The use of fish oil in cosmetology

Hello, dear ladies! Today we continue the theme of beauty. As one famous French woman said, the three components of beauty are skin, hair and nails. And this is true, since these are also indicators of health. Only I would add teeth to this list.

And what do you think can improve all these parameters? Do you know?! No? This is fish oil! Its health benefits are truly invaluable. But the fact that fish oil for the face is the primary remedy for wrinkles has become known only recently.

If you want to be healthy

In the Soviet country, every child was spoon-fed and force-fed this “food of the northern gods” - few people liked the thick oil that smelled of fish. It was believed that such enhanced nutrition should help future builders of communism to grow strong and healthy.

And now, many years later, doctors have been able to explain all the beneficial properties and why fish oil helps maintain health. Delighted cosmetologists proclaimed in unison that a cure for old age had once again been found and began making masks with it.

What is the reason for such usefulness of fish oil? Well, of course, in its composition. Having examined it in more detail, we will see that it is simply a storehouse of rare vitamins.

  1. Fat-soluble vitamins are our favorite revivers of tired and dry skin A and E. Among other things, they also have an excellent effect on the liver (when taken orally, of course). And improved liver function is directly related to improved skin condition. The liver is also responsible for complexion, the level of sebum formation, the absence of pimples, acne, inflammation, and skin rashes.
  2. Vitamin D. It is responsible for bones, teeth, skin, its (that is, skin) protection and generally for health (by the way, children in the USSR did not suffer from rickets).
  3. Vitamin F. What kind of miracle is this? Have you heard of this? It's simple: doctors sometimes call vitamin F a mixture of essential fatty acids - exactly those that our skin needs (they also fight “bad cholesterol” and improve heart function) - Omega-3 and Omega-6.

And fish oil is also easy (much easier than other oils, even than the record holder in this regard - linseed oil) passes through cell membranes - which means it is well absorbed by the skin. In general, I won’t go into details, I have about the benefits and harms of fish oil There is a great article on the blog, I advise you to go to it. By the way, you can also decide which drug is suitable for your skin.

Am I the sweetest in the world?

I want, I immediately want to become renewed, improved, beautiful-young-healthy! What to do with this fish oil of yours? Eat? Drink? Apply it to your face? Both. And you can do it without bread. Or you can make a mask with bread... (but more on that later). So, ways to use fish oil.


It is drunk three times a day before meals. Reviews from those who have tried this product are reminiscent of the instructions for a magic wand. By purchasing general health and the opportunity to lose weight, you receive as a bonus an almost magical effect on the skin: pimples and flaking go away, wrinkles are smoothed out, especially around the eyes, your complexion improves, and you experience exactly what is called “radiant skin” in advertising. Well, plus hair and nails, of course.

Attention! There are contraindications:

  1. First, fish oil accumulates mercury from polluted oceans, so excess mercury in the diet can lead to poisoning.
  2. Secondly, it affects blood clotting, the liver, and the heart; it should not be used without consulting a doctor for chronic diseases.
  3. Thirdly, of course, you can’t overuse it - if you use it in excess, you can get hypervitaminosis A and D.


Masks, serum - for facial skin. Fat is very beneficial for hair, but because of the smell, it is used more for eyelashes - applied with a brush for 30 minutes. According to reviews I have encountered on various cosmetology forums, no set of complete facial skin care such as milk - lotion - tonic - cream is superior in the effects of weekly masks with RJ.

And a few more tips:

  1. This product is most beneficial for dry skin, well suited for normal and combination skin.

Attention! This product may not be suitable for oily skin. Take the test!

  1. We apply masks, as always, to cleansed (and it would be nice - to steamed) skin - thereby increasing the depth of penetration.
  2. Keep the mask on for about 20 minutes. After washing, rinse your face with lemon water and apply cream.
  3. It is better to carry out this procedure at night, in particular, so that the smell disappears by morning. But here it all depends on the husband’s reaction, of course.
  4. When treating wrinkles around the eyes, do not get fish oil into your eyes - the sensations are not very pleasant.
  5. I recommend removing such masks with a sponge dipped in warm milk or a decoction of herbs. I don’t know about you, but I can’t wash off (in the literal sense of the word) the oil composition.

