Egg white face mask recipe


Not everyone knows that eggs can be consumed not only for food, but also for cosmetic purposes. Sometimes the whole egg is used, but most often only egg white is needed to prepare the mask. The egg white mask tightens and brightens the skin and is very effective when it comes to beauty. It normalizes the production of sebaceous glands, removes wrinkles and fights blackheads on the skin.

Benefits of masks

A face mask with egg white works well on the skin, but it gives the best effect in combination with other components. By adding them, you can get even greater results from the procedure and solve problems with your appearance. What problems can a protein mask solve:

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    Oily facial skin. Protein effectively removes excess shine and mattifies the skin.
  2. Small wrinkles. The mask smoothes out fine wrinkles well and makes deep folds less expressive.
  3. Sagging. Masks perfectly tighten the skin, making the oval of the face more expressive.
  4. Uneven complexion. The protein mixture reduces the appearance of age spots, acne marks and freckles.
  5. Wide pores on the face. Protein can remove impurities, smooth the skin, and with systematic use, it will get rid of acne.
  6. Peeling. Protein can even replace peeling; it will remove dry, exfoliated skin particles and give freshness to the face.

The main advantage of the product is its availability. Eggs are sold in any store; you can always find a couple in the refrigerator. The fresher the protein, the better the effect it will give. But to see real results from using masks, you need to use them regularly.

General principles of use

In order for the result to be positive, you need to follow some rules and principles. The container in which the mask will be prepared must be clean; you will need a spoon or a special spatula. It is best to disinfect all equipment. Rules for using the mixture:

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    Apply the protein mixture along massage lines, from the chin to the scalp. Do not apply to the area around the lips and eyes.
  2. When the film dries, you cannot move your face, laugh or talk, otherwise it will stretch, which will cause wrinkles to form.
  3. For oily and combination skin, the product should be applied 2 times a week, for dry skin - only once.
  4. An egg white face mask will be much more beneficial if you cleanse your face well before the procedure. You need to remove your makeup, use a scrub, and steam your face over an infusion of chamomile or nettle.
  5. The home remedy will work better if you apply the toner before and after the procedure. In order to remove the feeling of tightness, you need to use a moisturizer.
  6. It is not recommended to apply the protein mixture to the neck and décolleté area.
  7. You need to remove the protein face mask at home correctly. Only warm water should be used; it will moisten the dried crust. After removing, wipe your face with an ice cube to close the pores and improve skin tone.

Effective recipes

Many women are interested in how to prepare a protein mask at home. The basis of the product is chicken or quail egg white. The remaining ingredients are selected depending on what problems need to be solved. The egg must be thoroughly washed with laundry soap, then you need to break it and separate the yolk. The protein needs to be beaten until foam forms - this will be the basis for protein masks.


Smooth, beautiful skin in youth is a natural phenomenon, but in older age it is only the merit of a woman. A protein mask for the face against wrinkles tightens and evens out the skin. Effectively moisturizes and refreshes the product, which includes:

  1. protein;
  2. peeled cucumber, grated finely;
  3. olive oil, one teaspoon.

It is also good to add one spoon of liquid honey to the mixture. If the honey has thickened, you need to melt it in a water bath, then cool and add to the protein. The resulting product should be applied to the skin for at least half an hour.

A remedy with the addition of tea tree oil works well against acne: add 3 drops to the protein and stir, keep the mask on for 15 minutes. Once a month you can make this mixture: protein and 2 tablespoons of oatmeal. This mixture should be left on the face until it dries completely. For some, this mixture may cause a burning or tingling sensation, then you need to wash it off and apply a moisturizer to your face.

From blackheads

Protein is very effective in the fight against blackheads; its structure helps cleanse the face. You need to add a tablespoon of sugar to the mixture, mix well, and apply half of the product to your face. Once the mixture has dried, you can apply the second half using massaging, patting movements. It will stick a little and stretch behind your fingers, removing dirt well. Before the procedure, it is advisable to steam your face. A mask using paper napkins is also very popular:

  1. ​Whipped egg white should be applied to the skin of the face;
  2. Gently place and smooth paper napkins on top;
  3. apply another layer of the mixture;
  4. let the mask dry for a quarter of an hour.

You need to remove the product carefully, and the places where the mixture is particularly dry must first be moistened with warm water. The product cannot be applied to the entire face, but only to problem areas with blackheads.

Against dry skin

In order to moisturize dry skin, you need to prepare a mask of protein and add one tablespoon of milk and liquid honey. Since the product will come out liquid, you need to apply it in several layers, waiting until the previous one dries well.


