Reducing your daily diet prolongs life

Moderation in eating will keep you young

Scientists from University College London are developing ways to treat the “diseases” of aging. They are looking for a combination of genetics and lifestyle changes that can be adapted to offset the effects of aging and extend a person's life.

In their opinion, age-related diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and cancer can be combated.

In one experiment, scientists were able to extend the life of rats by up to 30% simply by reducing the amount of food they consumed. Scientists also studied fruit flies, which share 60% of our genes.

Experts hope that this combination will also work in the case of extending human life, which will, on average, extend a person's life by several decades, as well as reduce the consequences of a mutation that can lead to the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Although this study remains purely theoretical, scientists hope that clinical trials on humans will soon make a breakthrough in science.
