Workout to burn fat in the gym for girls.

An elastic butt, a toned waist and a flat tummy are the pride of any representative of the fair sex, regardless of age. The workout for burning fat in the gym for girls that we are considering in this article is a great way to get what you want. But before you start studying, think: are you ready for serious work?

Workout to burn fat in the gym for girls.

To get the maximum effect, you will have to visit the gym up to 5 times a week, otherwise your idea is a waste of time, effort and money. Moreover, most of these activities will be long and tiring. If you have decided to take this action, let’s begin the initial stage of preparation...

The most important and fundamental thing in training to burn fat in the gym for girls is diet. Monitor your calorie level; the amount you consume should be significantly less than that expended during exercise. The best diet in this case is protein. When training in the gym, club, at home or outside, give preference to aerobic exercise, thanks to which many girls get rid of not only unnecessary subcutaneous fat, but also acquire a beautiful, sculpted body. In addition to all this, aerobics does not require significant recovery time; you can do it even every day. Don't forget about isolation exercises with a high number of repetitions, they also burn excess calories. You need to go to the gym with desire and enthusiasm, otherwise fat burning will be ineffective.

Let's work on creating a five-day training program:

  1. Crunches 3 x your maximum.
  2. Working with bars. Push ups. 3 x 12
  3. Working with upper blocks. Crossovers. 3 x 12-15
  4. Running on a treadmill at mixed intensity. 15 minutes.

Workout to burn fat in the gym for girls.

Why mixed intensity?

With this method of performing the exercise, your body gets the maximum effect without exhausting itself. Burning calories will be most efficient.

  1. Aerobics in any form. Running, swimming, etc.
  1. Squat with a barbell. 3 x 10.
  2. Leg press. 3 x your maximum.
  3. Deadlift. Use the straight leg technique. 3 x 12.
  4. Seated dumbbell press. 3 x 12.
  1. Aerobics in any form. Running, swimming, etc.
  1. Pull-ups. 3 x your maximum.
  2. Deadlift. 3 x 12.
  3. Running on a treadmill at mixed intensity. 15 minutes.
  4. Twisting. 3 x your maximum.

Dedicate the sixth and seventh days to rest and restoration of the body. Don’t miss classes, our program is planned exactly so that a certain muscle group works every day, and in total we cover all areas of the body over a five-day period.

For a better and faster effect, you can add a fat burner to your diet - a special sports nutrition drug, read all the information about it here. It is not hormonal and not anabolic, so there will be no negative consequences from its use. But of course, you shouldn’t use anabolic steroids and steroids. After all, your health is the most important thing, remember this, and become more beautiful and slimmer day by day!