A mixture of protein with half a ripe banana and a teaspoon of olive oil nourishes the skin well. Before application, it is recommended to drink a glass of water, this will further saturate the skin with life-giving moisture. The mask should be kept for about 15 minutes, then rinsed off with warm water.

For oily and combination skin

Products containing protein are good at tightening pores and removing oily shine. Adding gelatin, soda and starch to the composition will help improve the result.

The simplest recipe is to mix protein and starch to the consistency of thick sour cream. This mask tightens pores and mattifies the skin.

You can prepare a mattifying mask from protein and white clay by mixing the components to a paste and applying for 20 minutes. Then you need to thoroughly rinse off the mask and moisturize the skin with cream.

Skin whitening product

Protein mixtures do an excellent job of whitening skin. In order to prepare a product with a whitening effect, you need to add to the protein:

  1. 4 teaspoons lemon juice;
  2. 3 teaspoons of full-fat kefir;
  3. 2 tablespoons of honey.

Whisk the product thoroughly and apply for a quarter of an hour. With regular use, the mask evens out the complexion and tones the skin well.

Contraindications for allergy sufferers

As you know, eggs are a very strong allergen. Even when used externally, it can cause redness of the skin, rash and itching. An allergic reaction may also occur to other components. If this happens, you should immediately wash off the mask and rub your face with an ice cube.

Eggs are not only a nutritious food product, but also a wonderful cosmetic ingredient. It can be used whole, but is more often divided. Fresh yolks moisturize, nourish, have their own valuable composition, and are used in skin, hair, and hand care. An egg white face mask brightens, tightens, and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. It can work no worse than expensive products if used correctly.


  1. Indications for use
  2. General principles for using a protein mask
  3. Homemade protein face mask recipes
  4. Contraindications


Indications for use

The effect of a mask on the skin depends not only on the main product, but also on additional ingredients. By adding certain components, you can change the effectiveness of the procedure and solve problems in the right direction. You should not mix the whole egg unless it is indicated in the recipe, which is extremely rare, but it does happen.

What problems will face masks made from protein solve:

  1. Increased oily skin. The product will absorb excess oil, remove shine, give the surface a matte finish, and regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Smoothing wrinkles. A home remedy cannot completely eliminate the defect, but it will make it less noticeable and reduce the depth of the folds.
  3. Decreased elasticity. Protein masks tighten the skin. They restore turgor and prevent the appearance of new wrinkles.
  4. Narrowing and cleansing of pores. Protein will not only help remove impurities, but also smooth your face and, with regular use, get rid of blackheads.
  5. Lightening. The mask has a positive effect on age spots, freckles, pimple marks, makes them less noticeable, and evens out the tone.
  6. Elimination of peeling. The protein mixture can replace peeling; it will remove all the dry particles that a regular moisturizer cannot cope with.

The advantage of the product is its availability. The egg can be found in any refrigerator and is sold in all grocery stores. The fresher the product, the more benefits the mask will bring. The effectiveness of homemade masks directly depends on the regularity of use, the adequacy of the chosen recipe, and the correct assessment of the problem.

By the way! Quail eggs can be used for cosmetic purposes; they are very useful not only when consumed, but also when used externally. Replacement is carried out at a ratio of 1:4, then you need to follow according to the recipes.


General principles for using a protein mask

A home remedy can not only solve problems, but also worsen skin conditions. You only need to prepare a protein face mask in a clean container; you will need a spoon to mix the ingredients; you can use a wooden stick or a special spatula. It is advisable to disinfect equipment.

  1. Apply the product from the bottom up from the chin along the massage lines to the scalp, avoiding contact with the area around the eyes and lips.
  2. You cannot talk, laugh, eat or drink while the film is drying, otherwise the surface will stretch and this will cause the appearance of new wrinkles.
  3. If your skin is prone to dryness, it is enough to use 1 mask per week. For oily and combination types, you can do it 2 times. In the hot season, the product is used every 1-2 days to eliminate oily shine.
  4. High-quality cleansing – 50% efficiency. Before applying a home remedy to your face, it is recommended to wash off your makeup, make a scrub, and, if possible, steam the skin over a bath of brewed chamomile or nettle, or apply a hot, damp towel for a few minutes.
  5. A tonic that should be applied to the skin before and after the procedure will help improve the effect of the mask. To eliminate the feeling of tightness, you will need a moisturizer.
  6. Unlike other anti-aging masks, protein mixtures are not recommended to be applied to the neck and décolleté.
  7. You need to remove the mask from the surface correctly! The water should be warm, it will soften the dried crust. Then you can rinse with cool liquid and even use an ice cube, which will close the pores, increase tone, and increase blood flow.

