Regularity of nutrition and exercise is a necessary measure!

I think you've heard that if you want to achieve a beautiful body, you can't skip workouts or break off your chosen diet. Read the article about why regularity is more important than quantity.

You train, eat right, but there are no results, or not the ones you expected. Why? Perhaps the reason is the lack of regularity and stability of both diet and training.

People often underestimate the importance of systematics and an integrated approach. Many people think like this: “I won’t be able to train today, so I’ll train tomorrow, or two days in a row.” Or: “Today I ate a cake, but nothing - tomorrow I’ll cut down on the calories in my diet and eat only protein.” Has it happened?

It seems to you that the total result will be the same, because you ended up completing the workout and maintaining the total calorie content of your diet. But, unfortunately, this doesn't work.

If you have a specific goal for the near future, be it fat burning or gaining muscle mass, then you need to clearly understand that consistency and regularity are one of the most important means of achieving your goal.

Regularity of training.

Your muscles do not grow during strength training, but during rest. During strength training, when performing exercises, you create micro tears in the muscles, and after training they begin to scar and heal. The more you injure them, the more time it takes to recover.

This is why the recovery period is so important. Training is just the starting point. That is why it is recommended to train every other day and “split” the training into different muscle groups. With this approach, while you train one muscle group, the other is restored. Accordingly, if you train “whenever possible,” then the muscles either do not have time to recover and overtraining may occur, or they lack the load.

Regularity in nutrition.

If you are trying to eat healthy and healthy, this always involves having fairly frequent meals and relatively small portions. This way you keep your metabolism at a high level and provide constant nutrition to your muscles. The body gets used to this regime, and there is no need for it to start the process of “fat accumulation”, because after a few hours the required amount of food will again arrive. In turn, small portions satisfy all the needs of the body at a given time. This way, you don’t overeat, and you simply don’t have “extra” energy left that could be converted into fat.

Accordingly, if your nutrition is not regular and your meals vary greatly in their quality and energy composition, then the following happens. At one meal you ate too much and the excess energy begins to be converted into fat. And the next time you ate little or the time between meals was long, and from a lack of energy the body begins to use your muscles as energy. With such a “pendulum” in nutrition, at each meal your body will try to convert as much of the energy received into fat as possible, because it does not know when the next time it will be “fed” and what the portion will be.

It is for these reasons that regularity, both in training and in nutrition, ensures stable and permanent results.

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