And now – my favorite part, the recipes.

Wrinkles, goodbye

In America, an experiment was conducted on the effects of fish oil on the skin of the face. Women of Balzac's age rubbed this remedy into cleansed skin every day for a month. Their before and after photos are simply amazing, the wrinkles have really reduced!

The only thing that the prettier American women complained about was the killer fishy smell that accompanied them throughout the day. But I’ll tell you a little secret: lemon juice completely eliminates this “aroma.” Wash well after the mask and rinse your face with water and a few drops of lemon juice - and the problem of American women will not affect you. So,

Mask 1. Pure fish oil

Have you purchased fish oil capsules? Pierce three capsules with a needle and squeeze out our elixir of youth. You can apply it with a cotton pad or just with your fingers, patting it into the skin. You can apply fish oil specifically to the wrinkles themselves, or the entire face, even the area around the eyes. The irreplaceable Omegas will penetrate deep into the skin and do their job.

Note: if you have a choice, cosmetologists recommend buying American-made fish oil: it is additionally enriched with vitamins and glycerin. But for me, ours, dear, is better. Yes, it comes out cheaper.

Mask 2. Sweet fish

For wrinkles and wrinkles (except for the area around the eyes) - honey and the favorite medicine of Soviet childhood. Take equal parts, mix, apply. Honey face masks in itself an excellent remedy, but in combination with our today’s hero, it has no price.

Mask 3. Creamy around the eyes

Two components: cream and “food of the northern gods.” We take it equally.

Mask 4. With parsley and cottage cheese

Fish oil, parsley, cottage cheese. Parsley can be chopped, or you can squeeze the juice out of it. It's equal in total. If desired, you can add honey and lemon juice to this mask to create a complex, multi-component mask. And the effect will be complex.

Mask 5. Vitaminized

In addition to A and D, due to the presence of yeast, the entire group of vitamins B is present here. For the mask, we combine in equal proportions:

  1. sour cream,
  2. yeast,
  3. honey,
  4. and our today's main character.

Place the finished composition in a warm place so that the yeast can actively work. Apply the mixture to your face while still warm, hold for 10-15 minutes, and remove in the usual way.

Mask 6. Anti-inflammatory

I’m still afraid to try this mask, although it was warmly recommended to me:

  1. spoon of alcohol,
  2. spoon of fat,
  3. spoon of sour cream.

In theory, sour cream and fat should neutralize the drying effect of alcohol. And alcohol has an antibacterial effect. But the fact is that at one time (it happened!) I wiped my face with alcohol for a long time, and then I found out that cosmetologists do not recommend doing this. And now I’m afraid of alcohol even in masks.

But I still decide to try this mask. And when I decide, I’ll definitely write about my impressions.

Miracle serum

By mixing fish oil with water in a blender (ratio 3:1, there should be little water), we get a miracle emulsion, which has been talked about a lot lately. According to the cosmetologist's recipe, add a couple of drops of jasmine essential oil, so the serum will smell pleasant. This famous serum has the effect of a night cream. Its peculiarity is that its consistency and composition are ideal for human skin, creating excellent protection and nourishing it, including essential amino acids.

All the best, my dears, subscribe to updates and invite friends. I look forward to your feedback and wishes. Goodbye, dear ladies!


Over the years, it becomes more and more difficult for a woman to fight wrinkles and other signs of aging. But sometimes taking care of your skin is much simpler than what manufacturers of expensive creams and owners of various beauty salons describe. Moreover, quite standard and relatively cheap means are suitable for this.

Fish oil for the face against wrinkles can be used either individually or in combination with other ingredients. The benefits of this biological compound for the body have been known for a very long time.

It was first used as a food additive more than a century and a half ago in Norway. It all started when pharmacist Peter Möller noticed that residents of the west coast of the country who consumed cod liver oil had better health. For many years he studied the medicinal properties of this product.