Advice! The best time to use masks is evening. At night, regenerating processes in the skin are activated, the effect of the product will intensify, the skin will rest, calm down, and the pores will not be clogged with decorative cosmetics.


Homemade protein face mask recipes

It is convenient to use special brushes to apply products to the face. You need to prepare everything you need in advance: ingredients, clean water, towel or facial tissues. If the recipe calls for beating an egg into a foam, you will need a whisk, mixer or a regular fork. All additional ingredients must be of high quality and fresh. You cannot prepare masks for future use. The amount of product is designed for one application.

Advice! The white will not foam if a drop of fat or a particle of yolk gets into it. You need to divide the egg carefully; you can use special meshes, funnels and other devices.

Egg white face mask with cucumber for wrinkles

Tightens, smoothes out fine wrinkles, brightens, evens out tone.

Egg white – 1 pc.
Fresh cucumber – 50 g
Olive oil – 1 tbsp. l.

Grate the cucumber into fine chips or grind in a blender. Add olive oil or any other oil that suits your skin type, such as peach or almond. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites and combine with the second part of the mask. Apply the mixture in a thick layer and leave for 15-20 minutes. Remove with a napkin, rinse off any remaining product with warm water.

Acne mask recipe with tea tree oil (for all types)

Relieves inflammation, has a bactericidal effect, treats acne.

Protein – 1 pc.
Tea tree oil – 3 drops
Aloe juice – 1 tsp.

Shake the egg white with a fork until smooth, add all the components of the mask to the egg. Mix the mixture, apply to the face, repeat the layer after 3-4 minutes. Leave until completely dry, then apply a light moisturizer.


Homemade mask recipe for blackheads with sugar (for all types)

Lightens and eliminates blackheads, makes the face smooth, evens out the color.

Protein – 1 pc.
Sugar – 1 tbsp. l.

Pour granulated sugar into the whites and shake with a fork until all large particles dissolve. Apply the sweet mass to your face in one layer, leave until you feel a slight tightening sensation, this will take about 6-7 minutes. Apply the mixture again, wet your hands, massage with your fingertips, paying special attention to places where blackheads accumulate: nose, chin. Wash off the protein face mask and moisturize the skin.

Recipe for an anti-aging mask with cream (for oily types)

Moisturizes, nourishes, smoothes, brightens the face, removes brown spots on the skin.

Protein – 1 pc.
Cream 10% – 1 tbsp. l.

Pour pure egg white into a deep bowl, beat until light foam. While doing this, pour in the cream little by little. Cleanse the skin, apply the resulting mask to the face, leave the mixture for about 3 minutes. As soon as the crust begins to dry out slightly, you need to renew the layer. Repeat this again, 3 layers in total. Wash off 10 minutes after the last application. If the feeling of tightness does not go away, use cream.

Effective anti-wrinkle mask with boric acid (for all types)

Tightens, moisturizes, improves appearance, reduces the depth of large wrinkles, smoothes small ones, eliminates flaking.

Protein – 1 pc.
Boric acid solution 3% – 1 ml
Cream – 1 tsp.
Burnt alum – 1 g

Combine the protein with cream and boric acid solution and grind. Add burnt alum, mix, apply the mask to a previously prepared, scrubbed face. Exposure time - up to 20 minutes.


Recipe for a brightening, cleansing homemade mask

Lightens blackheads and pigmentation, eliminates greasy shine, suitable for oily types.

Protein – 1 pc.
Starch – 1 tsp.
Lemon juice – 0.5 tsp.

Pour the egg white into a bowl, whisk until foamy. Add starch, stir with a spatula, trying not to create foam, add fresh lemon juice. Apply a thick layer to prepared face. Remove after 15 minutes.

Advice! To prevent the film of the starch mixture from drying out and causing discomfort, you can irrigate the layer on top with water or a herbal decoction.

Recipe for a honey mask with a toning and whitening effect

Lightens pigmentation and blackheads, tones the skin, and gives a well-groomed appearance.

Egg white – 1 pc.
Honey – 1 tbsp. l.
Kefir – 1 tbsp. l.
Lemon juice – 2 tsp.

