Reflex Tonic

Neuromuscular reflex, that is, the most common physiological and motor reflexes in the central nervous system, acting as the central activation of proprioceptors. R. t. occurs between the stretching of muscle spindles and a change in the functional state of the central neurons responsible for the state of the muscular-articular sense. The main reason for its activation is irritation of the muscle-tendon receptor, which reacts like a muscle spindle.

Impulses from them are transmitted to the central nerve, which is accompanied by activation of the corresponding nuclei, stimulating proprioceptors and leading to excitation of alpha motor neurons and muscle contraction. R. T. is caused by nonspecific irritability. Proprioceptors have significant lability and low excitability, which decreases significantly when they are irritated by mechano- or chemoreceptors, especially with an increase in muscle volume. Irritation of the spinal muscles causes peripheral