Record a Story on Tape

Bring a tape recorder and a blank cassette tape in the car so your child can record their radio story while driving. To stimulate his creative process, first suggest a setting - a forest or a seashore. Then help choose the heroes of the story. You can start like this: “Once, while walking in the forest, I saw a huge, big and fluffy…” Then let the child continue on his own. Don't forget to turn on the tape recorder in time. When your child finishes the story, ask him questions about what he was talking about. Let him rewind the tape from time to time and listen from the very beginning.

If there are several children in the car, they can take turns creating a shared story. Everyone needs to allocate a certain time for the story so that the wait is not boring. Continue recording stories over several trips, or create a new one each time.

Some children enjoy the process of writing, but then they lose interest in their stories. Others enjoy listening to their stories before bed or at other appropriate times. This entertainment can be enjoyed by everyone, regardless of age.

You can make passengers laugh by writing "Wave If You're Famous" in huge letters on a piece of cardboard or a large piece of paper. Let the children hold the poster in the car window and watch how passers-by react to it.