Combine honey with kefir, then add lemon juice. Separately, shake the raw protein. Combine both masses and mix. Moisten a gauze pad and squeeze it out. Apply the honey mixture in a thick layer in a lying position, cover with a damp cloth on top. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes. Remove with warm water.

Strawberry mask recipe

Fills the skin with vitamins, brightens, prolongs youth, nourishes.

Strawberries – 5 berries
Protein – 1 pc.
Cream – 1 tbsp. l.

Grind ripe strawberries until smooth, add the remaining ingredients of the homemade mask, mix thoroughly. Apply to face, leave for 20 minutes, rinse.

Video: Recipe for a super-nourishing mask (for all types)


A protein face mask is contraindicated for skin prone to irritation or hypersensitivity. Use the product with caution if there is peeling. It will help remove small particles and remove dead cells, but will require subsequent application of a moisturizer. The use of protein masks is contraindicated in the presence of inflammation on the face, pustular formations, or any tumors. The product also does not cope with swelling.

Eggs are an allergenic product. Even when used externally, it can cause a rash, itching, redness, and irritation. The reaction occurs to both the white and the yolk. Also, do not forget about intolerance to other ingredients of the homemade mask. Often the composition contains juices or decoctions of plants, honey, clay and other ingredients that are not suitable for all people.

Video: Protein mask to clean pores

From time immemorial, the egg has been considered an amazing creation of nature. In the mythology of many peoples, it is shrouded in an aura of mystical mystery and is associated with life itself. No wonder. Indeed, in addition to its perfect form, it is also unique in its composition of ingredients - fats, proteins, vitamins, enzymes, acids and much more that the human body needs to maintain life.




Since ancient times, medicine and cosmetology have used the amazing and diverse properties of chicken eggs. Protein, one of the three components of the egg, is the basis for special masks that give new life to the skin of a woman’s face.

Face mask with protein: first aid for the skin

You can make a lot of home cosmetology products using chicken eggs. But at the same time, the yolk and white have different effects on the epidermis, are recommended for different skin types, and therefore, when making masks, they must be separated from each other. The yolk with its high nutritional potential is recommended for dry and dull skin, while the white will have a visible positive effect on oily, problematic combination, aging and inflamed skin.

A few simple rules for mask effectiveness

The undoubted advantages of the main ingredient of our masks are their affordability and ease of use. A certain illusion is created that everything is elementary. However, on forums from time to time there are complaints about the ineffectiveness of a protein face mask. The reason is often simple - something was done wrong.

To avoid errors, please note:

  1. the protein can be applied both to the entire face and separately to problem areas, without affecting dry areas
  2. the separated protein must be pure, and it is better if the eggs are homemade - they contain more nutrients
  3. if one protein is not enough for a mask, make it based on two, but the amount of other ingredients should be doubled
  1. the protein instantly coagulates under the influence of strong heat, so heating both the mask itself and its individual components is excluded - they should simply be removed from the refrigerator 1.5-2 hours before the procedure to bring to room temperature
  2. A face mask made from egg whites seals the pores of the skin, so the epidermis should first be thoroughly cleansed
  3. when drying, the protein strongly tightens the skin, therefore, to avoid severe stretching, keep your facial muscles still until the mask is washed off
  4. The mixture is not applied to the area around the eyes due to the particularly thin structure of the skin.



Method of using a face mask with protein

The sequence of using a protein mask includes 4 stages - cleansing the face, preparing the composition, applying it and removing it.

At each stage, small nuances should be taken into account:

  1. Facial cleansing. There should be no cosmetics on the skin. For deeper penetration of the healing ingredients of the mask into the pores, you can take a 4-5 minute steam bath with chamomile, and then cleanse your face with a light scrub.
  2. Preparing the mask. Attention: the protein must be pre-cooled and then whipped with a whisk, mixer or blender into an airy stiff foam. Without waiting for it to fall off, you should add the remaining components, then beat again so that the mask is lump-free and has a uniform, delicate consistency.
  3. Applying a mask. It is convenient to apply the composition with a cosmetic brush; the layer will be more uniform. But the usual method is also suitable - with the pads of your fingers, at the same time you can do self-massage with tapping movements. The main thing is to distribute the product only along the massage lines of the face. Keep on your face for 10-15 minutes, no longer. During this time, the mask dries out and forms a crust - this is a feature of the composition based on egg white.
  4. Washing off the mask. It is better to do this with cool, no higher than 15 ° C, non-carbonated mineral water - wash or remove with a cotton pad soaked in it. At the end of the procedure, cream should be applied to the skin.