Peter Møller developed a method for producing oil from fresh Norwegian sea cod liver. And soon it began to be used all over the world. Today, people are talking about the beneficial properties of this substance with renewed vigor; many publications have appeared in medical journals about the results of clinical studies of the therapeutic effectiveness of the oil. In cosmetology, fish oil is used in various masks and creams for the care of mature skin.

This compound of natural origin contains substances necessary for the normal process of renewal of epidermal cells:

  1. vitamin A (retinol);
  2. vitamin D (ergocalciferol);
  3. omega - 3 (ω-3) fatty acids.

Vitamin A is considered an anti-infective agent. It is vital for maintaining the integrity of the epithelium and its resistance to the effects of aggressive environmental factors harmful to the skin. If you regularly use fish oil for the face against wrinkles, it will get rid of not only unsightly folds on the skin. Thanks to the antimicrobial effect, inflammatory rashes, acne and pimples will disappear. In addition, retinol normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which is especially important for women with oily skin. Almost everyone associates vitamin D with the development of bone, cartilage tissue and teeth. But it is also extremely necessary for the skin.

First of all, this compound is actively involved in the process of cell division of the epidermis. Thus, the outer stratum corneum is renewed faster, therefore, if you use fish oil for the face against wrinkles, a beautiful fresh skin color is guaranteed. In addition, vitamin D is an integral part of cellular immunity. The protective structures of the epidermis are the first to encounter pathogenic flora, and the condition of the skin largely depends on the severity of their reaction. Fish oil is especially necessary for women with acne and pustular rashes.

In addition, vitamin D regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, protects the epidermis from aggressive solar radiation, and stimulates the rapid healing of skin damage. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, collectively called omega-3, are not produced in the human body, but are supplied only with food or as part of multivitamin complexes. Therefore, poor facial skin condition is often associated with a deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids. The value of ω-3, which fish oil contains, is difficult to overestimate.

They inhibit the excessive activity of the immune system, suppressing the symptoms of skin allergies (foci of redness and itching), in addition, these compounds stimulate the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines, which is very important for acne and dermatoses of other etiologies. But the main thing for solving age-related problems is the ability of omega-3 fatty acids to maintain the integrity of the collagen fibers of the dermis and, as a result, prevent the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin, especially under the eyes. In addition, omega-3 serves as a kind of “antidepressant” for the epidermis, preventing spasm of small capillaries and normalizing blood flow and oxygen supply to cells.

You can now buy fish oil at any pharmacy. But the oil is used externally in accordance with folk recipes, so it is produced in transparent gelatin capsules for oral administration. In principle, they are quite easy to crush and obtain a liquid that is so healing for the skin. However, in herbal shops you can also buy fish oil in liquid form; it is an oil solution of a rich yellow color.

In Elena Malysheva’s series of programs “Live Healthy” there is an episode dedicated to taking fish oil orally. According to reviews, this use of capsules significantly increases the effectiveness of its external use, in addition, it will protect internal organs from degenerative changes associated with age.

There are a number of contraindications for taking fish oil orally, including infectious diseases, pathologies of the digestive system, kidneys, liver, etc.

But such violations are not a contraindication for using this substance externally. The only limitation is an allergic reaction to fish and seafood, as well as to additional ingredients that are used in the production of capsules or oil to increase its organoleptic characteristics and shelf life.

Fish oil in cosmetology: mask recipes, reviews of use

Developers of products for famous cosmetic brands have paid attention to fish oil for a very long time. Almost every company has a line of products that include this component. But the price of such creams, as a rule, is more than one hundred rubles. It is quite simple to prepare various masks for skin care at home, especially since the ingredients for such preparations can be easily purchased at any store.

