
Regression in biology is a process in which the level of organization of living organisms or their parts decreases. It can be caused by various factors such as climate change, pollution, lack of resources, etc.

Regression can manifest itself at different levels of organization of living organisms. For example, at the molecular level, it can lead to a decrease in the number of genes or a change in their structure. At the cellular level, regression can cause a decrease in the number of cells or a change in their shape.

At the organismal level, regression manifests itself in a decrease in the size of organisms, a change in their shape or structure. For example, reducing the size of fish can cause them to become less efficient at hunting prey.

Changes in external conditions can lead to regression at the population level. For example, climate change may lead to changes in the habitats of animals and plants, which may lead to a decline in their numbers.

In general, regression is a natural process in biology that allows organisms to adapt to changing environmental conditions. However, if the regression occurs too quickly or leads to serious consequences for the ecosystem, it can cause species extinction.

Regression is a process that occurs in biology and is characterized by a decrease in the level of organization of living organisms. This process can occur at different levels of organization, ranging from molecular to ecosystemic.

Regression can be caused by various factors such as climate change, pollution, decreased availability of resources, etc. It can lead to decreased species diversity, lower population sizes and reduced biomass.

One example of regression is the extinction of many species of animals and plants as a result of climate change and changes in ecosystems. For example, as a result of global warming, many species of animals and plants that lived in temperate latitudes have been forced to migrate to warmer regions where they cannot survive.

However, regression is not always a negative thing. In some cases, regression can lead to the emergence of new species and forms of life that may be more adapted to new conditions. For example, many species of bacteria and fungi that survived nuclear war became more resistant to radiation.

In general, regression is a natural process that occurs in all living systems. However, it can have negative consequences for the environment and for life on Earth. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to prevent regression and preserve biological diversity.