Every problem has its own solution: recipes for protein masks

Depending on the components introduced, a protein-based mask can acquire variable properties and be used taking into account the facial problems that need to be solved.


Universal formulations

  1. For combination skin. Beat a raw egg (white and yolk), adding 1 teaspoon of liquid honey, mayonnaise and 1 tablespoon of cherry or peach pulp.
  2. Protein dough. Stir flour into the whipped egg white until thickened. It can be made from wheat, oats or rice.
  3. Almond mask. Beat 2 egg whites with 2 tbsp. spoons of almond oil, 2 tbsp. spoons of oatmeal flour and 1.5 tbsp. spoons of honey.

Rejuvenation and nutrition of facial skin

Despite the rejuvenation and lifting effect, masks with the addition of potato starch are not used for any damage or inflammation of the skin, in particular, during exacerbation of herpes.

  1. With tea tree oil. Add 1 tablespoon of starch and 5 drops of oil to the protein foam.
  2. With aloe and glycerin. Add 1 tbsp to the protein. a spoonful of starch and 1 teaspoon each of aloe juice and glycerin.

Lightening and reducing the severity of age spots

  1. Green mask. Add 2 tablespoons of chopped fresh parsley as finely as possible to the protein foam.
  2. With hydrogen peroxide. Beat half the egg white until stiff, add 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and the same amount of full-fat cottage cheese, apply for 10 minutes. Rinse with warm water, and apply a cool compress with tonic on the dried face for 5 minutes.



  1. Lemon mask. Add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and the same amount of oatmeal flour to the protein mixture. Second option: 1 teaspoon of lemon zest powder and lemon juice added to the whipped egg white, diluted with oat bran to a creamy consistency.
  2. Fruit mask. Add 1 teaspoon of avocado, banana or apple puree to the protein.

For acne

  1. Egg-charcoal mask. Beat 5 tablets of crushed activated carbon with egg white, apply to the skin and spread using finger movements. The frozen, film-like mass is removed from the skin with the contents of clogged pores.

Reduction of greasiness and shine

  1. With fruit pulp. Add 1 tablespoon of sweet fruit or berry puree to the protein.
  2. From avocado. Mix the protein with puree from the pulp of a quarter of a ripe avocado, add 1 tbsp. spoon of cosmetic white clay.
  3. With fruit juice. Add half a teaspoon of lemon juice, sour apple, red currant or 1 tbsp to the protein foam. spoon of grape juice.


Health improvement, getting rid of acne and enlarged pores

  1. Oatmeal mask. In addition to protein foam, the product includes 1 tablespoon of liquid honey, 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil, oatmeal flour, added to a thick consistency of the mass.
  2. With vitamin E. To the protein add 1 teaspoon of thin honey, 5-6 drops of an oil solution of vitamin E and the same amount of lemon juice.

Please remember: honey-containing masks are prohibited if you are allergic to the product, rosacea and diabetes.

Anti-inflammatory composition

  1. Oily. Add 3 drops of tea tree oil to one beaten egg white.
  2. Honey classic. In addition to whipped protein, the mask includes 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of oat or wheat flour.

How often and for how long to use protein face masks

Natural, light, practically harmless, an egg white mask has every chance of becoming your favorite home cosmetic product. But how often can you use it?


To get maximum benefit, use the mask no more often:

  1. once a month, if the mask contains lemon or alum, as well as with dry sensitive skin - in these cases it is necessary to add softening components to the protein - oils, fatty cottage cheese, cream
  2. once every two weeks if your skin is oily
  3. every 10 days to combat pigmentation and excessive freckling
  4. once a week – for hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands (only on problem areas), age-related changes with the appearance of fine wrinkles
  5. twice weekly - for excessive oiliness and shine, as well as the presence of pimples and blackheads.

After a course of 10 masks, a break of three weeks to a month is recommended - the sebaceous glands adapt to the effects of active substances, and disturbances in their functioning may worsen.

And one last piece of advice. Contraindications to the use of protein masks are excessively dry facial skin and (this also happens) allergies to protein. It's easy to check for an allergic reaction. You should test the compatibility of the protein with your skin in advance by applying it to your wrist for 15-20 minutes. After rinsing, observe the area for several hours. Redness and itching indicate that you personally cannot use the protein for cosmetic purposes. If everything went smoothly, feel free to adopt protein recipes for the beauty and health of your face.

Take care of yourself, listen to quality music, read good literature, walk more often and be sure to smile! A smile is something that always adorns a woman.