  1. primenenie-rybego-zhira-v-JBBqwHU.webp

    Mix fish oil with liquid honey (if necessary, first melt it in a water bath or dilute it slightly with boiled warm water) in a 1:1 ratio. Leave for 30 minutes.
  2. Combine fish oil, cream and freshly squeezed natural lemon juice in equal proportions. Keep for 30 minutes. A distinctive feature of this mask is its whitening effect, so it is not recommended to use it after visiting a solarium or sunbathing, so as not to disturb the uniformity of the tan. In addition, it is contraindicated in women with allergies to citrus fruits.
  3. Mix fish oil, chopped parsley leaves, lemon zest and 0% fat cottage cheese in a ratio of 1:1:1:2, respectively. Apply for 15 minutes. This mask is a real “vitamin explosion” for the skin; you can do it once a week. By the way, many people use parsley juice instead of chopped herbs.
  4. Mix fish oil with any cosmetic oil (apricot kernels, sea buckthorn, almond, etc.) and apply regularly to eyelashes. To do this, you can use a thoroughly washed mascara brush. This product perfectly strengthens eyelashes and stimulates their growth.
  5. In a 1:1 ratio, combine fish oil and ethyl alcohol (70%), then add a little fat sour cream to a creamy consistency. Apply for 10-15 minutes. The mask is great for acne and acne.
  6. Beat the egg thoroughly with a fork and add a teaspoon of fish oil and the same amount of lemon juice. Hold for 10 minutes. This product perfectly moisturizes skin prone to flaking.
  7. Combine grated potatoes with fish oil and honey (2:1:1). Keep for 25 minutes.

Fish oil is also used individually in cosmetology. To do this, you need to crush 2-3 capsules and apply the oil to your face, remove the remainder with a cotton swab. It is recommended to wash off a mask prepared according to one of the listed recipes with warm, strained chamomile decoction or plain water.

According to reviews, such products are much more effective than store-bought drugs, and most importantly, they do not contain preservatives or allergenic perfumes. Moreover, to use fish oil, you do not need to wait until the first wrinkles appear. There are no contraindications to the use of this product, so it can be applied at any age.


Fish oil is valued for high level of nutrients. Cosmetologists also did not ignore this product.

Using it on your face works wonders transforms the skin, helps it remain smooth and elastic, eliminates wrinkles.

Composition and properties

Fish oil is an oily liquid with a unique taste and smell. Derived from fatty fish, contains components important for the body. This allows:

  1. due to polyunsaturated fatty acids increase energy levels, lower the concentration of cholesterol in the body, increase the elasticity of blood vessels, eliminate inflammatory processes, acne, skin rashes, retain moisture in the skin;
  2. eicosapatented acid regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, prevents the formation of wrinkles, smoothes the skin;
  3. due to vitamin D minerals (calcium, phosphorus) necessary for healthy bones are better absorbed;
  4. docosahexaenoic acid allows you to keep your skin beautiful;
  5. vitamin A helps maintain healthy skin, preserve the beauty of the skin and its youth.


The components contained in it improve the metabolic processes occurring in the body and promote the elimination of toxins, so the skin is smoothed and cleansed.

With regular use of fish oil acne disappears (especially in teenagers).

Adding it to masks prevents the appearance of wrinkles, eliminates shallow wrinkles, makes the ones that appear less noticeable. Fish fat tones and tightens skin, which makes the oval clearly defined and the skin smooth.

Application in cosmetology

Creams and serums for the face containing fish oil have a beneficial effect on skin that has certain problems. Its complex effects have now gained wide popularity.

Fish oil is essential for dry skinwith a predisposition to irritation. It successfully relieves redness and itching and helps restore its normal state.

To maintain facial skin in good condition, cosmetology actively uses fish oil. It is part of creams and masks.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where the first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Home Recipes

At home, you can always prepare masks based on fish oil. They give wonderful effect, the necessary ingredients are easy to find without spending much effort or money. You can use such masks without fear, regardless of your skin type; it is important to choose the one that is most suitable.

The use of masks containing fish oil allows you to solve existing skin problems:

  1. Acne, pimples.
  2. Redness, excessive dryness, flaking.
  3. Age-related hyperpigmentation, freckles.
  4. Dull color, wrinkles.

