PMS through the eyes of a man

Have you ever found yourself in a storm at sea, in the center of a tornado or an avalanche? In all these cases, it is simply impossible to escape the elements. Many phenomena in nature occur regardless of our desires or aspirations: the change of seasons, ebb and flow, the gradual development of plants and much more. We cannot change anything in these rules of life. There are also events in a person’s life that cannot be stopped or reversed.

When you come face to face with this wild unbridledness of human nature, it becomes scary. All these thoughts came to my head after one day I, a man, had to realize on my own skin one of the facets of female nature. I have been observing for a long time the possibility of perceiving other people’s feelings and states. In some cases, I succeeded perfectly, but one day, I plunged into a state for two whole days that we used to call “PMS” or premenstrual syndrome.

Perhaps, as a result of previous experiences in perceiving other people's feelings, I very easily entered this state, completely without wanting to. I will say more - I was not ready for this and did not immediately realize what had happened to me. Everything that I experienced during this time, I will now tell you.

In an instant, my measured and balanced mood turned into a scared horse. She carried me, and all I could do was hold on tighter so as not to fall off the enraged animal at full gallop. It was as if a fog had enveloped my entire consciousness. I lost all possibility of self-control. In an instant, my head was filled with terrible thoughts. My tongue stopped obeying me. He became a complete stranger. I radiated incredible anger and aggression.

Those who knew me well were surprised by my statements and hysterical mood. I was deprived of any possibility of self-control and only with difficulty managed to steer myself away from tragic actions. Resentment. Resentment throbbed throughout my body. Resentment and pity. What was it? A missed opportunity to bring another living being into this world? Terrible melancholy, sadness and despair guided my actions. These feelings tore my heart. It then contracted, then stopped, then accelerated. At night I had nightmares, and in the morning I got up completely unrested, as if after hard work.

This went on for almost two days. Many men will never understand this condition due to their nature. That's why I'm sharing these observations. It is quite possible that others experience such induced states to some extent, but not to the extent that I was able to experience it.

Much is said about the relationship between men and women, but mostly these conversations end not in understanding each other, but in alienation. The nature of a woman is an element where human consciousness is squeezed into the framework of the essence of life. Every month, women experience days when internal contradictions reach their maximum strength. You have to make titanic efforts to remain adequate. Each time a woman’s psyche changes, becomes distorted, and it becomes more and more difficult for her to be equal, to find satisfaction from this world.

Premenstrual syndrome is described rather poorly in the medical literature. His description is completely devoid of any philosophical justification, and therefore we, men, are completely unable to understand those who live next to us. Women lose themselves for several days. They become completely different: their attitude towards ordinary things changes, they become completely unpredictable for us.

The main thing is to know this, to be fully aware of these changes and to be prepared to respond correctly to their behavior during these periods. There is an opportunity to ease PMS in your companions. To do this, we can take part of this mental state upon ourselves. These days, women subconsciously look for help from us, but are met with rude