Exercise from Michelle Pfeiffer

Michelle Pfeiffer, a famous actress and owner of a beautiful figure, came up with her own way of morning exercises. She starts her exercises lying on her bed, which can be ideal for those who can't find the willpower to get up early and start exercising.

Michelle Pfeiffer offers five exercises to help stretch your body muscles and get ready for the day. The first exercise is pelvic rotation. Lying on your back, you need to put your hands behind your head, bend your knees and rotate your pelvis, trying to lift it as high as possible. You need to repeat the rotations in one direction or the other until you feel that the lower back is sufficiently warmed up.

The second exercise is the “birch” exercise, in which you need to stand on your shoulders for as long as possible. The third exercise is lifting the chest and shoulders on the stomach. You need to bend backward as much as possible, while your pelvis should remain motionless. This exercise should be repeated at least 10 times.

The fourth exercise is stretching. Sitting on the bed, you need to grab your right foot with your hands and try to press it to your stomach. Then you need to change legs and repeat the stretch at least 10 times for each leg.

The fifth exercise is circular movements with your elbows. Standing on the bed with your hands under your arms, you need to start making circular movements with your elbows. Then you need to lean forward at a right angle, throw your hands to the sides and wave your arms like a bird. The set of exercises should be repeated the traditional 10 times.

Michelle Pfeiffer proved that morning exercise doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. Her approach to exercise allows you to stretch your body and get ready for the day without leaving your bed. If you too can't get used to morning physical activity, try using Michelle Pfeiffer's exercises and feel how your body begins to wake up and recharge for a new day.