Before using masks you should remember:

  1. primenenie-rybego-zhira-v-ChpUWW.webp

  2. Fish oil is purchased in pharmacies capsules or vials;
  3. Before using the mask, you need to check the availability body reactions for fish oil;
  4. use fresh fish oil;
  5. leave the mask on your face no longer 30 minutes;
  6. remove makeup before using the mask;
  7. do not use cream after removing the mask;
  8. apply course of 3 masks over a week for a course lasting up to one month.

For simplest mask You should pierce the capsule with fish oil with a needle from a syringe, draw the contents of the capsule into it and apply it to your face with your fingers, distributing it evenly, with light movements along the massage lines.

How to prepare a decoction of string for facial skin care? You can find the recipe on our website.

Eliminates wrinkles

It is quite possible to prepare a mask at home, the noticeable effect of which will appear a few days after use:

Ingredients Quantity
Finely chopped parsley 1 tsp.
Fish fat 1 tsp.
Skim cheese 2 tsp.
Lemon zest 1 tsp.

It is necessary to mix the ingredients to obtain a homogeneous mass. Apply it to the face (excluding the skin around the eyes). Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water. For a lasting effect, it is necessary to take a course of 10 procedures.

For acne and pimples

Ingredients Quantity
Fish fat 1 tsp.
Cream 1 tsp.
Lemon juice 1 tsp.

The components are mixed, the resulting mass is applied to the face for 20 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

To moisturize dry skin

Ingredient Quantity
Fat sour cream 1 tbsp. l.
Fish fat 1 tsp.
Honey 0.5 tsp.

After mixing the ingredients, spread the resulting mixture on the skin in a thick layer, leave for 30 minutes. Remove residue with a napkin and rinse with warm water.


A mask that improves complexion and successfully lightens freckles:

Ingredients Quantity
Egg 1 PC.
Fish fat 1 tsp.
Lemon juice 3 drops

After thoroughly mixing the ingredients, the resulting mass is applied to the face. for half an hour. Wash off with cool water.

For aging skin

Mask that transforms aging skin:

Ingredients Quantity
Raw grated potato gruel 1 tbsp. l.
Fish fat 1 tsp.
honey 1 hour

Mix the ingredients, spread evenly on the face, leave for 25 minutes. Remove any residue with a napkin and rinse your face with warm water.

Effect of use

A noticeable effect is obtained only in the case regular use. For maximum effectiveness, you should first cleanse your skin before applying the mask. Daily application of masks gives a noticeable rejuvenating effect course 10 days.

Regular use of such masks hides what is happening age-related changes. To enhance the effect, it is advisable to add fish oil intake orally.


How often can I use it?

Unacceptable consume fish oil obtained from cod liver for a long time (due to the high concentration of vitamins A and D).

Acceptance allowed in reasonable doses fat obtained from fish muscles indefinitely.

Take fish oil capsules better on an empty stomachwashing them down with cold water. If discomfort occurs, it should be taken after meals.

Taking fish oil internally is not recommended. from May to August inclusive (during these months, exposure to sunlight increases the concentration of vitamin D production, which leads to its overdose).

It is recommended to use masks based on fish oil no more than 3 times a week and no longer than one month, after which a break is necessary.

Read our article about using gelatin to get rid of wrinkles on the face.


Despite the many positive qualities of fish oil, not everyone is allowed to consume it. Not recommended for use fish oil in some cases:

  1. intolerance by the body;
  2. pathologies of the circulatory system;
  3. diseases of the digestive system;
  4. pregnant and lactating women;
  5. those suffering from tuberculosis;
  6. disorders of the thyroid gland;
  7. the presence of stones in the gall bladder and kidneys;
  8. kidney disorders;
  9. high levels of calcium salts in the blood;
  10. high concentration of vitamin D.

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Benefits of ingestion

Undeniable positive result from ingestion of fish oil has been proven by experts. When the first wrinkles appear, it is advisable to start consuming fish oil, first after consulting a doctor and strictly follow the recommended dosage.

As a result of scientific research, it has been confirmed that fish oil is almost "Magic wand" and the benefits they bring should not be underestimated. Its correct use will allow your skin to remain beautiful and healthy for a long time.