
Rehabilitation is the process of recovery from illness or injury. It includes various treatment methods such as physiotherapy, massage, exercise therapy, as well as psychological support.

Rehabilitation is necessary so that the patient can return to normal life and work. It helps restore body functions, improve quality of life and prevent the development of complications.

It is important to begin rehabilitation as early as possible to avoid further complications and speed up the recovery process. Rehabilitation programs can be individual or group, depending on the patient's condition and needs.

In conclusion, rehabilitation is an important step in the treatment of many diseases and injuries. She helps patients return to full life and work, which is key to their well-being and quality of life.

Rehabilitation is a set of measures aimed at restoring or compensating for impaired abilities for everyday, professional, and social activities.

Rehabilitation is carried out both at the outpatient clinic and at the inpatient stage of treatment. It includes medical, professional and social rehabilitation.

Medical rehabilitation is carried out in medical institutions and includes various treatment methods such as physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage, acupuncture and others.

Vocational rehabilitation is aimed at restoring the patient’s ability to work and includes training in new skills and professions, as well as assistance in finding a job.

Social rehabilitation is aimed at integrating the patient into society and includes assistance in adapting to new living conditions, teaching self-care skills, and assistance in solving social problems.

In general, rehabilitation is an important stage in the treatment of many diseases and injuries, and its implementation can significantly improve the quality of life of patients and increase their social adaptation.