare the walls of the root canals for their treatment. It is important to remember that the use of this tool requires some practice and experience on the part of the specialist and proper use of the bur by the patient himself.