Deadlift exercise

Deadlift - deadlift - a key basic exercise in powerlifting and bodybuilding. The main focus of this exercise is on the long back muscles. However, the trapezius muscles, and, of course, the biceps of the legs, also take part in the work.

A mistake many newbies make: Having just started going to the gym, they rush to pump up their healthy arms, especially their biceps. Day after day, they rape the barbell, performing standing biceps curls and concentrated curls on the Scott bench - but there was no muscle mass. And why all? Yes, because a beginner should not waste his energy on small muscles and, accordingly, isolated exercises, - you need to make a base:

  1. I) Loaded squats,
  2. II) Bench press,
  3. III) and of course, deadlift.

By making this complex, we kill two birds with one stone:

  1. We increase the overall strength capabilities of our body,
  2. We increase the total volume of muscle mass by working on the most massive and voluminous muscles in our body.

...and after the large ones, as you understand, the small muscle groups will also catch up. So the base is everything! And not only in powerlifting, but also in fitness and bodybuilding too!

Deadlift exercise technique:

    1. You should not perform this exercise without thorough warming up and warming up - it is fraught with injury.
    2. Be sure to use a weightlifting harness.
    3. Your feet should be wearing specialized high-heeled shoes with hard soles that allow you to firmly fix the ankle.

  1. Lean forward. Keep your back straight, don't slouch.
  2. Grasp the barbell with an overhand grip (or, alternatively, an overhand grip) at shoulder width.
  3. Bend your knees slightly.
  4. Exhaling and overcoming resistance, only by straightening your back and legs,  assume a vertical position.
  5. Inhaling slowly, bending your back and legs, return to the starting position.
  6. The arms are motionless throughout the entire movement, slightly bent at the elbows.
  7. Do not use jerks, pushes, manual assistance, swinging or inertia. Do it cleanly.
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